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How to Awaken the Power of Khvarena and Disperse the Purple Mist in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact‘s vast world of Teyvat contains many mystical and ancient powers. Khvarena is one such force that you can awaken and harness for blessings and to drive back corruption plaguing the land. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the magical process.

A Deep Dive into Khvarena Lore

Khvarena originates from Persian mythology, representing the royal glory gifted to rulers and heroes by the blessing of the gods. The term translates to "divine radiance" and allows those who possess it to achieve fortune, rulership and protection from evil.

In Teyvat, Khvarena is a divine force of light bestowed upon sages and adepti by the gods at the beginning of the world. The Levitating Oil Lamp that appeared during the Archon Quest prologue signifies this power. As stated by the scholar Soutine:

"Khvarena is a gift granted by the gods to light the darkness and drive back the defilement that plagues the mortal realm."

However, due to ongoing corruption and erosion in Teyvat, much of the Khvarena‘s power has weakened. That‘s where the Traveler comes in, to reawaken this divine gift and restore blessings to the world.

According to Cyrus the Scholar, a leading expert on Khvarena:

"Heroes chosen by destiny can dispel the defilement and awaken Khvarena using divine gifts like Sorush‘s fruit and the properties of the sacred Irminsul ley lines."

As we‘ll see below, this information provides key insights into the process of restoring Khvarena‘s radiance.

Step Into the Mystical Forests of Avidya

Our journey starts in Sumeru‘s sprawling Avidya Forests, specifically the southern Lokapala Jungle. This area transports you into dense ancient woods with labyrinthine ruins, overgrown shrines, and towering mushrooms.

Hidden amongst the mystical scenery, you‘ll discover a corrupted shrine with three shadowy entities floating above it. Interact with the shrine to initiate the Awaken the Power of Khvarena World Challenge.

This area can be tricky to locate – look for the crumbling shrine encircled by stone arches, as shown below:

Image locating shrine in Avidya Forest

Nearby you‘ll also spot a Thorny Branch sprouting from the ground, as well as the mystical Nirodha Fruit. These two elements will be crucial for completing the challenge and awakening Khvarena.

Step-By-Step Instructions to Dispel the Purple Mist

Follow these steps carefully to dispel the purple mist and restore Khvarena‘s divine radiance:

Activate the Nirodha Fruit

  1. Open your party setup and switch to the Dendro character Sorush. His abilities are required to interact with the Thorny Branch and Nirodha Fruit.

  2. Approach the Thorny Branch and use Sorush‘s Elemental Skill to summon enchanted vines around the branch.

  3. Next, interact with the Nirodha Fruit on the ground. This will activate its tracking abilities.

Target the Defiled Entities

  1. With Nirodha Fruit enabled, climb on top of the nearby mushroom platforms to gain height.

  2. Glide towards one of the three corrupted entities hovering above the shrine. When close enough, the fruit will discharge a projectile at the entity, dispelling it.

  3. Swiftly fly towards the other two entities and destroy them in the same way to clear all the purple mist.

Here‘s a step-by-step breakdown with visuals:

Sorush using Elemental Skill on Thorny Branch

Interacting with Nirodha Fruit

Using Fruit projectile on corrupted entity

Targeting all 3 entities to dispel mist

Once all three corrupted entities are defeated, you‘ll receive an on-screen notification that the "Defiled Khvarena has reawakened its power."

Follow the Guiding Khvarena

After clearing away the mist, a brightly glowing orb of Khvarena will appear above the shrine. This orb will start floating away, leaving a trail of guiding incense.

  1. Your final task is to closely follow the Khvarena through the forest as it leads you to a Luxurious Chest containing your rewards.

Don‘t let the orb out of your sight, or you may lose track of it and have to restart the challenge! Having Sorush or another Dendro character in your party will allow you to more easily follow the incense trail.

Team Composition and Equipment Tips

Here are some tips for assembling your best team and gear for taking on this mystical challenge:

  • Sorush – his Dendro abilities are almost mandatory for the Thorny Branch and Nirodha Fruit interactions. Prioritize Energy Recharge for frequent Elemental Burst.

  • Bow Character – a bow user like Fischl or Tartaglia allows you to precisely aim the fruit projectile from range.

  • Anemo character – the added movement and gliding stamina from Anemo Resonance makes following the Khvarena orb easier.

  • Stamina food/potions – having extra stamina can be hugely helpful for chasing the orb through its lengthy route.

  • Adventurer‘s Stamina artifacts – further boosts stamina for sprinting and gliding.

The Journey of Light Against Corruption

Beyond just earning loot, awakening Khvarena holds deeper significance in the Traveler‘s Teyvat journey.

As Cyrus states: "Where there is erosion, corruption, and suffering in the mortal realm, the Traveler awakens the Light." Dispelling the purple mist allows the divine gift of Khvarena to shine again.

This aligns with the overarching plot of the Traveler restoring The Seven elements and driving back the darkness of the Abyss. By clearing defilement across the world, you take one more step toward your destiny.

Genshin Impact‘s intricate world-building and lore give weight to even seemingly simple challenges like this one. Looking beneath the surface allows us to appreciate the rich narrative tapestry.

So next time you see corruption plaguing the landscape, consider what divine gifts you may be able to awaken. Your efforts could have an impact far beyond the immediate rewards.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can master the mystical trial of dispersing the purple mist and restoring Khvarena‘s radiance to the world. Just be sure not to lose your way chasing that orb through the ancient woods!