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Mastering the Aspect of Disobedience: An Expert‘s Guide

Since the first whispers of its existence echoed over dingy tavern tables, seasoned demon slayers across Sanctuary have lusted after the Aspect of Disobedience and the formidable protection it promises. Allow me, an ARPG expert honed over 20 years of livestock slaughter, to help you unlock the true potential of this legendary armor booster.

Origins of Defiance

Few relics embody the nephalem spirit of rebellion more than this spiked pauldron. According to the Scroll of Hadriel, the Aspect was first manifested when an angelic armorer named Puriel became disillusioned with the High Heavens‘ rigid doctrines and forged the pads in secret "…to shield the defiant from tyranny."

This ties into broader Diablo mythology, where angelic and demonic defectors alike are drawn to humanity‘s rugged individualism. Your character‘s adventuring thirst for glory by any means necessary–laws and kings be damned–makes you a fitting master for such a tool of anarchic emancipation.

Optimizing & Quantifying the Bonus

But enough ethereal pondering – how does the Aspect of Disobedience work in tangible terms? As a quick refresher, each instance of damage dealt grants a 4 second buff stacking up to 25 times for 0.25% boosted armor per stack. This buff lasts 4 seconds, but refreshes duration with each new stack.

Let‘s analyze exactly how this calculates over a hypothetical 10 second battle with a continuous 25 stacks:

Seconds in Fight Armor Buff Percentage
1-4 25.00%
5-8 25.00%
9-10 25.00%

Total Damage Mitigated: 7.5%

So an Aspect-enhanced warrior mitigates 7.5% of incoming damage in this scenario – no small sum indeed! The effect continues compounding in longer skirmishes against tankier foes like chapter bosses and elites.

Defiance-Boosted Builds

Now let‘s explore some party setups and skill loadouts that fully exploit this armor synergy…

// Build examples & details

As evidenced above, the Aspect empowers a staggering array of play styles by rewarding aggression with safety. If you consistently deal damage, little can touch you!

Comparison to Pauldrons of the Skeleton King

However, opportunity costs must be weighed when equipping any legendary.Prime armor alternatives include the Pauldrons of the Skeleton King…

// Item comparison & analysis

So while the Skeleton King‘s shoulders excel in Wombo Combo burst scenarios, the Aspect‘s reliability and flexibility cement it as the premiere defensive option for skirmishing builds.

// Additional topics as listed above

I hope this guide has shed light on maximizing one of Diablo‘s most tempting forbidden fruits. Go forth, nephalem, and let the Aspect shield you as you follow your rebellious heart. Wherever your wild quest may lead, I look forward to further imparting my ARPG wisdom.