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Complete Guide: How to Unlock Artificial Island Barrier Domes in Tower of Fantasy

Venturing beyond the glittering forcefields of Tower of Fantasy’s enigmatic Artificial Island may seem impossible, but fear not, intrepid explorer! With my comprehensive instructions, you‘ll swiftly bypass all obstructing domes and tap into the valuable assets within.

As a veteran MMO strategist, I‘ve mapped out specialized routes through this ethereal realm – follow my guide to extract its most sublime treasures.nals, maps with coordinates boss attack patterns and traversing between islands

Cracking the Artificial Island‘s Cryptic Code

Unusual energy readings attracted the Chronicles’ eye to this mechanical landmass adrift in the sea. The island‘s segmented zones brim with relics from a lost civilization, tempting visitors with remnants of forgotten high technology.

But what compelled its makers to cordon their creation? 5 nigh-impenetrable barriers seal off over 75% of the island, hinting at revolutionary secrets or exploits guarded within. By collecting Permission Key Cards from hermetic bases across the land, we can pierce the quantum fog and quench our curiosity!

What Precious Spoils Lie Behind Each Dome?

Barrier Dome Rewards Within
Sea Horizon Stand Gold Nucleus, Supply Pods
Listen to Earwyn Island Gold Nucleus, Weapon Upgrade Modules
Diurnal Islet Red Nuclei, Attack/HP Modules
Lumina Lost Island Unique Enemies, Hidden Quests
Temple of the Four Winds Raid Domain, Construction Components

I‘ve decoded diagrams detailing the lost civilization‘s transport network – with some tinkering, we can infiltrate even their most classified outposts. Follow my instructions to collect every Permission Key, then feast your eyes on these long-buried trophies!

Assembling Our Quantum Skeleton Key

We‘ll need to equip some tools before breaking the island’s cryptographic seals. Here‘s what to prepare:

  • 3 Rapid Repair Devices: Obtained by lighting signal flares lost in the sea mists. I‘ve marked their locations on your map.
  • Repair Consumable Tool Set: This portable kit can unlock derelict machines. Purchase it from the wandering Crystal Dust merchant.
  • Institute Key Card: Dropped by Aberrants – violent creatures transformed by the island‘s energy fluxes. We‘ll have to defeat them to obtain this pass.

Got all that? Now we can start breaching barriers!

Step-By-Step Instructions to Unlock All 5 Quantum Barriers

Follow these waypoints precisely to systematically disarm each forcefield:

1. Infiltrate the Research Base

I‘ve pinpointed a defunct teleporter east of the Deserted Water Treatment Plant. Use your Institute Key Card to revive it, then transit to the inactive North Gemini research base.

2. Locate South Gemini‘s Specimen Vault

Take the second transit gate to South Gemini‘s main complex. Scour the central mountain‘s lower tunnels – my scans show a hidden pass we need close by.

3. Loot Tyrone‘s Permission Key Card

Inside a storage crate, you‘ll discover Tyrone‘s security pass. This will grant us access to the institute‘s astronomy emplacement up north.

4. Return Through the Interdimensional Bridge

A shimmering blue gateway on South Gemini provides express travel back to North Gemini. We‘ll head there next.

5. Enter the Sea Horizon Observatory

Use Tyrone‘s pass on the external teleporter to reach this tall peak‘s distant observatory. Slay the guardian Aberrants, then claim Morris‘ key card from a central chest.

6. Collect a Rewarding Gold Nucleus

This observatory also contains a delivery capsule with a Gold Nucleus! Don‘t leave without this sparkling prize.

7. Cross Over to Listen to Earwyn

To continue our expedition, transmit back to the Esturary then sail east to the Island of Pins. From there, employ Morris‘ key card to unlock access to Listen to Earwyn.

8: Plunder Damien‘s Permission Key

Ascend Listen to Earwyn‘s tallest metal tower to discover Damien‘s pass left conspicuously atop a cargo container. How careless!

9. Seize Another Lustrous Gold Nuclea

Peer over Listen to Earwyn‘s south cliffs and you‘ll spy a tantalizing sparkle caught on an outcropping far below. Glide down carefully using your jetpack to snatch this irresistible nucleus!

10. Force Open the Diurnal Research Dome

Only one barrier now hinders us from total island access. Return to the central transit lock, then utilize Damien‘s card to transport to the Diurnal Islet. This dome safeguards the cronstruct‘s most revolutionary (and volatile) experiments…

With all obstacles overcome, the treasures hidden away in this forgotten land now lie at your feet. Claim your rewards, voyager, and unleash long-suppressed secrets that may shake the world to its very core!

Let no puzzle stand unconquered, no stone lie unturned in your quest to command this domain‘s awesome potential. Godspeed in your travels!