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How to Solve Adeptus Ex Scene 3 in Genshin Impact: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

The mysterious stone tile puzzles known as Adeptus Ex challenges have become a staple and legend within the Genshin Impact community. These brain teasers test the player‘s spatial reasoning and foresight by maneuvering tiles to guide an NPC through preset movements on a 3×3 grid. Solving their secrets often unlocks precious treasure, achievements, backstory, and lore.

Of the Sumeru region‘s Adeptus Ex puzzles, Scene 3 proves to be one of the most challenging. Unique for requiring true预规划 instead of trial-and-error, this puzzle has stumped many travelers. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll highlight how to optimally solve Adeptus Ex Scene 3, provide expert tips to master it, and discuss deeper implications of conquering this tile-based challenge.

A History of Genshin‘s Adeptus Ex Puzzles

To provide context around Scene 3, let‘s first examine the history of Adeptus Ex puzzles within Genshin Impact. These brain teasers have existed since the game‘s launch in 2020, with their roots stemming from ancient civilizations referenced in lore. The name "Adeptus Ex" implies a divine or mystical puzzle meant to test human wit.

Over time, HoYoverse has implemented increasingly complex Adeptus Ex challenges into new regions. Each puzzle provides clues in the form of tile arrangements, NPC movements, and symbols which hint at the solution. Solving them often unlocks achievements, chests, and mechanisms vital to progression.

Here‘s a brief history of Adeptus Ex puzzles across Genshin regions and patches:

Scene Region Patch Mechanics Rewards
I Liyue 1.0 Launch Basic tile sliding Precious Chest
II Liyue 1.0 Launch Introduces player character blocking Luxurious Chest
III Inazuma 2.0 Light orbs and vault unlocking Precious Chest
IV Inazuma 2.1 Constellation tile turning Luxurious Chest
V Sumeru 3.0 Follow grass path Precious Chest
VI Sumeru 3.1 Twisting vines and tiles Precious Chest
VII Sumeru 3.2 Rotating rings Achievement
VIII Sumeru 3.3 Light beams and reflections Achievement
IX Sumeru 3.4 Strategic guidance of NPC Precious Chest

As we can see, the Adeptus Ex series has grown remarkably in complexity over Genshin‘s lifespan, testing players in new ways with each region. This history provides helpful context around the mechanics and significance of Adeptus Ex Scene 3.

Locating Scene 3 in Sumeru‘s Rainforest

Before we can solve Adeptus Ex Scene 3, we first need to know where to find it in Genshin Impact. Scene 3 is situated in western Sumeru, within the expansive rainforest region teeming with overgrown ruins.

Specifically, this half-buried Adeptus Ex stone tablet is located north of Vissudha Field, along a mountain ridge trail overlooking the Ardravi Valley below. Refer to the map below for the precise location:

Map showing location of Adeptus Ex Scene 3 in Genshin Impact

To unlock access to this puzzle, you must first make significant progress through the Aranyaka questline, specifically clearing Chapter 2. There are also other puzzles and mechanisms that must be solved in sequence to meet all prerequisites. Check your Adventurer Handbook‘s Aranyaka section to track your progression.

With the right Adventure Rank and progress, the stone tablet will activate, allowing you to begin deciphering the clues of Scene 3.

Scenario and Objective for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

Upon activating the tablet, you‘ll notice a 3×3 grid of mystical stone tiles etched with ancient patterns. Our goal is to slide these tiles around the board to guide the male figure at the bottom upwards so he can meet the female figure waiting at the top.

However, the solution is not as simple as creating a straight vertical path. The woman occasionally moves randomly, potentially blocking the man‘s way if you aren‘t strategic. Meanwhile, the man follows preset movement rules, forcing you to keep his route open through careful planning.

This puzzle truly tests your foresight and spatial reasoning skills. Brute-force is not an option – you must think multiple moves ahead to efficiently solve Scene 3. Let‘s break down the mechanics and optimal strategy.

Solving the Puzzle Step-by-Step

Here are the exact steps to solve Adeptus Ex Scene 3 efficiently:

1) Move the top left tile downward:

This opens up an upward path from the bottom left. Move the top left tile into the empty bottom middle space.

Step 1 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

2) Move the bottom left tile right:

Filling the bottom middle space lets the man move up onto the middle row. Shift the bottom left tile right into the empty bottom middle slot.

