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Apple by the Numbers: 34 Stunning Statistics on the Tech Titan

As one of the world’s most valuable public companies, Apple dominates headlines with its astounding financials and iconic product launches. But how vast is its global ecosystem, really?

Let’s explore key Apple statistics covering financial performance, product sales, market share, user demographics, employment, acquisitions, history and more. Whether you’re an investor, marketer or simply an Apple devotee, these trends reveal insightful trends on tech’s towering titan.


  • Apple’s 12-month revenue hit $365.8 billion as of Q3 FY2022
  • iPhone contributes 52% of Apple‘s total revenue
  • Services like App Store and Apple Music now drive 20% of revenue
  • Wearables segment including Apple Watch and AirPods sees 30%+ growth
  • 45% of Apple’s revenue comes from the Americas, with 40% from just the U.S.
  • Apple’s market capitalization has crossed $2.5 trillion


For a tech company, Apple displays remarkable sales growth at scale. Despite its colossal size, Apple continues expanding at a clip most startups would envy.

  • Over the last 5 fiscal years, Apple‘s revenues have nearly doubled – from $200 billion in FY2016 to over $365 billion TTM
  • In FY2021, Apple‘s net income rose a staggering 33% year-over-year to $94.7 billion
  • Apple’s profit margins are supercharged – gross margin is 43.3% and net income margin 25.9% as of Q3 2022
  • In FY2021, Apple spent over $21 billion on R&D – equivalent to 6% of its total revenue

Clearly, Apple’s financial engine is humming perfectly to both generate and reward growth. Apple‘s lineup – especially the cash-spawning iPhone – spins massive profits at enviable margins. Developing innovative hardware and software also receives billions in investment annually.

Next let‘s break down Apple’s performance by key products, starting with the iPhone.

iPhone Sales Metrics

As Apple’s flagship product, iPhone sales account for over half the company‘s total revenue. After 15 years, the world‘s bestselling phone continues gaining buyers.

  • iPhone sales hit $192 billion in revenue for FY 2021, up 33% over previous year
  • In Q1 2022, Apple sold over 71 million iPhones globally
  • There are over 1 billion active iPhones used worldwide as of 2020
  • Historically over 2.2 billion iPhones have been sold since launch in 2007

iPhone 13 series saw roaring sales in 2021, especially during the holiday season. All four iPhone 13 models made Apple’s bestseller list, buoyed by consumers upgrading devices. The new lineup‘s expanded storage, improved battery and refreshed styling proved a winning formula.

Geographically, Greater China remains iPhone’s most critical market after the U.S., contributing billions in annual earnings.

  • Apple has 300+ retail stores in Greater China alone compared to about 270 across U.S. and Canada
  • China delivered nearly 15% of Apple’s global sales in recent quarters

Riding 5G upgrade supercycles across North America, China and India, iPhone sales still have much headroom for growth globally.

iPad Statistics

Benefitting hugely from the remote work and learning spike, Apple saw all-time high iPad sales in 2021.

  • 53 million iPads sold in FY2021, up 40% year-over-year
  • iPad revenue hit sales record of $31.9 billion in FY2021, up 32% over previous year‘s figure
  • iPad accounts for 9% of Apple’s total revenue as of Q3 2022
  • Apple leads the global tablet market with 34.6% market share

Once Apple India starts local assembly, expect more big numbers given untapped demand potential.

Mac Sales Figures

  • 20.3 million Mac units were sold in FY2021 globally
  • Driven by M1 processor adoption and remote lifestyles, Mac sales values rose 35% year-over-year to $35.1 billion in FY2021
  • Mac contributes 10% of Apple‘s total sales as of Q3 2022
  • Research firm Gartner estimates that Apple accounts for nearly 8% of global PC shipments

Wearables – Apple Watch and AirPods

As iPhone sales moderate, Apple is staking its future on newer hardware like smart wearables and accessories. Products like Apple Watch and AirPods are growing rapidly both in units and revenue footprint.

  • Apple sold 33.9 million Apple Watches in 2021, cornering 47.5% market share
  • Since 2015 launch, Apple has sold over 150 million Apple Watch units
  • Apple Watch clocks a yearly revenue run rate of over $30 billion currently
  • Premium Apple Watch Series 7 starts at $399, going up to $1,099 for titanium and ceramic editions
  • Over 200 million Apple AirPods have been sold globally since 2016 launch
  • Tallying 73.8 million units in FY2021, AirPods dominate true wireless hearables segment with 29% market share

We expect Apple‘s wearables segment to continue posting excellent growth in the 30%+ range.

Apple Services Segment

Transitioning from product sales to services, Apple now monetizes its vast installed base through content and cloud subscriptions.

