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How to Get to Artificial Island in Tower of Fantasy: An Expert Wanderer‘s Guidebook

As a longtime fan of anime open world adventures, I was brimming with excitement when Tower of Fantasy announced Version 1.5 would introduce an entire new map region – the enigmatic Artificial Island. Ever since then, I‘ve been utterly engrossed in unpeeling its hidden stories and surviving its overgrown dangers firsthand.

Now having spent over 40 hours thoroughly combing every corner of this abandoned science fantasy paradise, I‘ve distilled my knowledge into the ultimate guide on reaching Artificial Island for the very first time. Consider me your intrepid tour guide across these strange shores!

Origins of the Artificial Island Project

Before embarking, some backstory on this manmade marvel is in order. As revealed through recovered audio logs around the landscape itself, Artificial Island was originally envisioned in the 2030s as an aquatic utopia merging cutting-edge geoengineering with crypto-powered governance models under the tagline "Silicon Valley meets Atlantis".

Housing pioneers would contribute to establishing infrastructure like power grids, plumbing and transit in exchange for ownership stakes via smart contracts. Societal policies were encoded into decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) designed to dynamically adapt via machine learning algorithms.

Of course, reality did not match the lofty pitch. Funding dried up after early aquatic prototypes failed safety reviews. Rather than scrap the vision entirely however, the undisclosed corporate sponsors made a controversial decision – they opted to secretly continue development under classified government partnerships.

And so over the next decade, Artificial Island took shape as classified zones hosting advanced R&D too dangerous or unethical for mainstream academics. Bioweapons defense systems, reality-warping energy experiments, you name it. But corporate greed and national security obsessions made sure safety and ethics stayed compromised.

The results were sadly predictable. On April 23rd 2046, a series of catastrophes suddenly struck the hidden Artificial Island complexes, turning the high tech facilities into hellscapes of out-of-control technologies. The island quickly tore itself apart amidst warped gravity wells, raging nanite swarms and aggressive crypto-chimeras powered by hijacked CRISPR enzymes.

Within 72 hours, Artificial Island had erased all human inhabitants and autonomous governance models. Yet the runaway disasters stabilized into a deadly environmental equilibrium – leaving the island saturated with exotic materials, energies and artificial lifeforms.

A new exotic biome had emerged, one which a few intrepid Wanderers have only recently gained access to…

Journeying to the Forgotten Island

And that catchup brings us to the present day! Enough history – it‘s time you witnessed the mythic Artificial Island with your own eyes. Just follow these steps to begin your expedition:

Accepting the Mission

Like any good open world side quest, start by having Aida log this operation into your journal via the Rewards menu:

  1. Tap the gift box icon and scroll to Special Operations
  2. Select "Artificial Island" and hit Accept
  3. The mission overview displays – linear steps not required here!

Rendezvous at Banges Docks

Aida sets navigation to meet your oceanic contact at the Banges ferry terminal. I opted for fast traveling there directly from my Warren open world activities.

After the familiar gold teleportation flash, I emerged on a wooden dock adjoining a specially marked hovercraft. The salty ocean breeze felt refreshing after spending days in arid border zones!

And there stood my favorite one-eyed scientist Kolador in his dirt-smudged lab coat, gazing pensively out at the cerulean waves. This quirky NPC almost serves as the player‘s guardian, having rescued them from icy suspended animation early in the game.

Seeing Kolador‘s 3D rendered furrowed brows and awkward stance sparked a mix of comfort and curiosity in me. Just what did he know about today‘s mythical charter trip? I approached him to find out more…

Dialogue with Kolador

A poignant conversation ensues where Kolador admits past regrets over creating Artificial Island‘s data governance foundations that spiraled out of ethical control. As an engineer, I could relate to his inner conflicts on balancing innovation ambitions and societal responsibilities.

"We meet again. Don’t worry, I am back in my lab now…”

After reassuring Kolador, the journey resumed – straight into a blazing golden teleporter flash!

Arriving at Artificial Island

My vision clarified to reveal an endless skyscraper horizon shrouded in foggy overgrowth. Roaming drones lay inactive while metallic vines choked crumbling walls. The sea glimmered purple undertaking the strange floating architecture. This was no tropical paradise but rather a man made atlantis sunk into post-apocalypse!

I stood awestruck taking in the swaying palm trees seamlessly integrated with rusted bionic scaffolds. Schools of bio-luminescent Koi fish passed through canals dotted with active portals spewing energy streams. Far off colossal shapes lumbered through the haze – could those be the dreaded Guardians mentioned in emergency memos?

A sparse synthwave melody began playing, complementing the solarpunk visuals. I literally forgot to breathe for a minute letting the grandiose spectacle wash over me. Far exceeding expectations, Artificial Island manifested as a mesmerizing mirage poised on the edge of digital and organic existence.

This has instantly shot up into my Top 3 aesthetics among all anime open worlds, right next to a certain popular Tevyat realm and the Eden seeds from Spirious. I knew at once this would consume days of awed wandering and white knuckle battles.

That sense of arrival wonder stayed with me even after the decorative introduction sequence faded out. My avatar stood ready to explore at a vine-covered transit down, grasping her resonance powered sword in anticipation.

Thus commenced my days long dive into the depths of this ever surprising scientific artificial island…but more on THAT epic chronicle in my next guide!

For now, stay tuned for further breakdowns on solving Artificial Island‘s arcane puzzles or strategizing against its crimson eyed Guardians. And be sure to comment your own otherworldly arrivals below!