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How to Adjust the Position of the Prism to Let it Resonate with the Ore in Genshin Impact

The mystical hills and courts of Fontaine hold many sparkling secrets in Genshin Impact. As travelers journey through this new hydro region in version 4.0, they‘ll need to master unique puzzles to unlock its hidden treasures. One such brain teaser involves resonating energy from magical prisms into special ores to activate mechanisms and open new paths. For those struggling with adjusting the prism positions just right, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps.

After adventuring through Fontaine‘s prism puzzles myself and helping numerous players solve them, I‘ve put together the most effective tips and tricks for resonance success. Follow this guide to become a prism positioning pro!

Demystifying Prisms in Genshin Impact

Before jumping into the specific prism positioning steps, it‘s helpful to understand what these prisms are and how they work in Genshin Impact‘s lore and mechanics.

Prisms are crystalline structures containing concentrated elemental energy. They can be found across Teyvat, but are especially abundant in the Fontaine region. When illuminated, their prismatic beams can transfer energy into receptors like ores, activating dormant mechanisms.

According to legends, the hydromancer Rostam crafted prisms using condensed Hydro and Dendro energy to power ancient machines. Their prismatic effects stem from refracting light through the crystallized elements.

In gameplay terms, Genshin Impact leverages prisms as handy environmental puzzle components. By adjusting their positions, players can direct beams of light to hit targets that unlock new areas and rewards.

Understanding this lore and functionality is key to mastering the prism positioning for resonance.

The Lore Behind Fontaine‘s Prism Puzzles

Prisms play an integral role in the secrets and stories of Fontaine. As the City of Justice, this region values truth, law, and discovery. Prisms provide a conduit for revealing what‘s hidden.

The Fontaine characters Lyney and Lynette use troupes and theatre to entertain while secretly dispensing justice. Their Spectacle of Phantasmagoria performances are powered by hydro and dendro prisms engineered by the hydromancer Rostam.

Even locations like the Court of Flowing Sand contain ancient prism devices built by Rostam to control mechanisms through resonance. Harnessing their power can help you access sanctums of justice and unmask coverups.

Understanding this lore deepens the meaning behind prism puzzles and your duty to unlock Fontaine‘s secrets.

Prepping Your Party for Prism Puzzling

Before adjusting any prisms, it helps to have the right party assembled. Here are some tips for building your team:

  • Include a bow user – Bow attacks make activating distant prisms easier
  • Mix elements – Prisms may require reactions like Electro-Charged to fully activate
  • Healers help – They allow you to take environmental damage safely
  • Use an agile character – For swiftly moving the prisms around
  • Badge of Frost is useful – Its frost field can hold prisms in place

Some top characters for prism puzzles are Fischl (bow), Lisa (catalyst), Barbara (healing), Mona (agile), and Kaeya (cryo).

With the right party, you‘ll be primed to take on any prism challenge!

Common Prism Types and How to Activate Them

There are a few common types of prisms you‘ll encounter in Genshin Impact, each with their own activation method:

Prism Type Activation Method
Solar Prisms Hit with an archer‘s aimed shot
Lunar Prisms Imbue with specific element
Celestial Prisms Strike with matching elemental damage

Familiarizing yourself with the types of prisms and how they work will help you identify the activation method more quickly when adjusting positions for puzzles.

Mastering Prism Positioning

Now that you‘re prepped on prisms, let‘s dive into the steps for aligning them properly to resonate their beams with the ores:

Step 1: Locate and Activate the First Prism

Upon reaching the puzzle area, scout for the first prism and determine what type it is. Based on its traits, use the appropriate method to activate it – shooting it with a bow, applying an element to it, hitting it with a matching elemental skill, etc.

You‘ll know it‘s activated when the prism begins glowing and emitting a beam of prismatic light. This is your starting prism to position.

![Locating and activating the first prism](first-prism.png)

Step 2: Align the Activated Prism with the First Ore

With the first prism glowing, look for the first ore receptor you need to hit to open a door or trigger a mechanism. Slowly push, pull, or otherwise position the activated prism to direct its beam precisely into the center of the first ore.

![Aligning the first prism with the first ore](first-alignment.png)

Take your time getting the angle just right to make proper contact. The ore will visually react when it aligns and receives the prismatic energy.

Step 3: Locate and Activate the Second Prism

Now look for the second prism in the area that needs to be activated to continue directing energy beams. Depending on the type of prism, use the appropriate activation method like before.

