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How to Get the Aspect of Splintering Energy in Diablo IV

The Aspect of Splintering Energy is one of the most powerful legendary items sorcerers can obtain in Diablo IV. True to its electrifying name, this amulet empowers the sorcerer‘s Lightning Spear ability with the chance to spawn extra spears upon each cast.

Clearly an item tailor-made for shredding through hordes of foes, unlocking the Aspect‘s formidable potential requires preparation and skill. This guide will take you through conquering the necessary dungeon and provide tips to wield the Aspect of Splintering Energy to obliterate your demonic enemies.

Unlocking the Crumbling Hekma Dungeon

To earn the Aspect amulet, you must complete the Crumbling Hekma dungeon hidden within Omath‘s Redoubt Stronghold located in the Dry Steppes region.

Omath‘s Redoubt is a challenging area teeming with elite enemies, so be adequately leveled and geared before attempting infiltration. A party is highly recommended for better survivability against the Redoubt‘s ruthless demon defenders.

Work methodically through the stronghold eliminating the sub-bosses Until the path to Hekma opens. Fighting your way down the spiral staircase, be vigilant of ambushes from spectral projections emerging from the walls as you descend into the shadowy depths.

Navigating the Treacherous Dungeon

The oppressive chambers of Crumbling Hekma present various deadly traps and non-stop assaults from the exiled demons contained within. Persistent poison gas floods the halls, with some rooms also exposing you to disease and petrification.

Utilize mobility skills and keep antidotes, remedies, and healing potions equipped to endure the dungeon’s pestilent atmosphere. Tactical spellcasting to control crowds helps thin out attackers without being worn down.

Passing several precarious terrain challenges, the central chamber hides the Aspect amulet within Omath’s Dig Site. Clear out the elite guards and thehorrific Flesh Aberration boss before claiming your prize.

Harnessing the Aspect’s Power as a Sorcerer

Once equipped, the Aspect of Splintering Energy awakens, granting a chance for your Lightning Spear to shoot two additional arcs per cast. The extra projectile potential enables battering dense packs and shredding bigger threats faster.

To fully optimize the Aspect, construct your Sorcerer with skills amplifying lightning and area damage. Electrocute, Chain Lightning, and Arc Torrent pair well with the amulet. Storm Armor or Magic Weapon’s Electrify runes also nicely supplement more electricity churning mayhem.

For passives, stack offensive bonuses like Audacity, Glass Cannon, Elemental Exposure, and Paralysis. Though risky, squishier builds sporting the Aspect should kite and re-position while unleashing high damage torrents.

Against singular tough enemies, manually aiming Lightning Spears increases efficiency in directing the split shots. But simply spamming through hordes lets sheer volume overwhelm most foes caught in the sparks.

Maximizing Your Lightning Arsenal

Accentuating the Aspect’s capabilities requires lightning-focused weapons and gear. Weapons granting extra lightning damage or chance to zap are ideal. Prioritize affixes boosting related stats like Lightning Skill Damage, Electrocute Damage, and Lightning Resistance reduction.

Legendary armaments like the Fulminating Void Scepter causing sparks to ricochet between victims can also enhance the Aspect’s area coverage. For helms, hats adding elemental skill bonuses or chance on hitting to spawn AOE blasts nicely supplement extra projectiles.

Conducting an Orchestra of Annihilation

Though once the bane of Omath’s buried foes, the Aspect of Splintering Energy passing to your hands inaugurates a master sorcerer orchestrating symphonies of electrified carnage.

Emboldened by chance dispersing relentless lightning through legions of demons, none can stand before the crashing storm. Let the blistering current course through you, scorching a path towards Diablo himself in a blaze of vengeance.

As the dust settles upon battlefields littered with smoking corpses, only Aspect bearers wield the power to split the heavens and cull hell’s numberless spawn. Its splintering energy yours to command, where will your furious tempest surge next?