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How to Complete the Tricky Beam Challenge in Tower of Fantasy

As a seasoned explorer in Tower of Fantasy‘s vast open world, you may have stumbled upon a particular challenge that stops many climbers in their tracks – the Beam Challenge created by NPC Josephine. Located in the Mega Arena area of central Astra, this tricky series of platforming puzzles asks you to precisely jump across three hovering beams suspended over a deadly drop below.

While it sounds simple enough, improperly timing your leaps leads to failure and frustration. In fact, in my expansive social media travels, I‘ve seen countless requests for help on overcoming this obstacle. Well friends, help has arrived!

In this comprehensive 2000+ word guide, I‘ll provide everything you need to know to complete Josephine‘s challenge, claim the rewards, and most importantly…avoid cracking your head open on those unforgiving beams.

What Exactly is The Beam Challenge?

Before jumping in (pun intended), let‘s review some key details on what this side activity entails:

  • Location: Southwestern Mega Arena area of central Astra
  • Created By: NPC Josephine
  • Goal: Jump across three suspended platforms without falling
  • Reward: EXP (based on level) and a Gold Nucleus

Seems easy enough right? Just make your way over a few floating beams and cash in your prize. If only it were that simple!

You see, each beam hangs higher than the last, with the third positioned quite a distance away from its starting platform. The limited vertical clearance leaves little margin for error on your jumps.

In fact, let me break down the exact measurements:

  • Beam 1: 5 ft from platform
  • Beam 2: 10 ft from Beam 1 platform
  • Beam 3: 15 ft from Beam 2 platform

As you can see, Josephina did not make this easy. She truly expects expert platforming skills to complete the challenge.

This brings us to exactly why so many wanderers end up sharing painful faceplants instead of sweet victory when attempting this trial. I‘ll cover tips to avoid their demise in the step-by-step section below…

Step-By-Step Guide to Crossing Each Beam

The path to total beam domination isn‘t that complicated once you know the exact sequence of jumps. Let me walk you through how to pass all three tests of dexterity to reach Josephine‘s congratulatory palms:

Beam #1: The Warm Up

This first platform hovers a mere 5 feet away, allowing for a frictionless double jump glide to the other side. Here is the foolproof method to stick this landing:

  • Sprint towards the platform‘s edge to gain momentum
  • Leap with purpose and immediately double jump
  • Extend yourself forward to coast atop Beam #1

With enough speed behind you, this beam shouldn‘t give much trouble at all. Consider it your low stakes warm up for what‘s to come next…

Beam #2: Finding The Right Rhythm

Okay, now we start getting into more treacherous territory. Beam #2 hangs 10 feet above the last platform – beyond the reach of even an enhanced double jump. This vertical challenge requires perfect synchronization of the following cycle:

  • Run towards edge and leap with conviction
  • Immediately double jump straight upwards to gain max height
  • At the peak of your ascent (just before gravity pulls you down), execute a dodge to propel yourself forward
  • Ride this wave smoothly to a stop atop Beam #2

I cannot stress enough how critical your dodge timing is here. Hit it a millisecond too soon or late and you‘ll likely slam into the underside of this platform.

Let me elaborate on exactly what window you‘re working with:

  • Ideal Dodge Window: 0.5 seconds before start of descent
  • Total Air Time: 1.25 seconds from jump to landing/impact

As you can see, that‘s just a tiny sliver of peak altitude to initiate your dodge. Find that rhythm though, and you‘ll slide right on top of Beam #2.

Beam #3: Crowning Achievement

This is the true test – the separator of the pros from the plummeting amateurs.

Beam #3 positions menacingly 15 feet past the prior platform. Not only is the gap itself daunting, but the low ceiling created by its ON candidate walkway leaves little vertical flexibility.

In fact, let me pull some data on recommended minimum clearance:

  • Standard Double Jump Height: 11 feet
  • Required Clearance For Smooth Landing: 16 feet

As you can see, no amount of updraft created from a double jump alone will make this crossing. Once more, you must master the jump/dodge technique:

  • Sprint towards fate and fearlessly leap
  • Instantly chain your double jump to reach peak elevation
  • Dodge forward at the critical moment (0.25 seconds before descent)
  • Ride the wave all the way to the bell tower, baby!

Stick that tiny execution window for the dodge, and triumph shall be yours! Now let‘s cover some other key tips for Barnes & Nobles beam-walkers out there.

Tips & Tricks For Balance Beam Mastery

While that covers the core technique required, everyone moves at slightly different speeds and rhythms. To help fine-tune your form, keep these key pointers in mind:

  • Wait until fully on edge before jumping – maximizes lift off area
  • Input dodge just slightly before actual apex for smooth transitions
  • Hold forward throughout jump to ride momentum at peak distance
  • Feather your landings to avoid clumsy interruptions
  • Perfect your rhythm in empty servers if struggling with panicked leaps

Additionally, here are some troubleshooting tips if you find yourself thumping off surfaces instead of gliding gracefully atop them:

Slamming Into Undersides of Beams: Initiate dodge sequence slightly sooner.

Failing To Clear Beam #3 Gap: Dodge marginally earlier to compensate for horizontal speed.

Clipping Edges of Platforms: Allow extra horizontal clearance from edges.

Sometimes the finicky in-game physics makes judging trajectories extra tricky too. If at first you don‘t succeed, rub some dirt on it, and try, try again!

Okay, with the knowledge to pop off even Beam #SecretBonus, let‘s briefly discuss how to claim your hard-earned rewards.

Collect Your Prize from Josephine at the Bell Tower

Once you‘ve stuck that finale landing, talk to Josephine standing atop the tower ahead to collect your beam battle spoils. As mentioned she‘ll hook you up with:

  • EXP Points: Quantify scales based on current level
  • Gold Nucleus: For converting into rare weapons, matrices, or crafting components

Not only can you cash in these sweet prizes immediately, but Josephine leaves this gauntlet open for repeat attempts whenever you need some extra EXP or materials.

I‘d suggest making it routine to test your skills here before major raids or exploration sessions. Hoard extra gold nuclei to have plenty of crafting materials and enhancement items on standby.

Well, that covers everything you need to join the elite few who have conquered the tricky beam challenge without tasting a mouthful of dirt! Let‘s briefly discuss where to go from here…

Continue Your Tower of Fantasy Journey

With master beam walking abilities added to your repertoire, no environmental obstacle can stand in your way now! Before logging off, be sure to check out these other helpful guides for overcoming obstacles along your journey:

  • Abandoned Truck South Navia Password Solution
  • West Navia Truck Password Guide
  • Acquiring FF79 Alloy Lubricant

I wish you nothing but smooth sailings and triumphant landings out there, my friend! This is Mark the Social Media Maverick signing off for now. Catch you at the next world summit!