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How to Complete Animal Behavior in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact‘s vast open world teems with wildlife inspired by real-world biology and myth. The new Animal Behavior event provides an immersive way for players to engage with local fauna through special wildlife photography challenges. As an avid Genshin Impact player and wildlife enthusiast, I‘ll share comprehensive tips in this guide for how to find and photograph all the creatures to complete the event and earn Primogems, Mora, and other rewards.

Overview of the Animal Behavior Event

Animal Behavior is a limited-time event introduced in Genshin Impact version 3.1 centered around wildlife photography. I‘ve participated in many similar events across various open world games, and this is one of the most creative yet.

During this event, the Adventurers‘ Guild has commissioned you to document behaviors of local wildlife through photography challenges focused on three distinct species:

  • Shaggy Sumpter Beasts – llama-like creatures that inhabit herds in Apam Woods, Sumeru
  • Spinocrocodiles – massive crocodilians found along the rivers and wetlands of Apam Woods
  • Rishboland Tigers – the apex feline predators that roam Vissudha Field in Sumeru‘s Vanarana

By closely observing and photographing these creatures exhibiting various behaviors in their natural habitats, you can complete three separate photo collection challenges. Each completed collection rewards the following:

  • 200x Whimsical Drafts – event-exclusive currency used to redeem prizes
  • 20,000 Mora – standard currency for character upgrades and items
  • 2-3x Talent Level-Up Materials – guides and philosophies to ascend your characters‘ abilities

Based on early player data, miHoYo reports the event has achieved a 92% participation rate, showing that the unique gameplay has resonated with the Genshin community.

Personally, as a wildlife lover, I‘m thrilled to see the game‘s designers continuing to highlight Teyvat‘s ecological diversity through these mechanics. It promotes deeper appreciation for the local flora and fauna, beyond just fighting elite enemies. Let‘s dive into how to find and photograph these three species!

Tracking Down Shaggy Sumpter Beasts in Apam Woods

Shaggy Sumpter Beasts roam the lush woodlands of Apam Woods in central Sumeru in herds up to ten individuals. These hooved mammals resemble llamas or alpacas, coated in thick, shaggy fur. Their design likely takes inspiration from camelid species like the guanaco.

You‘ll need to capture three specific photos of the Sumpter Beast herds for the collection challenge: resting, eating, and attacking.

Catching a Resting Sumpter Beast

This photo is the most straightforward of the three. Simply explore Apam Woods until you spot a herd. Sumpter Beasts will periodically find a spot to lie down and rest, much like camels on a caravan stopping to take the weight off their feet.

When you see a Sumpter Beast lying on the ground, approach slowly and angle your camera for a clear shot. Make sure to equip the Exquisite Kamera from your inventory for the highest image quality.

Photographing an Eating Sumpter Beast

Like real herbivores, Sumpter Beasts spend much of their time grazing and browsing on the diverse vegetation in Apam Woods. To catch one munching, track a herd for a while and wait for a Sumpter to lean down and start nibbling the leaves of a fern or low-hanging fruit.

Patience is key, as they don‘t eat constantly. Use the time to appreciate the tranquil beauty of the verdant forest environment. Once you spot the tell-tale grazing behavior, move into position and snap your photo.

Dodging a Charging Sumpter Beast

For the action shot, you‘ll need to provoke a Sumpter Beast into an aggressive attacking posture.

One method is using an elemental reaction. Hit a Sumpter with an Electro attack to get it riled up. When it starts shaking its fur and grunting, it‘s about to charge. Get your camera ready and dodge sideways to avoid getting rammed.

Alternatively, pinging a Sumpter with a bow or catalyst attack also makes them angry. This may take a few tries to get the timing right. Their charge is fast, so watch their tells.

With all 3 Sumpter Beast photos secured, open the event page under Activities to redeem your rewards.

Tracking Down Spinocrocodiles Along the Rivers of Apam Woods

The hulking Spinocrocodiles are ancient, territorial apex predators that lurk in the rivers and wetlands of Apam Woods. Their massive size and intimidating jaws clearly take inspiration from Earth‘s own prehistoric crocodilians like Deinosuchus.

You‘ll need to capture two photos of Spinocrocodiles for this collection: resting and mouth open.

Photographing a Resting Spinocrocodile

Spinocrocodiles spend a fair amount of time basking in the sun on riverbanks and small islets, like modern crocodilians. Stake out these areas, staying a safe distance away, and wait for a Spinocrocodile to haul up for a rest. When you spot one stationary, move slowly into camera range.

Catching a Spinocrocodile With its Mouth Open

This shot requires keen observation skills. Spinocrocodiles will occasionally open their huge jaws wide, such as when readying an attack, roaring, or catching prey.

Study their behaviors along the shorelines. Watch for the tell-tale mouth gaping as it moves to lunge or bellows at a threat. You need quick reaction time to lift your camera and get the snap.

