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Sailing the Foggy Waters to Dredge‘s Ancient Shrines

As an experienced captain of the ominous seas of Dredge, I‘ve uncovered many hidden secrets across its hundred islands, including the locations of the four mysterious Ancient Shrines buried in fog and superstition. Activating their arcane rituals holds the key to unlocking Dredge‘s shadowed past and your own future upon its misty waves.

Pulling Back the Veil on the Ancient Shrines

These crumbling stone altars, etched with archaic symbols and stained by decades of offerings, have towered over Dredge since ages long forgotten. Some whisper they were built by the original settlers, others believe even more ancient beings left them behind. Their true purpose remains cryptic, though locals spun rumors of protective blessings, trophy enhancements, and oceanic enchantments for bountiful catches.

My own journeys reveal more sinister implications. The hooded stranger I met spun disturbing tales that only by appeasing all four shrines can stability be restored to this dying region, preventing an imminent apocalyptic reckoning from mysterious entities lurking in the abyssal depths. Their magic also seems to react when certain trophy fish are presented…as if recognizing their aquatic brethren.

Uncovering why will require extensive investigation. For now, let me guide fellow captains to each eldritch location with insights acquired through hard-won experience navigating Dredge‘s treacherous shoals.

Detailed Directions to All Four Sites

Equip yourself for a voyage to match epic legends of the high seas!

Northern Shrine

Offering: 5 Cod
Location: NW broken isles, 2.8 km NNE of Greater Marrow

Sail around the bone-littered shoals until spying a ring of stones. Offload cod at the central altar while avoiding the patrolling Draugar wraiths. Claim the Shimmering Totem reward.

Southern Shrine

Offering: 2 decorator crabs
Location: S end Dusty Pontoon, 50m inland within sea caves

Slide your vessel through the southern crevasses at midnight when the tides lower. Seek out the crustacean carvings and insert live offerings to reveal the Chest of Forgotten Riches.

Eastern Shrine

Offering: 4 sharks
Location: 8.3 km ESE Starlight Pontoon, summit peninsula

Harpoon specified sharks en route, then scale the slick rocks to reach the etched altar just before dawn. KO and insert to obtain the Blood Codex pages.

Camp Shrine

Offering: Anchovy King/Rupture Vessel
Location: Twisted Strand mead hall ruins

Either trophy fish works for this simple wood totem tucked behind the main site. Available after assisting the camp fully. Rewards Shrine Stone amulet.

Take the Helm on Your Epic Expedition!

Hopefully my hard-earned wisdom helps captains unveil Dredge‘s secrets for themselves. I wish you fair tides on whatever quest calls you to brave beyond the map‘s edge! Let me know what mysteries you uncover out there and stay alert for my next insights!

Captain Ahab Dredgewalker