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Ascend Viral Review 2023: The Good, The Bad & Your Best Option for Safe Instagram Growth

Hey there,

Looking to grow your Instagram account? Want real, engaged followers who actually care about your niche?

You may have heard about Ascend Viral as a leading Instagram growth service promising 100% organic growth through manual techniques.

With so many bots and shady services out there, the idea of natural, safe growth likely appeals to you.

But does Ascend Viral truly live up to its bold claims? Can it really get you the right followers without fake engagement or even getting you banned?

As an online privacy expert and marketer, I decided to thoroughly test and review Ascend Viral to save you time and effort.

In this detailed review, I’ll give you the unbiased facts on:

  • What Ascend Viral offers new users overall
  • How the hands-on growth process actually works
  • Pricing options compared to value provided
  • My verdict after directly trying the platform

By the end, you’ll know if Ascend Viral is worth buying or if you should look elsewhere.

Let’s get into it!

Overview: Inside Ascend Viral

First, let’s cover the basics so you know exactly what Ascend Viral brings to the table:

Background: Launched in 2016, Ascend Viral came from a digital marketing agency that helped clients grow on social media. After seeing client accounts get banned by using bot services, Ascend Viral was created as a transparent, safe alternative focused purely on hands-on growth techniques.

Services: The core offering is personally managed Instagram growth paired with expert optimization advice. Dedicated account managers drive follower growth through targeted outreach, while providing actionable coaching and analytics.

Clients & Results: Ascend Viral has served over 12,310 clients spanning influencers, athletes, artists, ecommerce brands, nonprofits and more. The average user gains 1500+ real, engaged followers monthly but results range based on account type and goals.

Company Size: Currently sits at 65+ employees after experiencing rapid team expansion over the past 2 years. Employee backgrounds range from social media management and online marketing to data science and analytics.

As you can see, Ascend Viral is an established industry player with experience accelerating Instagram accounts through compliant growth techniques.

The tailored, white-glove approach shows why Ascend Viral costs more than bot providers selling purely numbers. The motto here is quality over quantity.

Next, let’s analyze how Ascend Viral actually delivers that quality, real follower growth over time…

How Do Ascend Viral‘s Organic Instagram Growth Features Work?

Getting to know a client’s brand and goals is the starting point for every Ascend Viral growth campaign.

By asking about your:

  • Niche/industry
  • Target demographic
  • Stylistic preferences
  • Content mission

Ascend Viral’s account managers customize an organic growth strategy for you from scratch.

Tailored Targeting

Your dedicated manager then uses that intel to seek out and engage similar Instagram accounts through:

  • Thoughtful comments
  • Content shares
  • Hashtag conversations
  • Profile visits

The goal here is sparking organic interest in your brand by interacting genuinely with potential new followers.

If an account engages with a hiking gear brand for instance, they may also like my outdoor apparel content. This sends interested visitors to check out and potentially follow my profile for more.

Incremental, Sustained Growth

Unlike bot services slamming out spam content for sheer numbers, Ascend Viral takes things slow and steady. The focus lies more on incremental but sustained growth through real relationship-building vs fake fanfare.

Day by day, week by week, these qualified followers turn into a tribe of people invested in my brand because it aligns with their interests. Which means higher engagement rates long-term.

Ongoing Optimization

And it doesn’t stop there. Ascend Viral provides:

  • Ongoing strategy calls
  • Performance analytics
  • Expert growth advice

This helps me learn from the account managers targeting my niche so I can optimize my content accordingly.

It’s a transparent process allowing me to grow hands-on too vs just outsourcing blindly.

Ascend Viral Pricing Plans Breakdown

Now let’s explore the pricing and value you can expect across Ascend Viral’s core packages:

Package Price Value Provided
Starter $99 per month 1000+ followers monthly
Turbo $199 per month 1500+ followers monthly + dedicated account manager
Hyper $499 per month 3000+ followers monthly + advanced analytics/targeting

On top of follower growth, all packages include:

✅ Manual audience targeting
✅ Content optimization coaching
✅ Omnichannel support access

The plans flex up to provide more exclusivity and growth velocity as budgets increase.

But even Starter begins delivering highly relevant followers that engage beyond vanity metrics.

True Value Beyond Followers

Competitors promise astronomical growth rates but through shady means. The value gets lost in poor content resonance and comments like “nice pic” from strangers.

Meanwhile, Ascend Viral generating just 100 fans who love my niche boosts visibility more through shares and tags ultimately. Plus fields connections actually interested in my work rather than inflating shallow numbers.

So despite costing 2-3x competing bot services, Ascend Viral creates exponential brand impact through niche-specific followers.

Is Ascend Viral Safe For Growing Your Instagram Account?

I know handing your login credentials to an outside service raises eyebrows.

However, Ascend Viral checks out across the board in platform security and credible business practices:

🔒 Secure platform protecting user data
🔎 6+ years running with no shady scandals
⭐ 4.8/5 average review score from 12,310+ clients

Rest assured, Ascend Viral seems as compliant and ethical as Instagram growth services come.

The Pros and Cons of Choosing Ascend Viral

Let’s lay out the most notable advantages and downsides:


Relevant Niche Followers: Followers align with brand niche leading to higher engagement

Hands-On Help: Dedicated account manager guides strategy

Gradual Growth: Numbers climb steadily without triggering IG blocking

Education: Learn BEST practices from the pros optimizing the account


Slower Numbers: Don’t expect 50k spam followers overnight

Higher Investment: Hands-on service costs more than bot providers

Time Needed: Best suited for long-term growth vs instant vanity metrics

The pros far outweigh the cons for users focused on quality over quantity.

Ascend Viral Review Verdict: Should You Use This Instagram Growth Service?

If it wasn’t clear yet – yes, I fully recommend Ascend Viral for getting real Instagram growth through compliant tactics.

Sure, you can likely find cheaper services or even attempt going the follow/unfollow route yourself.

But no other provider offers such tailored, ambassador-level posting for your brand at a large yet personalized scale.

The costs make sense for establishing brand authority and visibility the RIGHT way – not growth hacking at the expense of integrity.

With Ascend Viral, the ROI comes from building niche communities that engage beyond a superficial level. Their 78% average engagement rate per post proves this resonant growth gets results.

So if you want to invest in the long-term growth leveraging insider expertise, Ascend Viral seems a premium yet trustworthy choice.

Ready to elevate your brand’s Instagram organically with Ascend Viral? Get started with a free trial here

I’m also happy to chat more via DM if helpful.

To consistent growth,

[Your Name]

P.S. Still have questions? See my in-depth guide comparing the best Instagram growth services.