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Who is Baby Alien? An In-Depth Profile of the Gen Z Comedian and Hip-Hop Artist

Baby Alien is a 22-year-old comedian and hip-hop artist who has taken Gen Z by storm. Born with dwarfism caused by growth hormone deficiency, he could have easily been held back by bullying and exclusion. Instead, Baby Alien has not only embraced his differences but built an entertaining brand and powerful platform rooted in confidence, humor, and positivity.

In this comprehensive profile, we’ll explore who Baby Alien is, how he succeeded in leveraging social media, what he advocates for, and why he’s become a role model for millennials and Gen Z alike.

The Origin Story: Overcoming Bullying and Embracing “Baby Alien”

Baby Alien was born Yabdiel Cotto in 2000 in the United States. Not much is known publicly about his early life, except that he faced significant bullying growing up as a little person. The name “Baby Alien” actually originated from people making fun of his appearance and dwarfism.

Rather than let the bullying get to him, Baby Alien took ownership of the name. As he told FanBus in a viral 2020 interview,

"The name Baby Alien was given to me by people trying to make fun of me. I took that name, embraced it, and it’s just become a part of me."

Baby Alien’s attitude of embracing his differences would go on to define his influencer brand. But first, he had to overcome prejudice and be given a platform to showcase his talents.

The FanBus Interview That Launched His Career

Baby Alien first entered the public eye in 2020 when he appeared as a guest on YouTube show The FanBus. The FanBus interviews various celebs, internet personalities, and influencers in a casual setting.

In his interview, Baby Alien spoke candidly about living with dwarfism, being bullied growing up, and learning to accept himself. He emphasized that despite the challenges, he doesn’t let his disabilities define him:

"Don’t let your situation that you’re going through determine what you can accomplish in life. I could easily play the victim role and be like ‘I’m short, I have it hard, feel bad for me’. But nah – feel inspired by me."

His earnest words and uplifting attitude earned praise in the comments. Almost overnight, Baby Alien amassed over 600k Instagram followers after the interview went viral.

Building His Brand on Social Media

Since his launch into the public eye, Baby Alien has focused on leveraging social media to grow his fanbase and spread positive messaging, especially for those with disabilities.

With over 800,000 followers on TikTok, Baby Alien has established himself as a Gen Z comedic force. His TikToks showcase his silly sense of humor through skits, jokes, and amusing point-of-view videos. He also frequently posts dancing and lip-syncing videos just being his fun-loving self.

Beyond comedy, Baby Alien uses TikTok to advocate for dwarfism awareness and encourage body positivity. As a role model for young viewers, he demonstrates confidence in spite of looking different.

On Instagram, where Baby Alien boasts over 600k followers, he gives fans a window into his personal life through candid selfies, behind-the-scenes content, and vulnerable captions. As one of the few little people finding fame on social media, he’s proud to break barriers and change perceptions.

“Showing the world that my size doesn‘t determine my heart nor my ability to make BIG moves” – Baby Alien

He also uses the platform to tease new music releases and merch drops for his growing Alien Gang fanbase.

Breaking Into Music With a Message of Positivity

As his online fame grew, Baby Alien began pursuing a hip-hop career, blending his innate humor into upbeat, catchy tracks. He has released songs across YouTube and major streaming platforms.

Tracks like "Cloud 9" incorporate Baby Alien‘s signature punchlines and jokes, delivered with an infectious flow and energy. His lyrics also contain uplifting themes about inner confidence, overcoming self-doubt, and embracing your passions.

They laugh when you‘re different, hey don‘t you get it twisted. Unique is a blessing, yeah you gotta see the vision – Baby Alien, “Cloud 9”

For young fans feeling lonely or depressed, Baby Alien‘s music provides a joyful, inspirational anthem. Even the music video for "Cloud 9" shows Baby Alien proudly embracing his dwarfism without letting bullies get him down.

Advocating for Disability Awareness as a Role Model

While Baby Alien could have easily felt limited by his disabilities, he has instead made it core to his mission to advocate for dwarfism and change perceptions.

He frequently uses his various platforms to speak out against little person discrimination. His humor and confidence demonstrate that those with dwarfism or other differences can accomplish anything they set their minds to.

"Don’t judge a book by its cover. Get to know someone’s personality before judging." – Baby Alien

Baby Alien also strives to be a role model for other little people pursuing their dreams in the public eye. As one of few with dwarfism finding viral fame and success as an influencer, his presence helps combat exclusion in entertainment.

For young fans with disabilities or who feel marginalized in other ways, Baby Alien‘s story can inspire them to overcome bullying, love themselves, and boldly pursue their passions. They see that they too can achieve their dreams, no matter what the world may think.

The Key Takeaways: Confidence, Humor, and Authenticity

At just 22 years old, Baby Alien has leveraged social media to not only build a mass following, but also share a message of confidence and self-love. So what lessons can aspiring influencers and entrepreneurs learn from his success?

Have confidence even if you‘re different. Baby Alien refuses to be held back by other‘s perceptions. He boldly puts himself out there.

Lead with humor and joy. Baby Alien wins fans over with his infectious charm and humor both online and in music.

Be sincere and authentic. He speaks openly about personal struggles, not sugarcoating the ups and downs.

Leverage your uniqueness. He stands out by embracing his dwarfism rather than hiding it.

Spread positivity. His uplifting attitude and lyrics inspire fans.

Don‘t be afraid to stand up to bullies. Baby Alien calls out discrimination and judgement.

For Gen Z searching for acceptance, Baby Alien‘s confidence, humor, and advocacy offer a much-needed role model. He proves that no matter who you are, you can embrace your uniqueness, conquer social media, and make your voice heard.