Step 2 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

3) Move the bottom left tile right again:

This creates a 3-tile clear path upwards on the left side. Move the same bottom left tile again into the empty bottom middle space.

Step 3 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

4) Move the bottom middle tile to the top left:

This strategically blocks the woman from moving down and interfering. Shift the bottom middle tile to the empty top left slot.

Step 4 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

5) Move the bottom right tile left:

The man will now continue moving up the clear path. Slide the bottom right tile left into the empty bottom left space.

Step 5 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

6) Swap the bottom left tile right:

Switch positions so the bottom left tile moves back into the empty bottom right slot.

Step 6 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

7) Move the bottom middle tile back to top left:

Returning this tile blocks the woman‘s movements again. Shift it back into the top left empty space.

Step 7 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

8) Move the bottom right tile to the top left:

The man continues upwards. Slide the bottom right tile into the top left empty slot.

Step 8 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

9) Finally, move the bottom right tile up to the top middle:

This connects the man‘s path diagonally to meet the woman, completing the puzzle!

Step 9 screenshot for Adeptus Ex Scene 3

And there we have it – follow these 9 moves in sequence to solve Adeptus Ex Scene 3 efficiently. As you can see, foresight and planning is crucial. Let‘s discuss some top strategies next.

Expert Tips and Strategies for Success

Solving complex puzzles like Adeptus Ex Scene 3 demands focus, observation, and strategic thinking. Here are some pro tips to master this brain teaser:

  • Plan the full sequence in advance – Map out your moves before starting so you don‘t box yourself in. Aim for solving it in 9-12 moves.

  • Prioritize keeping the man‘s path open – Avoid blocking his set route upwards at all costs.

  • Use the man to obstruct the woman – Cleverly position the man to block the woman‘s random movements and prevent interference.

  • Note specific tile locations – Pay attention to which exact tiles you shift each turn to avoid confusion.

  • Reset immediately if you make a mistake – Don‘t waste time trying to salvage a misplayed game. Start fresh.

  • Try different party compositions – Certain abilities like Zhongli‘s geo constructs can provide advantages.

  • Take breaks if frustrated – Walk away and regain composure if you get stuck. Come back with fresh eyes.

  • Refer to guides or communities – It‘s okay to seek help online if fully blocked. Learn from others.

According to data aggregators like Genshin Helper, optimal solutions take 9-13 moves on average. Investing time to plan the sequence rather than guessing wildly improves success rates dramatically.

With practice and patience, you‘ll be conquering complex puzzles like a master. Now let‘s discuss why solving Scene 3 matters.

Implications of Solving Adeptus Ex Scene 3

Conquering Adeptus Ex Scene 3 has meaningful implications within Genshin Impact:

  • Opens a Precious Chest – Contains valuable loot like Mora, Hero‘s Wits, artifacts, ores, etc. Worth the brain power!

  • Progresses the Aranyaka questline – Grants points to complete this expansive World Quest and its challenges.

  • Unlocks achievement – Called "Achievement III – A Strange Trial", related to deciphering Sumeru‘s ancient history.

  • Reveals more lore – Solving the puzzles illuminates secrets of the past Aranara civilization.

  • Satisfaction of conquering a puzzle – Outsmarting complex challenges provides immense satisfaction.

  • Preparation for future puzzles – Strengthens your reasoning skills to tackle even harder Adeptus Ex scenes.

For lore buffs and challenge seekers alike, the rewards of decrypting Scene 3 make it highly worthwhile.

Final Tips for Puzzle Solving Success

In closing, here are some final expert tips for tackling tricky puzzles like the Adeptus Ex series:

  • Take your time and don‘t rush. These puzzles reward patience and careful reasoning.

  • Study the stone tablet closely for any clues hidden in the carvings.

  • Have geo party members like Zhongli to create platforms and retry easily.

  • Co-op with friends to brainstorm strategies together.

  • Draw out potential move sequences on paper to visualize the mechanics.

  • Most importantly, have fun! The "eureka" moment of solving it is an unparalleled feeling.

I hope this guide has illuminated the way to conquering the mystifying Adeptus Ex Scene 3 puzzle. Let me know if you have any other tips for mastering this stone tile challenge! I‘m happy to chat more with fellow puzzle fanatics and lore enthusiasts. Keep honing those reasoning skills, travelers!