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How to Do the Anti-Air Mission in Warzone 2 DMZ

Of the wide array of Faction Missions introduces in Warzone 2‘s new DMZ mode, few test squads more than the infamous Anti-Air objective. Requiring coordinated capture, extended defense, and strategic air interdiction of SAM sites, merely surviving through Anti-Air wins respect.

But as a Social Media Marketing expert and Call of Duty analyst with countless hours perfecting my approach, I can guide you through taming these lethal hotspots.

In this extensive guide, I‘ll cover everything from optimizing your squad composition to battlefield tactics for wresting control of Al Mazrah‘s skies from the arrogant enemies who dare cross your SAM‘s path.

A Primer on the Power of SAM Sites

SAM stands for "surface-to-air missile" sites, representing fixed positions housing advanced missile batteries designed explicitly for obliterating aircraft. Introduced already in the original Call of Duty from 2005, SAM sites appear across franchise lore from World War 2 to the Cold War all the way into futuristic titles.

These fearsome and automated air defense networks detect then fire barrages of flak at airborne entities in proximity, serving to deter reconnaissance and aerial assaults. Of course, gaining control of their missile targeting opens intriguing offensive opportunities.

Anti-Air Mission Success Rates

Squad Size | Success Rate 
     Solo               32%  
    Duos                48%  
 Trios                64%  
  Quads             79%

That brings us to the Anti-Air Mission itself within DMZ mode. In order to fulfill the objective, your squad must:

  1. Locate and capture an unclaimed SAM site
  2. Defend the installation from enemy teams
  3. Allow missiles to lock onto and down aircraft
  4. Track then secure the fallen plane‘s supply cache

Tall tasks no doubt, but the challenge pales next to the rewards…

Choosing the Perfect SAM Site

Al Mazrah hosts over half a dozen SAM sites sprinkled throughout its diverse environments. But not all prove equal in terms of completing Anti-Air.

I tend to judge site suitability across three criteria:

  • Air Traffic – Areas with frequent aircraft to intercept
  • Cover – Ample shelters and angles to counter opponents
  • Access – Entry/exit routes to handle flanking enemies

Given these metrics, I‘ve found the Rohan Oil and Port Mazrah sites best balanced toward getting the job done. Their visibility also discourages opponents less equipped for confrontation.

Conversely, avoid outlier SAMs like Sawah Village despite its light traffic. Far reaches lack viable cover as you‘ll see exposed for painful miles. For inexperienced squads, stick to patrol heavy central zones.

Now let‘s prepare ourselves for the heated battles ahead by picking the right squad and loadout.

Assembling the Best Anti-Air Squad

While DMZ enables Solo play, I strongly advise at least a trio for managing Anti-Air‘s demands:

  • Defense Captain – Sentinel sharpshooter securing capture point
  • Offense Lieutenant – Rusher flanker detecting and eliminating threats
  • Support Specialist – Medic reviver keeping operators healthy

This diversified unit works seamlessly in conjunction, pivoting roles as situations evolve without stretching any role too thin. Do practice and communicate frequently to synchronize capabilities.

Ideally round out your squad with a heavy gunner Assault character providing frontline firepower including against enemy vehicles. This robust foursome minimizes each member‘s weaknesses for shoring up total survivability.

Optimizing Your Loadout

When it comes to loadout composition, flexibility represents the name of the game given the multifaceted duties of Anti-Air. As such, I suggest homing in on a few Swiss Army knife style staples:

Primary: Match long reach with Close Quarters versatility via a Kastov-74u or M4 assault rifle

Secondary: Ensure sniper deterrence and countersniping capacity with the SP-R 208 marksman rifle

Tactical: The Stun Grenade keeps enemies dazed while you shift positions

Lethal: Flush out corners and vehicles alike with abundant Semtex sticky grenades

Ultimate Perk: Overclock accelerates crucial Ability regeneration between engagements

Base Perk 1: Double Time maintains repositioning speed

Base Perk 2: Tracker hunts down injured hostiles attempting escape

Bonus Perk: Hardline earns scorestreaks faster from objective play

Field Upgrade: The Infiltration Kit preserves stealth amidst infiltration and exfiltration

This personalized blueprint plays into Anti-Air‘s requirements while aligning with my aggressive flanker tendencies. Feel free to tweak to your squad‘s style!

Now that we‘ve established an unstoppable squad and refined our kits for any occasion, let‘s master each phase of the Anti-Air Mission itself.

Step 1: Capturing a SAM Site

SAM Sites stick out even from a distance thanks to their distinct radar dishes and installations. Head for the central computer console to initiate theNeutralize order.

Expect capturing to take about 25 seconds in total. I suggest assigning squadmates to watch flanks and likely enemy approaches rather than having all focus the console.

Be ready to shoot down any infiltrators while capturing continues. Once secured, the missiles automatically initiate targeting sequences so long as your squad maintains control.

Step 2: Holding Down the Site

With air traffic soon diverted for interception, the SAM will attract enemies from all over Al Mazrah. Establish a perimeter providing optimal visibility down probable routes.

Constant repositioning makes your squad harder to pin down. Bait arrogant foes toward prepared kill zones and avoidance any unnecessary risks. If severely pressured, I actually suggest briefly ceding ground to regain control unscathed.

Having an ear to comms also prevents tunnel vision. Timely callouts of contact direction and weaponry ensures proper response. I can‘t stress enough the importance of sticking together rather than wandering solo during this phase!

Step 3: Aircraft Interception

After several minutes of uninterrupted SAM control, missile tracking systems activate. An ominous yet satisfying launch sequence soon gives way to a fading explosion confirming an aerial kill.

Designate a squadmate to continually verify the site vicinity as that pesky smoke trail immediately paints your position. Do expect reprisal forces mounting reinforced counteroffensives.

Step 4: Securing the Supply Cache

A small white crate parachutes down containing the downed aircraft‘s supplies. Quickly open Tac Map to mark its landing zone for coordinated retrieval. Expect competing squadsConclusionracing the ticking clock as well!

Ideally an available helicopter or SUV facilitates rapid access before opposing teams. Canvas the drop area before exposing yourself to open the crate. With the goods in hand, the Anti-Air mission concludes!

Final Tips for Anti-Air Success

  1. Use elevation – Claim rooftops or towers for wide defensive sightlines
  2. Hide killstreaks – Position Gunships and Sentry Guns offsite as stealth assets
  3. Pack extras – Bring self-revive kits, armor plates, and ammo bundles
  4. Have backups – Store wheeled transports like ATVs at your stronghold
  5. Check the ship – In Port Mazrah, clearing the cargo vessel neutralizes threats
  6. Change it up – Alternate between areas to confuse habitual opponents

While undoubtedly challenging, I hope this guide has prepared you to take the Anti-Air Mission head on. Just remember to prep elite squads, refine versatile kits, and master combat fundamentals.

Before long you‘ll be proudly intercepting Al Mazrah‘s arrogant skies and seizing exclusive rewards in the process! Never hesitate to drop me a line regarding any questions or feedback on absolutely dominating DMZ‘s toughest objectives.

This has been your Social Media Marketing expert Slick signing off until next time. Cheers!