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Alex Eubank Age, Height, & Weight: An In-Depth Profile of the Fitness Influencer‘s Stats and Journey

With over 1 million YouTube subscribers and 2 million Instagram followers, Alex Eubank has established himself as one of the top young fitness influencers. But who is Alex Eubank and what are the key details on his age, height, weight, and impressive social media career?

In this comprehensive profile, we‘ll take a close look at Alex Eubank‘s background, body measurements, training regimen, diet, competitions, income sources, and more. Whether you‘re a fan wanting to learn more about Alex‘s stats or simply curious about how influencers build their physiques and platforms, this in-depth guide has all the details.

Who is Alex Eubank? A Profile of the Fitness Influencer

Alex Eubank is a rising star in the world of fitness and social media influencers. Here‘s a quick profile to get to know him:

  • Age: 22 years old as of 2022. Born on May 23, 2000 in Maryland, United States.

  • Height: 5‘10" (177 cm)

  • Weight: Fluctuates between 165-175 lbs (75-80 kg) depending on bulking or cutting phase.

  • Nationality: American

  • Profession: YouTuber, fitness influencer, bodybuilder, online coach

  • Notable Accomplishments: 1M+ YouTube subscribers, 2M+ Instagram followers, 500M+ YouTube views, YoungLA sponsor athlete

Alex got into fitness early on as a skinny teenager looking to gain muscle and confidence. After an inspiring body transformation, he began sharing his fitness journey online and quickly gained a following thanks to his motivational attitude and physique gains.

Let‘s look closer at Alex Eubank‘s body stats and how they measure up.

Alex Eubank‘s Body Stats and Measurements

As a fitness influencer, Alex Eubank‘s physique is central to his brand and authority. Here are the key stats on Alex Eubank‘s height, weight, and body measurements:

Height: 5‘10" (177 cm)

Alex is taller than the average American male height of 5‘9". This gives him an advantage for building a visually imposing physique with long, sweeping muscle bellies.

Weight: Fluctuates between 165-175 lbs (75-80 kg)

During bulking phases, Alex weighs around 175 lbs. When cutting for competitions or shoots, he leans down to around 165-170 lbs.

Body Fat %: Claimed 5-6%

Extremely lean levels rarely sustainable long-term. Typical stage-ready body fat for competitions is 6-8%.

Neck: 17 inches

Chest: 46 inches

Arms: 17 inches

Forearms: 14 inches

Waist: 31 inches (claimed)

Thighs: 26 inches

Alex boasts an impressive 46-inch chest measurement which contributes to his wide, v-tapered look. He also has large quads at 26 inches while maintaining a slim 31-inch waist as claimed.

Overall, Alex has put on around 40 pounds of muscle from when he first began weight training – an impressive transformation.

Alex Eubank‘s Bodyweight Progression:

Age Weight (lbs)
16 130 lbs
18 155 lbs
20 170 lbs
22 175 lbs

As you can see, the bulk of Alex‘s muscle gains occurred in his late teens and early 20s as his hormones were peaking. He gained about 25 pounds from age 16 to 18, then another 15 from 18 to 20 years old.

How Alex Eubank‘s Body Compares to Other Fitness Influencers

At 5‘10" and around 170 lbs, Alex has a similar height and weight to other top male fitness influencers like Mike Thurston and Lex Little.

However, Alex tends to have a more muscular chest and arms compared to his lower body. Check out this comparison of key stats:

Alex Eubank Mike Thurston Lex Little
Height 5‘10" 5‘10" 5‘11"
Weight ~170 lbs ~165 lbs ~175 lbs
Chest 46 in 44 in 45 in
Arms 17 in 16 in 17 in
Thighs 26 in 27 in 28 in

While all three have achieved great physiques, Alex‘s focused arm and chest training gives him bigger measurements in those areas compared to his legs. Mike has slightly slimmer arms but bigger quads, while Lex edges out the others on thigh size.

But all hit impressive numbers for natural physique competitors – a testament to their committed training and nutrition.

Alex Eubank‘s Workout Routine and Training Style

So how does Alex Eubank build his muscular 170-pound frame? Let‘s look at his workout routine and training style:

  • Trains 5-6 days per week for about 1-2 hours per session

  • Splits muscle groups into different days: chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs

  • Focuses on heavy compound lifts like bench press, squats, deadlifts

  • Supplements with isolation lifts for focused muscle targeting

  • Uses techniques like drop sets, supersets, pyramids to maximize intensity

  • Prioritizes progressive overload by lifting heavier weight and/or reps over time

Alex puts the bulk of his effort into training his upper body – particularly chest, shoulders, back, and arms. For arms, he‘ll often do several isolation exercises after compounds. Legs get one dedicated lower body day where he prioritizes heavy squats.

His training style favors bodybuilding techniques for muscle growth like contractions and time under tension over strength-specific powerlifting. But he still lifts heavy weights in the 6-12 rep range on compounds.

This gives his physique an impressive blend of size, definition, and proportionality that pops on camera.

How Much Weight Does Alex Eubank Lift?

Based on his videos, here are some of Alex Eubank‘s approximate major lift numbers:

  • Bench press: Up to 225 lbs x 10 reps
  • Squat: Around 365 lbs x 6 reps
  • Deadlift: Up to 405 lbs x 5 reps
  • Shoulder press: 135 lbs x 10 reps

These numbers demonstrate good functional strength that provides a foundation for muscle growth. Of course, Alex likely tailors his training during cut and bulk cycles, lifting heavier weights on compounds when bulking.

