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Berkey vs AquaTru Water Filters: Tap Score Test Results Revealed

While municipal tap water in the US undergoes treatment to eradicate pathogens, risky contaminants still persist post-processing. Industry experts estimate over 80,000 synthetic chemicals see common use – many that end up infiltrating waterways [1]. The unfortunate outcome is detectable levels of heavy metals, pesticides, carcinogens and more flowing from household faucets, as annual testing repeatedly confirms…

The Startling State of Tap Water Hazards

Reviewing reputable water quality reports reveals the disturbing reality of what‘s present even after intensive municipal disinfection and filtration methods.

The Environmental Working Group‘s 2022 analysis of 50 major US cities found 93 contaminants identified collectively [2]. Detected threats included:

  • Toxic heavy metals – lead, arsenic, chromium, etc
  • Chlorination byproducts
  • Unregulated chemicals
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Hormones, pharmaceuticals

Adverse effects linked to consuming these common water pollutants include:

  • Cancer – bladder, rectal, breast, etc
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Neurological damage
  • Developmental issues
  • Infertility, preterm birth

What‘s especially alarming are diseases rates continuing to grow year over year even with modern water treatment:

  • Bladder cancer incidence up 20% since start of century
  • Colorectal cancer rates rising steeply among younger adults
  • Pediatric cancers increasing at 1% yearly

While not the only variable, toxic tap water likely contributes to worsening public health. It emphasizes the pressing need for protective in-home solutions like Berkey and AquaTru…

Gravity Filtering Overview – How Berkey and AquaTru Work

As covered earlier, both the Berkey and AquaTru systems utilize gravity-powered filtration to cleanse water of impurities and contaminants without electricity or water pressure. But how does this actually work?

Gravity filters operate on a straightforward mechanism:

  1. Untreated water is poured into the upper chamber and flows down through porous internal media. This trap particulates, parasites, chemicals, heavy metals and more while permitting clean water passage.

  2. Purified water emerges into the lower holding chamber without pumps or electric power required. Just the natural force of gravity!

Filter media composition does vary between models though, which impacts real-world performance…

Berkey Filter Tech

The hallmark of Berkey systems is its specialized Black Berkey filters made from a proprietary blend of granular carbon, ion exchange resins and other components. This secret formula optimizes for capturing heavy metals and chemicals without impeding flow rate.

The high-grade coconut shell carbon provides tremendous porous surface area for adsorbing impurities while the mineral balls remove soluble metals via ion exchange. Flow rate is 20 gallons per day.

Berkey Filter Diagram

Berkey Utilizes Proprietary Black Berkey Filters; Image Source: Berkey

AquaTru Filter Tech

Unlike Berkey‘s loose media blend, the AquaTru relies on a compressed solid carbon block filter infused with ion exchange resin beads. Water flows through tiny pores in the dense carbon medium, which traps contaminants through adsorption and ion capture.

This compact cartridge filter achieves faster flow rates of around 30-50 gallons per day. However, the fixed block design may lose efficacy over time as binding sites get exhausted.

AquaTru Filter Diagram

AquaTru Uses Solid Carbon Block Filter Enhanced With Ion Resin

Both models utilize effective filtration science. But how do they compare when put to the test?

Overview of Tap Score Trials

Tap Score Test Parameters

Contaminant Starting Concentration Health Impact
Total Chlorine 2.26 mg/L Toxic byproduct, gut flora impact
Free Chlorine 0.75 mg/L Respiratory, skin, eye irritant
Total Trihalomethanes 40 μg/L Carcinogenic, liver, kidney, reproductive harm
Bromoform 22 μg/L Possible human carcinogen, linked with kidney disease
Chloroform 0.92 μg/L Probable human carcinogen, liver, kidney toxicity
Uranium 11 μg/L Toxic heavy metal, radioactive, renal toxicity

Tap Score Results Summary

Filter Total Cl Free Cl TTHM Bromoform Chloroform Uranium
Untreated 2.26 0.75 40 22 0.92 11
Berkey ND ND 1 <1 <1 <1
AquaTru ND ND <2 <2 <1 1.1

** ND = Non-detectable

Performance Analysis and Implications

Reviewing the pre and post-treatment lab data makes immediately evident how potently both the Berkey and AquaTru remediate common water contaminants. However, some subtle outperformance can be observed from the Berkey system based on the granular results.