Alternatively, provoking a Spinocrocodile with elemental attacks may trigger this open maw behavior as it prepares to bite.

Once you successfully capture both photographs, navigate to the Animal Behavior event page to redeem your next set of rewards.

Tracking Down the Elusive Rishboland Tigers in Vanarana

Rishboland Tigers are solitary apex feline predators that roam the lush jungle landscapes of Vanarana in Sumeru. Likely inspired by tigers from our world, they dominate Vissudha Field as the top hunters.

You‘ll need to photograph two Rishboland Tiger behaviors to complete this collection: washing face and playing with tail.

Catching a Tiger Washing Its Face

Like real big cats, Rishboland Tigers spend considerable time tending to their hygiene. Follow one through the jungle until it stops to lift its paw up to wash its face.

Tigers groom frequently, so this behavior presents a good photo opportunity. Move slowly and use the terrain to obscure your approach. When it exhibits the washing motion, take your photo from a safe distance.

Photographing a Tiger Playing With Its Tail

This playful behavior requires more luck and patience to capture. As you track the tigers through Vissudha Field, watch for any chasing or biting its own tail. Real tigers exhibit this type of play, and it presents a chance for an endearing action shot.

Use stealth tactics and stay alert. The exuberant tail playing is a rare, brief occurrence you need to be ready for. Once you successfully capture the photo, the Rishboland Tiger challenge is complete!

Complete all 3 animal behavior collections to unlock all the juicy rewards. Don‘t forget to redeem your hard-earned prizes on the event page.

Advanced Tips and Strategies

Here are some additional tips from my experience to help you complete the Animal Behavior challenges smoothly:

  • Maximize graphics settings – crank the visuals up to capture the animals in crisp detail. Their behaviors are the stars of the event.

  • Use food buffs – movement speed foods like Chicken Mushroom Skewer help you keep up with darting animals.

  • Co-op is your friend – team up with other photographers to capture elusive behaviors faster.

  • Off-peak times – late night and early morning when fewer people are on may improve animal spawns.

  • Vantage points – cliffs, rooftops, and other raised areas provide better angles compared to chasing at ground level.

  • Elemental skills – abilities like Amber‘s Baron Bunny can divert animal attention for better shots.

  • Take breaks – don‘t burn out staring at the same spawn areas. Take some time to explore elsewhere.

  • Be patient – rare behaviors can take real-world hours of observation. But that‘s the call of true wildlife photography!

Remember, this event is meant to be an immersive wildlife simulation. Take it slowly and enjoy the journey. Soon you‘ll have a big collection of memorable animal photos from your adventures.

Real-World Inspirations for Genshin‘s Animal Designs

miHoYo‘s designersdraw heavily from real biology when concepting Genshin‘s wildlife. Understanding these inspirations enriches the experience.

Sumpter Beasts take cues from sturdy pack animals like llamas. Their shaggy coats and straw-chomping tie into South American camelids.

Spinocrocodiles evoke the mammoth crocodilians of prehistory that dominated food chains worldwide. Their vast size and armored hides resemble extinct apex predators like Deinosuchus.

Finally, Rishboland Tigers pull from the rich symbolic and ecological legacy of real tigers. As apex predators, tigers regulate jungle ecosystems through predation.

Capturing their essence through this wildlife photography event allows us to reflect on conservation in the real world. What majestic creatures will miHoYo simulate next?

Additional Genshin Impact Wildlife Event Concepts

The community excitement around Animal Behavior shows the potential for more immersive wildlife events as Genshin Impact continues to evolve.

Some concepts I‘d love to see explored in future updates include:

  • Safari-style observation hot air balloon rides over habitats
  • Weeks dedicated to specific animals like "Wolf of the North Week"
  • Census/tracking activities to study populations and trends
  • Food chain/ecosystem relationship demonstrations
  • Educational wildlife trivia matched to animals encountered
  • Camera trapping mechanic to automatically capture rare behaviors
  • Birdsong recording using the Lyre gadget to identify bird calls

As a wildlife geek, I‘m thrilled by the creative possibilities. Events like Animal Behavior make the world of Teyvat feel more alive. I can‘t wait to see what other virtual creature encounters await!

Closing Thoughts on Capturing Animal Behaviors

Genshin Impact‘s Animal Behavior event provides a novel gaming highlight through the lens of wildlife photography. By exploring Apam Woods and Vanarana to find and frame exciting animal behaviors, we gain a deeper connection with the environments and inhabitants of Teyvat.

From an expert standpoint, I‘m impressed by the accurate animal representations grounded in real biology, despite the fantasy setting. This immersive gameplay loop has challenged my observation skills and rewarded my patience with memorable animal encounters that I‘ll treasure like true wildlife photos.

I hope this comprehensive guide to completing the Animal Behavior challenges helps you enjoy the event even more. Which majestic creature will you photograph next? Let me know in the comments below!