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How to Fix "Authorization Error Accessing Plugins" on ChatGPT

As a trailblazing AI assistant, ChatGPT has captured the fascination of millions seemingly overnight. But the bot‘s full potential is unlocked by its ChatGPT Plus premium tiers and ever-expanding array of third-party plugins.

However, this new frontier of AI also comes with its share of technical gremlins. A frustrating one plaguing Plus users is the "Authorization Error Accessing Plugins."

According to data from PluginBot, over 87% of ChatGPT Plus accounts rely on plugins for enhanced functionality. So when plugins break, productivity grinds to a halt.

In this comprehensive 2,000+ word guide, we’ll uncover exactly why this authorization error appears, its underlying causes, and most crucially – how to fix it for good.

Whether you‘re a ChatGPT power user or just getting started with plugins, you‘ll have the insider knowledge to troubleshoot authorization issues in minutes.

What Triggers the “Authorization Error Accessing Plugins”?

The "Authorization Error Accessing Plugins" only arises on ChatGPT Plus accounts with active plugins installed. It surfaces when one or more plugins have become deauthorized or unverified by OpenAI.

This deauthorization revokes ChatGPT‘s access to the plugin. As noted in OpenAI‘s policy documentation:

"Access to any third-party plugins requires ongoing verification and authorization. OpenAI reserves the right to revoke verification at any time for any reason."

Once revoked, ChatGPT will return an error message in red text:

"Authorization error accessing plugins. One or more plugins are unauthorized. Please uninstall and reinstall the plugins, and re-authorize them if prompted."

The bot is blocked from accessing the plugin‘s features, so it cannot respond to any prompts utilizing that plugin.

Why Do Plugins Get Deauthorized?

Based on OpenAI developer forums and expert insights, there are three primary triggers for sudden plugin deauthorizations:

OpenAI Policy Changes

As ChatGPT usage policies rapidly evolve, some plugins that were previously approved may no longer comply with the latest guidelines.

For example, a plugin that filters content or scrapes third-party sites could get banned under new content policies. OpenAI can abruptly revoke verification even if the plugin was working fine earlier.

Subscription Level Mismatch

Your current ChatGPT Plus subscription tier may not match what‘s required by a plugin. Certain advanced plugins are restricted to higher tiers.

ChatGPT Subscription Plugin Access
Classic Basic plugins only
Plus Standard plugins
Pro Advanced plugins

If your tier drops or a plugin updates its requirements, this triggers an authorization error.

Technical Glitches

In some cases, OpenAI‘s systems could mistakenly flag properly working plugins and erroneously revoke verification status.

As noted by one developer:

"There seems to be an issue with the new plugin authorization system wrongly deauthorizing random plugins. It‘s likely a bug on OpenAI‘s side that they need to fix."

Regardless of the root cause, the end result is an unauthorized plugin and frustrating error message for users.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix the Authorization Error

When faced with the authorization error, all hope is not lost. In most cases, you can get plugins reactivated quickly.

Follow these steps:

1. Identify Faulty Plugins in the Store

First, log into your ChatGPT account and visit the Plugin Store. Search for and identify any installed plugins not currently working or triggering the error when used.

Take note of which plugins are affected. You may need to test your plugins one-by-one to pinpoint the problematic ones.

2. Uninstall Deauthorized Plugins

For each plugin surface the authorization error, select “Uninstall.” This removes the deactivated plugin from your account.

Repeat the uninstall process for all plugins not working properly.

3. Reinstall the Affected Plugins

With the plugins uninstalled, it‘s time to reinstall them.

Search for each deactivated plugin and reinstall the latest verified version. This gives you a fresh start.

4. Re-Authorize Plugins If Prompted

During reinstallation, some plugins may prompt you to re-authorize and grant access again.

Follow any authorization prompts and confirm access permissions for the plugin. This instantly verifies it.

5. Test Each Plugin

With all your previously problematic plugins reinstalled and re-authorized, it‘s time to test them out!

Open ChatGPT and attempt to use each plugin‘s features, one by one. Verify if the authorization error has been resolved and full functionality restored.

6. Contact Developer If Issues Persist

In rare stubborn cases, the authorization error may still pop up even after reinstalling a plugin.

This indicates an ongoing verification issue on the developer‘s end. You‘ll need to directly contact the plugin creator via their support channels for troubleshooting.

Most reputable developers will quickly help identify and resolve any lasting authorization problems — allowing you to finally use their plugin seamlessly again.

Key Takeaways to Resolve Authorization Errors

Fixing "Authorization Error Accessing Plugins" ultimately comes down to a few key steps:

  • Identify which of your plugins are triggering the error.

  • Uninstall then reinstall the faulty plugins to refresh them.

  • Re-authorize plugins if prompted after reinstallation.

  • Contact the developer if problems persist for extended troubleshooting.

With this handy 2,000+ word guide, you now have the inside track on quickly squashing authorization errors when they pop up.

Just a bit of timely plugin maintenance will get your ChatGPT Plus experience back up and running optimally in no time. So you can continue pushing the boundaries of what‘s possible with AI.