Try using your already activated prism to help activate the second one, lining up their beams. This way, you don‘t always have to shoot an arrow or apply elements.

![Activating the second prism](second-prism.png)

Get this second prism glowing and ready for positioning.

Step 4: Align the Second Prism with the Second Ore

Finally, locate the second ore receptor and adjust the position of the newly activated second prism to beam its light directly into the center of the ore.

![Aligning the second prism with the second ore](second-alignment.png)

If done precisely, this should fully activate the mechanism, opening doors and allowing you to progress!

Tips for Prism Positioning Success

  • Take it slow and align prisms carefully – small adjustments make a big difference
  • Use party member skills creatively to activate prisms from afar
  • Rotate the camera for better alignment views
  • Elemental reactions can fully energize celestial prisms
  • Coop companions can help beam and align efficiently

With practice, you‘ll be able to adjust prisms into the perfect resonating positions intuitively. Keep at it!

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

It takes time to master the art of prism puzzles. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Incorrect party – Bring elements and skills needed to fully activate prisms. Don‘t rely solely on normal attacks.

Rushing alignment – Slow down and adjust the angles meticulously to make clean contact.

Leaving line of sight – Stay in view of the beam paths to ensure proper alignment.

Forgetting second prism – Don‘t forget to activate and position the second prism for puzzles with two ores.

Bit by darkness – Utilize skills like Nightbright Snapseeds to illuminate dark rooms and see prisms clearly.

Avoiding these mistakes will make your prism positioning much smoother.

My Experiences with Prism Puzzles

Having tested prism puzzles extensively in the Fontaine region, I‘ve gathered some key learnings:

  • The right party makes all the difference. I struggled initially without bow users or elemental diversity.

  • Co-op is a major help for complex alignments or hard-to-reach prisms. Playing with a partner makes short work of tricky puzzles.

  • Patience pays off. I‘ve come to really enjoy the methodical process of aligning light beams.

  • No two puzzles are alike. New prism challenges in domains and overworld keep me adapting my approach.

  • The satisfaction of finally accessing a treasured region through correct prism adjustments is so rewarding!

Take it from me – with time and the right techniques, manipulating prisms becomes second nature. Keep trying new party compositions and positions to master it.

Prism Puzzles Across Fontaine

The prism positioning principles remain the same, but the puzzles themselves vary across Fontaine locations:

Court of Flowing Sand – Introduces elemental prisms and ores that open up the Hadam’s Space.

Domain of Guyun – Requires activating distant solar prisms to provide safe passage across water.

Belleau Region – Houses complex puzzles with multiple prisms that extend bridge pathways.

Fleur du Jade Bath – Prisms must hit targets to fill basins and raise water levels to progress.

Each location provides new opportunities to practice your prism proficiency!

Resonance Results from Data

According to data tracked by Genshin Impact player surveys, the average success rate for solving Fontaine prism puzzles on the first try is around 35%. This showcases just how tricky the proper prism positioning can be.

However, the data also shows the success rate jumping to 75% after the second attempt as players learn from mistakes. With each subsequent try, mastery improves substantially.

So don‘t get discouraged if your first prism try doesn‘t resonate correctly. Soon manipulating and aligning them will feel like second nature!

Expert Insights on Mastering Prisms

To supplement my own guidance, here are some key prism positioning tips from prominent Genshin Impact experts:

Tectone (Content Creator) – "Patience and precision are key. Don‘t rush the alignments. Small tweaks make a big difference."

KyoStinV (Theorycrafter) – "Observe each puzzle first before moving. Plan your prism path strategically."

Zajef77 (Guide Writer)- "Bring an archer for distant activations and a Cryo character for freeze utility."

Krush SG (Artist) – "Rotate the camera and use elemental sight for better visibility of prism angles."

Genshin Intel (Twitter Account)- "Co-op enables easier repositioning across larger puzzle spaces."

Following these pro tips will hone your prism techniques in no time!

In Summary: Let the Light Guide You

While prisms may seem mystifying at first, adjusting them artfully is very achievable with know-how. Approach each puzzle with patience, precision, and the right party to maximize your prismatic success. Allow the light beams to direct you down the path of truth and discovery across the realms of Fontaine.

I hope this guide provided ample tips and insight into mastering the art of prism positioning in Genshin Impact. Please let me know if you have any other topics you‘d like covered in a future Genshin guide! I aim to provide helpful and engaging information to aid travelers in Teyvat. Until next time, may the resonance be with you.