Uranium Reduction

The Berkey filtrate scored marginally better for removing the radioactive heavy metal uranium – achieving sub 1 μg/L concentrations compared to 1.1 μg/L from the AquaTru.

While uranium regulated in public water systems, repeated exposure to elevated levels raises health concerns like kidney toxicity and cancer risk. Berkey‘s slightly superior uranium

Chlorine Elimination

Both models scored perfectly by diminishing total and free chlorine down past detectable limits. This is pivotal for gut health and microbiome balance.

Chlorine residuals can destroy probiotic bacteria through oxidative damage of cell membranes and DNA [3]. Minimizing chlorine prevents depletion of beneficial flora.

Trihalomethane & Bromoform Reduction

Hazardous chlorination byproducts like trihalomethanes and bromoform saw profound reduction by both systems. However, the Berkey again outperformed on these parameters – reaching 1 μg/L trihalomethane versus AquaTru‘s <2 μg/L.

Long-term trihalomethane exposure risks serious liver dysfunction, reproductive issues, and cancer. Their near complete removal is central to a properly functioning water filter.

The Verdict

While the Berkey and AquaTru scored closely across most test criteria, the Black Berkey elements proved superior at extracting trace heavy metals based on the results. This can be attributed to the loose particulate media design that optimizes surface contact as water percolates slowly through the blend over hours.

The AquaTru‘s rapid flow through the compressed carbon block likely accounts for its slightly less complete removal of uranium and other dissolved contaminants. However, its solid cartridge format allows for high 30-50 gallon daily throughput.

Ultimately both filters achieve exceptional filtration, just through somewhat different technologies. Your needs will dictate which offers the best fit…

Cost Comparison

When evaluating gravity water systems, it‘s prudent to analyze long-term costs in addition to just upfront purchase prices. Key aspects that contribute to ongoing ownership spending include:

  • Base system cost
  • Replacement filter MSRP
  • Filter capacity and change frequency
  • Prefilter additions
  • Cleaning supplies/test kits

Let‘s break these down line-by-line…

System Cost

  • Berkey – $335+ (Big Berkey)
  • AquaTru – $323

Fairly comparable initial builder prices between the two.

Filter Cost

  • Berkey – $120 (pair Black Berkeys)
  • AquaTru – $89

Slight pricing advantage to AquaTru on the consumable elements.

Filter Capacity

  • Berkey – 6,000 gallons (3 years)
  • AquaTru – 1,500 gallons (1 year)

Here Berkey filters have 4X total lifetime volume.


  • Berkey – Replace every 3 years (standard)
  • AquaTru – Replace annually

Account for lost water production if replacing preemptively.


  • Berkey – $150 (fluoride kit)
  • AquaTru – $125 (chloramine kit)

Optional targeted prefilter kits cost extra on either system.

Cleaning Costs

  • Berkey – $12 (brush kit)
  • AquaTru – $20 (puriclean solution)

Plan for recommended cleaning regimen expenses.

Total 5 Year Cost Comparison

System Hardware Filters Cleaning Total
Berkey $335 $360 (3) $60 $755
AquaTru $323 $445 (5) $100 $868

Takeaway – While seemingly less expensive upfront, factoring in ongoing filter & cleaning costs over a 5 year period actually gives advantage to the Berkey system. This highlights the value of their long-lasting Black Berkey media.

Conclusion & Recommendations

Evaluating the detailed test results makes clear that both Berkey and AquaTru achieve praise-worthy water filtration, considerably enhancing tap water safety. However, Black Berkey elements edge out AquaTru blocks for removing heavy metal traces based on granular lab data.

For shoppers deciding between brands, consider:

Berkey Recommended If:

  • Maximum contaminant removal is critical
  • Water source contains heavy metals
  • Seeking off-grid/emergency preparedness
  • Budget optimized over long-term

AquaTru Recommended If:

  • Modern countertop aesthetic preferred
  • Quickly filling large volume recipes/demands
  • Cartridge format preferred over loose media cleaning

While marginally lagging performance-wise, the AquaTru system still produces perfectly healthy, purified water at an affordable price point. It comes down to individual priorities around contaminants present, throughput needs and visual appeal.

Regardless, adoptinggravity filtration makes a profound risk reduction impact for your household versus straight tap water. Bravo to both brands for outstanding innovation advancing home water safety!