  • Apple services like App Store, Apple Music and iCloud fetched $19.8 billion in Apple‘s FY Q3 2022, up 12% year-over-year
  • As per above quarter, services account for 20% of Apple‘s total sales
  • Apple has over 825 million paid subscriptions across its services portfolio

Apple is pouring billions into building video content to take on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

  • Apple TV+ debuted in 2019 and has won several Emmy awards for shows like Ted Lasso
  • As of early 2022, Apple TV+ boasted about 40 million subscribers globally

Apple Market Share Statistics

Let‘s check Apple‘s global device market share across product categories.


  • Apple has 15% market share worldwide as of Q2 2022 per research firm IDC
  • In Japan, Apple dominates with 50%+ smartphone market share
  • In next largest smartphone market India, Apple has a meager 3% market share as of Q1 2022


  • With 34.6% market share, Apple leads the global tablet space
  • Top competitor Samsung has 19.9% market share as of Q4 2021


  • Apple accounts for nearly 8% of global PC unit shipments
  • Market leader Lenovo has 24% market share


  • With 33% global share, Apple dominates wearables market
  • Apple Watch rules with 47% market share among smartwatches
  • AirPods lead global true wireless hearables market with 29% share

App Store

Per digital intelligence firm Sensor Tower:

  • Apple App Store sees average consumer spend of $138 per iPhone annually vs. close competitor Google Play Store‘s $89
  • TikTok was App Store‘s highest grossing non-game app worldwide in 2021
  • Users spent $85.1 billion in App Store during 2021, up 17.7% over 2020

Apple User Demographics

Based on Apple‘s internal surveys:

  • Only 34% of Apple product users worldwide are male
  • 62% of Apple Watch buyers are first-time customers
  • Over 75% of Apple Watch purchasers also own an iPhone
  • 72% of developers pay to promote their apps on App Store and 63% run Apple Search Ads

Apple wins over younger demographics but loses out to Samsung in older age brackets as per consumer research firm Flurry.

  • 48% of millennials prefer iPhone over Samsung
  • But 65% of Gen X / Baby Boomers favor Samsung over iPhone on average

Millennials are also the top spenders on App Store compared to other age groups.

Apple as an Employer

As of 2022, Apple employs:

  • 154,000 full-time and equivalent employees globally
  • Close to 80% of Apple employees work in retail
  • Apple plans adding 20,000 jobs in the U.S. alone through new campus and office expansion

Let‘s examine two key metrics – gender diversity and average pay.

  • Women comprise 34% of Apple‘s global workforce currently
  • In tech and leadership roles, women‘s representation is 25% and 43% respectively
  • Average income for Apple‘s top 5 highest paid executive officers was $2.54 million each in FY2020

So Apple clearly has room for improvement on pay equity and female representation – especially in technical teams.


To accelerate innovation across hardware, software and services, Apple strategically acquires companies aligned to its future roadmap.

  • On average, Apple acquires a company every 3 to 4 weeks
  • Prominent acquisitions include Intel‘s smartphone modem business, audio company Beats Electronics and video compression firm AuthenTec
  • Apple typically targets smaller startups with unique capabilities to assimilate into various product lines

However, Apple has also declined once-in-a-lifetime deals that came to haunt it later. Case in point:

  • Apple rebuffed Tesla founder Elon Musk‘s offer to sell Tesla for $240 per share in 2013 – a fraction of its $900+ current price!

History and Leadership

Apple‘s legend begins thus:

  • Founded April 1, 1976 in Jobs‘ family garage in Los Altos, California
  • Apple I was the first computer kit, hand-built and sold by Jobs and co-founder Steve Wozniak
  • Angel funding followed in 1977 before going public in 1980
  • Both founders left Apple amidst boardroom turmoil in the mid-1980s
  • Steve Jobs returned in 1996 as advisor, becoming CEO again by 2000
  • Tim Cook succeeded Jobs as CEO in 2011 after the latter resigned due to ill-health

Investor Ownership

Who owns Apple besides marquee funds like Vanguard and BlackRock?

  • As of June 2022, institutional shareholders own 62.55% of Apple stock
  • Among institutional owners, 57.75% of Apple shares are held by funds and financial institutions
  • Another 4.8% Apple stock is owned by hedge funds & insiders

The Road Ahead

Apple shows no signs of slowing down its blistering growth anytime soon. Though iPhone sales are tapering as the market nears saturation, services and wearables promise to unlock the next growth leg.

To court price-conscious emerging markets like India, Apple has started local assembly and retail initiatives. But Samsung still dominates overall thanks to a wider product portfolio spanning price tiers.

Ultimately, Apple’s business model remains very hardware-driven. To push Gross Margins even further, Apple may take decisive steps like buying back semiconductor plants.

And with Metaverse interactivity poised to explode over the next decade, Apple can launch an AR/VR headset to expand its footprint.

As consumers and businesses upgrade devices for 5G and remote productivity needs, Apple is sure to ride multi-year tech refresh cycles. Couple that with Apple‘s expansion into fintech like Buy Now Pay Later, and trillion-dollar valuations look commonplace.

Statistics updated March 2023. Analysis by leading tech industry expert.