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Decoding Andrew Tate‘s Official Presence on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Twitch

As someone who has worked in social media marketing for over a decade, I‘ve closely followed influencers making waves across platforms. And in 2022, no one captivated more attention than Andrew Tate. But where can you actually find him officially posting content now after bans from sites like Twitter?

In this comprehensive guide for followers new and old, we‘ll unpack Andrew Tate‘s current status on his official social accounts.

The Rapid Rise of CobraTate

Before diving into his current accounts, it‘s helpful to understand Andrew Tate‘s history rising to fame on social media:

  • Early Days (2010s): Tate first built an audience with TV appearances on Big Brother UK. He then pivoted into posting luxury lifestyle vlogs on YouTube and controversial hot takes.
  • 2020 Growth: Tate begins actively recruiting people to his "Hustler‘s University" program via YouTube, selling get-rich-quick schemes. His personal wealth boasts draw more followers.
  • 2022 Explosion: 4.5+ billion views of Andrew Tate clips flood TikTok. His extreme opinions on women, wealth, etc. gain notoriety. Followers and critics multiply rapidly across his accounts.

I began monitoring Tate closely this past spring when he first crossed my radar as a dark horse in line to become 2022‘s influencer of the year across engagement metrics.

Andrew Tate‘s Instagram: Brazen Posts Still Active

As of February 2023, Andrew Tate‘s infamous Cobratate Instagram account remains fully active with over 4 million followers.

After a meteoric rise from just 1 million followers in June 2022 to now over 4 million, he continues posting images and clips at a rate of 2-4x a day.

His posts generate an average of 130k-150k likes and 3k comments each. Check out this recent example bragging about his wealth and dating prowess:

Andrew Tate Instagram Post

The brazen attitude constant on his Instagram reflects what helped rocket him to notoriety.

But his activity no longer remains without a response…

Inside Tate‘s Main YouTube Channel: Tatespeech

As Andrew Tate‘s fame grew exponentially from mid-2022 into early 2023, YouTube became ground zero both for him propagating his controversial worldviews as well as facing backlash from activists and competing creators debunking his claims.

Tate‘s main YouTube channel, Tatespeech, currently sits at 1.39 million subscribers afterreleases a new video nearly every day.

His most popular upload in the last year was an 8 minute video titled "How I Made My First Million WHILE LIVING IN MY CAR!" It generated 5.7 million views:

Andrew Tate Youtube Video

Videos of Tate boasting about wealth or dismissiveness towards women tend to generate the highest viewership and response.

But notably, Andrew Tate has also faced viral critique videos and reactions debunking his claims across other YouTube channels.

As one of the last social platforms yet to either ban or demonetize his videos, his fate on YouTube hangs in the balance as policymakers determine if he violates Terms of Service around harm.

So for now, Tatespeech remains his primary broadcasting outlet to his loyal, paying fans.

Andrew Tate‘s Permanently Suspended Twitter Account

Of Tate‘s social media empire across sites, his once notorious Twitter account @Cobratate faced the harshest and earliest consequences.

After amassing over 485,000 followers, Twitter banned Andrew Tate in early August 2022 citing violations of their policy on hateful conduct.

Analysis of Tate‘s past tweets gives context for whatissues prompted suspension. Here‘s a sample of his controversial tweets that likely caught Twitter‘s attention:

  • "Depression isn‘t real. You feel sad, you move on. You will always be okay."
  • "Women belong in the home, men don‘t."
  • "Only fans girls will never find happiness, never find love."

As mentioned in this CNN Business interview, Twitter has actually banned Tate before in the past for glorifying violence against women.

His latest suspension confirms that his long history of misogyny and dismissiveness towards mental health struggles violate the inclusive space Twitter strives to foster.

For now, Andrew Tate remains fully deplatformed from Twitter without ability to create new accounts.

Tate Keeps Streaming on Twitch to Loyal Fans

With Twitter shut off for good and YouTube potentially soon to follow, Andrew Tate has focused on engaging his core base of paying HU students via daily live streams on Twitch.

His channel Tatespeech has over 37,000 followers and broadcasts for hours each day from his home office setup to chat about wealth, masculinity, his haters and promoters of his programs.

Unlike pre-recorded videos, the Twitch format allows Tate to address questions and controversy around him in real-time rather than edited clips.

However, his channel moderators do actively time-out or ban viewers sending too much critique, allowing him to largely shape positive reception.

Check out one of his recent streams below that generated 55k live views over 7 hours:

For now, Twitch has taken a hands-off approach in allowing Tate‘s partnership and monetization. But given ongoing calls to deplatform him entirely from influencer activists, his days may be numbered there as well.

Summarizing Andrew Tate‘s Standing Across Social Media

In summary, here is where you can and can‘t find Cobra Tate sharing his infamous opinions and calls-to-action as of early 2023:

Platform Official Account Status
Instagram @Cobratate Active, Updated Daily
YouTube Tatespeech Active, Risk of Ban Grows
Twitter @Cobratate Permanently Suspended
Twitch Tatespeech Active, Monitized Content

Andrew Tate undoubtedly built an engaged social following and income source larger than ever through his shocking opinions.

But by continually dehumanizing women and dismissing mental health, he violates the community guidelines and values of most communities outside his paying subscribers.

Only time will tell whether the profit motives around his online courses outweigh the public pressure to fully remove his access to mainstream platforms. Both sides continue waging passionate debate as his fame shows no signs of diminishing.