Alex Eubank‘s Diet and Nutrition

Diet and nutrition are huge factors behind Alex Eubank‘s shredded physique. Here are some key points on his diet approach:

  • Stays in a calorie surplus when ‘bulking‘ to build muscle and deficit when ‘cutting‘ to get lean

  • Gets around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day – so about 170g of protein at minimum

  • Consumes healthy carb sources like rice, potatoes, oats, fruit

  • Limits processed foods, sugars, unhealthy fats

  • Takes supplements like whey protein, pre-workout, BCAAs, creatine

  • Occasionally tracks macros and calories strictly but mainly intuitive eats focused whole foods

Alex‘s diet provides plenty of lean protein to support muscle growth along with complex carbs for energy. Though he indulges in treats occasionally, the majority of his diet comes from whole foods like chicken, fish, veggies, eggs, rice.

His intuitive flexible dieting approach focuses more on hitting a protein target versus tracking every macro. This maintains diet adherence in the long-run.

Is Alex Eubank a Natural Bodybuilder?

One common question people have is whether Alex Eubank achieves his physique naturally without steroids or other performance enhancing drugs.

Alex has stated repeatedly he is a 100% lifetime natural bodybuilder. While it‘s impossible to know definitively, here are some points that support his natural claims:

  • Steady progression of muscle gains over 6+ years without huge short-term spikes
  • No obvious signs of steroid use like gyno, extreme vascularity, overdeveloped traps
  • Passed drug tests required for natural competitions
  • Open about bulking and cutting cycles rather than staying shredded year-round
  • Frame and musculature within genetic limits

Critics argue no one can get as lean as Alex claims naturally. But with good genetics, years of training, proper diet, and youthful hormone levels, his physique is certainly achievable drug-free.

Alex seems to have built an impressive natural physique through consistent hard work. But all fitness influencers face skepticism about natural claims in today‘s social media age.

Alex Eubank‘s Competition History

In addition to his influencer career, Alex Eubank competes in natural bodybuilding shows. Here are some of the key competitions he‘s done:

  • 2016 – Southern States Championship (Physique division) – 1st place
  • 2017 – Contra Costa Championship (Physique division) – 1st place
  • 2018 – Pacific USA Championships (Physique division) – 4th place
  • 2019 – World Natural Olympia (Classic Physique) – 7th place
  • 2021 – INBF New England (Classic Physique) – 2nd place

Alex has done very well competing in the shorter physique and classic physique divisions that reward aesthetic proportions over hulking mass. His wins and high placings qualified him for prestigious national shows from 2018 onward.

Bringing an influencer fanbase to the stage has helped raise Alex‘s profile in the natural bodybuilding world. But his physique stands on its own with quality muscle shape, conditioning, and balanced proportions.

The Growth of Alex Eubank‘s Fitness Influencer Career

Let‘s look at Alex Eubank‘s thriving career as an influencer and content creator:

YouTube Growth Stats

  • Launched his YouTube channel in 2015 at age 16
  • Hit 100k subscribers by 2018
  • Currently has over 1.28 million subscribers and 508 million total video views

Some of Alex‘s most popular YouTube videos:

  • "I Took A Beginner to the Gym for 2 Months" – 12M+ views
  • "Asking Girls if They Like Fit Guys or Dad Bods" – 2M+ views
  • "Crazy Body Transformation" – 1.5M+ views

Instagram and TikTok Growth

  • 2.1 million Instagram followers and over 270 posts
  • 1.5 million TikTok followers and 25+ million TikTok likes

Alex uses these platforms to showcase physique updates, diet and training tips, along with sharing lifestyle content and engaging with his audience.

Sponsors and Partnerships

As his following grew, Alex has partnered with several fitness brands:

  • YoungLA (fitness apparel) – sponsored athlete
  • JaxJox (fitness tech) – affiliate
  • Elysium Athletic (supplements) – affiliate
  • Elucid Blends (custom skincare) – brand partner

These lucrative sponsorships provide income sources for top influencers like Alex. Brands gain access to his audience and receive his endorsement.

Overall, Alex Eubank has quickly become a leading fitness influencer at a very young age. Leveraging his physique transformation and motivating personality has grown his audience across social platforms.

He provides inspiration and value around fitness, health, and lifestyle – catapulting him into social media stardom.

5 Lessons We Can Learn from Alex Eubank‘s Journey

Alex Eubank‘s growth into a successful fitness influencer and natural bodybuilder provides some key takeaways:

  1. Consistency over time – Rome wasn‘t built in a day. Alex focused on small progress each day over 6+ years.

  2. Find your niche – Alex positioned himself firmly in the fitness space with a specialty in natural bodybuilding.

  3. Engagement matters – Alex actively engages with his audience across platforms to build rapport.

  4. Balance expertise with personality – Alex blends fitness knowledge with an approachable, personable style people gravitate towards.

  5. Diversify your content – Alex provides variety beyond just workout videos – vlogs, diet tips, transformations, etc.

Applying these lessons can help anyone build a thriving platform and make progress towards their goals.

Final Thoughts on Alex Eubank‘s Physique and Career

At just 22 years old, Alex Eubank has achieved impressive success as a fitness influencer and bodybuilder – accruing millions of followers and fans.

While questions will always exist around "natural" claims in today‘s social media landscape, Alex has nonetheless built an admirable physique through hard work and dedication.

With a motivated mindset and commitment to consistent training and nutrition, Alex serves as inspiration for anyone striving to transform their body or become a leading influencer in a niche.

His heights reached reflect discipline and perseverance more than anything – values beneficial far beyond the gym and social media. Alex Eubank remains a rising figure worth following in the fitness industry.