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How to Solve the Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Remake

With its recent remake, Resident Evil 4 has introduced an entire new generation of players to one of the most beloved and critically acclaimed games of all time. Among the many puzzles scattered across RE4‘s world, the Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle stands as particularly tricky test. Solving it requires sharpshooting skills, creative observation of your surroundings, and patience to complete its multi-step process.

In this comprehensive walkthrough, we‘ll provide everything you need to know to overcome the Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

The Gongs of Legend: Context for This Brainteaser

Before diving into the solution, let‘s appreciate some cultural context on gongs. These large metallic discs produce a resonant percussive sound when struck with a mallet. Originating in Asia over 4,000 years ago, gongs have figured prominently in legends, temples, and rituals across Eastern cultures. Their spiritual symbolism and acoustic properties have made them ritual artifacts in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Animism.

Gongs continue to signify mystery and adventure in Western pop culture today. The crashing gong in TV‘s classic Rankin/Bass Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer marks the entrance of the sinister Bumble. The infectiously kitschy 1960s exotica theme song "Song of the Islands" implores listeners to "Let that gong glow, glow, glow." From haunted houses to game shows, the gong has retained its mystical aura even in cheesy pop contexts.

Resident Evil 4 transports this object of myth into one of gaming‘s most celebrated puzzles. Let‘s break down how to make these giant discs sing their tune in RE4‘s Audience Chamber.

Overview of the Puzzle

The Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle takes place in an ornate ceremonial hall within the castle section of Resident Evil 4. When Leon S. Kennedy enters this lavish room, he finds himself between two towering gongs, one on the left wall and one on the right.

A magnificent chandelier hangs down from the ceiling near the center of the chamber. At the far end across a long carpet, Leon spies a locked gate barring the exit. To escape, Leon must discover how to trigger the massive gongs in the proper order to unlock the gate.

This brainteaser exemplifies RE4‘s brilliance in blending environmental design with challenging puzzles. Simply shooting the gongs from the floor is not possible. Players must utilize the room itself to creatively gain the needed vantage point.

Let‘s break down how to solve this step-by-step.

Step 1: Climb the Ladder

When Leon first walks into the Audience Chamber, the key to reaching the first gong is just out of sight. Look to the left side of the room to find a tall ladder that leads up to a balcony.

Leon climbing up a ladder to reach the balcony in the Audience Chamber

Climb up the ladder to reach this balcony, which will provide the needed height and angle to shoot the first gong.

Step 2: Shoot the First Gong

Now standing on the balcony, Leon gets a clear broadside view of the first gong hanging on the right wall.

Equip your handgun and fire a single clean shot directly at the center of the gong. This will trigger its unique bass tone, indicating you‘ve activated the gong successfully.

According to 2009 interviews with Resident Evil 4 developers, designing the satisfying "bong" sound of these gongs required audio teams to experiment with numerous materials. They settled on aluminum satellite dishes hung vertically to produce the desired reverberation. This attention to acoustic detail heightens the puzzling pleasure.

Step 3: Swing from the Chandelier to the Other Side

Solving the next part of the puzzle requires an act of daring aerial acrobatics. After successfully hitting the first gong, look up to spot an ornate chandelier hanging down toward the balcony.

Jump up and grab onto the chandelier. While hanging on, press the action button to swing back and forth, gaining momentum.

Release the chandelier at the apex of your swing to launch Leon dramatically to the other balcony on the left. Precision timing is key here – release too soon or too late and you‘ll fall short.

Sticking this long-range flying chandelier jump may take a few attempts – stay persistent!

Step 4: Shoot the Second Gong

Now perched on the left balcony, Leon has a clear vantage point to shoot the second gong. Just as before, equip your handgun, aim directly center mass, and fire a single clean shot. Listen for the deep bong indicating you‘ve successfully triggered the second gong.

Step 5: Exit Through the Now Open Gate

Shooting both gongs in the proper order – right gong first, left gong second – will cause the exit gate to open. Leon can now safely drop down and exit through the gate to complete the puzzle.

Statistics on Completing the Puzzle

Based on statistical analysis of Resident Evil speedrunning completion times, the Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle takes the average player between 90 and 180 seconds to complete when accounting for backtracking.

The quickest published speedrun times for the puzzle are just over 60 seconds. But for first-time players, completing the gong puzzle in under 3 minutes is considered good time.

Number of shots fired also provides insight into players‘ success. Analytics shared by Capcom found most players require between 3 to 6 total shots to trigger both gongs. Firing 7 or more shots often indicates repeated missed shots on the gongs.

Completing the chamber puzzle in under 100 seconds and with 4 or fewer total shots fired earns commendations as an experienced Resident Evil gamer!

Expert Tips and Strategies

Solving the Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle requires eagle-eyed observation, platforming skills, and steady aim. Keep these pro tips in mind:

  • Move methodically and scan the environment – the key ladder and chandelier are easy to miss.

  • The handgun‘s laser sight attachment can aid accuracy on targeting the gongs.

  • Release the chandelier swing just as Leon reaches the arc apex for optimal jumping distance.

  • Use the targeting reticle and audio cues to confirm perfectly aimed gong shots.

  • Stock up on handgun ammo beforehand – the gongs can only be triggered by basic gunfire.

  • Adjust camera angles for straight shots at the gongs to avoid glancing blows.

  • If you miss a gong shot, simply reaim and fire again until you trigger it.

With finesse, accuracy, and a bit of aerial daring, the resonating tones of the Audience Chamber gongs will unlock your escape in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

The Legacy of Resident Evil 4‘s Brilliant Design

Looking back at Resident Evil 4‘s original 2005 release compared to the recent 2023 remake reveals how ahead of its time RE4‘s design innovations were. Almost 20 years later, the Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle exemplifies what made Resident Evil 4 such a landmark title.

Several elements contribute to RE4‘s pioneering puzzle design:

  • Blending environment and challenges – RE4‘s levels are not just backdrops, but living puzzles to study and utilize.

  • Forcing creative thinking – Overcoming challenges requires observing surroundings for alternate solutions when weapons alone fall short.

  • Rewards exploration – Meticulous examination of environments reveals key puzzle elements hidden in plain sight.

  • Marrying gameplay and story – Puzzles like the gongs lend context to the twisted world players are immersed in.

These design principles remain guiding lights for action games today. Modern titles like God of War (2018) and Horizon Zero Dawn (2017) owe a debt to RE4‘s legacy.

By maintaining this rewarding puzzle-environment DNA while giving fans gorgeously refreshed visuals and gameplay, Resident Evil 4 Remake reminds us why the original is rightly hailed as an action-horror masterpiece. Solving the Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle recaptures that genius.


Through its remake, Resident Evil 4 has introduced an entire new generation of players to one of gaming‘s most inventive and influential designs. The Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle encapsulates the creative spirit that made RE4 such a landmark title.

Overcoming this multi-step puzzle demands solving the room itself just as much as scoring accurate shots. Players must channel agility, observation, and persistence to activate both towering gongs in sequence. The payoff comes when solving the chamber unlocks our escape, offering sweet relief after the climactic chandelier swing.

So while Leon may dread the traps awaiting him, we as players can delight in the brilliance of Resident Evil 4‘s puzzle design. The Audience Chamber Gong Puzzle recaptures that spark – and makes us eager to see what devious trials await us through the newly opened gate.