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Age-Defying Secrets from Model Carmen Dell‘Orefice, 91

Decades since first gracing the cover of Vogue, modeling legend Carmen Dell‘Orefice still wows the runway at 91 years young. With seemingly eternal beauty and vigor, Carmen‘s vibrance reveals her secrets to graceful aging lie not just smooth skin deep. Her approach encompasses self-care rituals, flexible eating, stress relief and embracing intimacy – areas backed by longevity research.

Starting the Day with Wellness Rituals

The foundation of Carmen‘s vitality is daily renewal rituals. She begins each morning with a tall glass of water with squeezed lemon juice to stimulate digestion and hydration. She incorporates gentle exercise like walking with friends not just for physical health but also as joyous social connection.

Flexible exercise sustains longevity better than rigorous fitness regimes alone, experts say. "Seniors who enjoy leisurely walking are happier, healthier and more active overall than those focused just on 10,000 steps," says Dr. Jennifer Wu, cardiologist. Carmen‘s relaxed approach checks both social and fitness boxes.

Carmen also uses yogic breathwork to shape her mindset. "Thoughtfully practiced breathing exercises signal safety to the nervous system," says functional medicine expert Dr. Will Cole. This activates the body‘s relaxation response for lowered cortisol, blood pressure and anxiety.

Weaving small wellness rituals into each day sows consistency. "Daily lemon water, breathwork, gentle movement become compound interest towards glowing health," says life coach Mel Robbins.

Balance and Moderation In Eating

Rather than strict dieting, Carmen embraces broadly nourishing whole foods. Research shows that varied diets high in plants, healthy fats and lean proteins support longevity, says registered dietitian Samantha Presicci.

"No single diet is right for everyone or sustainable lifelong," says Presicci. She suggests emphasizing balance over restrictions. "An 80/20 approach focusing on whole foods 80% of the time leaves room for life‘s pleasures."

Carmen enjoys avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil for skin-protecting antioxidants. Oily fish provides anti-inflammatory omega-3s to ease joint pain. And probiotic yogurt offers gut-friendly bacteria to boost immunity and mood.

"Sample longevity diets incorporate eggs, tofu, lentils and lean meats for satisfying protein, fruit and veggies for vitamins and fiber and some whole grains, wine or dark chocolate for joy," says Presicci.

Protecting Skin Health

Carmen looks years younger thanks partly to diligent sun protection. “I wear sunscreen everyday – no excuses!” she says.

Dermatologists confirm daily sunscreen from early on prevents skin aging. “Studies show participants who began using sunscreen in their 40s then continued for over two decades had 24% less skin aging than those who started later,” says Dr. Whitney Bowe.

Seeking shade hats and clothing provides additional UV protection without chemicals. Carmen minimizes heavy foundation, as common ingredients like parabens and phthalates may irritate skin.

Bowe suggests zinc-based mineral sunblocks for sensitive skin along with gentle chemical-free cleansers. Removing makeup nightly allows skin to regenerate optimally.

Stress Management and Mindfulness

Carmen emphasizes staying flexible to avoid overexertion. “It’s essential to listen to my body and adjust activities to maintain health without injury,” she says. This mind-body awareness lowers inflammatory stress hormones.

“Unmanaged stress quickens cellular aging, but mindfulness practices like body scans, breathwork and lifestyle adjustments enable graceful longevity,” says functional neurologist Dr. Ilene Ruhoy.

Carmen managed high-intensity modeling by pulling back when needed. “Learning to breathe through challenges returns us to equilibrium,” says Ruhoy.

Relationships and Intimacy

Romance also fuels Carmen’s fountain of youth. “Intimacy should flow as naturally as breathing,” she says. “Loving relationships add richness to life at any age.”

Research confirms shared intimacy sustains health. “Sexual expression and affection release feel-good endorphins and the bonding hormone oxytocin for reduced anxiety and lowered blood pressure,” says Dr. Chloe Carmichael, couples therapist.

“Nurturing intimate partnerships requires effort but delivers exponential joy,” says Carmichael. She suggests couples make time for mutual grooming rituals from massage to bathing to sensory play.

Holding On to Passion for Living

Carmen Dell’Orefice has captivated millions with her talent, wisdom and contagious love of life for over 70 years. What’s her secret to staying vibrant in her 90s? Prioritizing wellbeing through self-care habits plus embracing balanced nutrition and intimacy within a flexible lifestyle. Her mindful but pleasure-filled approach ultimately eschews rigidity for flowing with life’s beauty.

May we all learn from Carmen’s model vitality and timeless grace. “Stay curious, be present and know your worth,” she says. Here’s to aging triumphantly by nurturing our body, mind and spirit every step of the journey.