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How to Add XRP to MetaMask

MetaMask has become one of the most widely used and secure crypto wallets available today. With its browser extension and mobile app, it provides a seamless experience for storing and interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ERC-20 tokens.

But what about other major cryptocurrencies like XRP that aren‘t Ethereum-based? Can you store them on MetaMask too?

The short answer is yes, you can store, send, and receive XRP using MetaMask by adding the Binance Smart Chain network.

In this step-by-step guide, I‘ll show you exactly how to add XRP to MetaMask as an expert in cryptocurrency wallets and blockchain networks.

After reading, you‘ll be able to:

  • Add the Binance Smart Chain network to MetaMask
  • Import XRP as a custom token
  • Send, receive, and monitor your XRP balance right from your MetaMask wallet

I‘ll also cover common questions, issues, and tips for using MetaMask as an XRP holder based on my years of experience in crypto and social media marketing.

So if you‘re looking for the most secure, convenient way to manage XRP alongside your other crypto – you‘re in the right place. Let‘s get started!

Why XRP Isn‘t Native to MetaMask

Before I show you how to add XRP, it‘s important to understand why MetaMask doesn‘t support it natively.

The reason is simple – XRP and Ethereum are completely different blockchain networks.

MetaMask was designed specifically for the Ethereum network and ERC-20 tokens issued on it. Meanwhile, XRP operates on its own decentralized network called the XRP Ledger.

So MetaMask can‘t directly connect to and support the XRP Ledger in its default state.

Fortunately, there is a solution thanks to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This Ethereum-compatible blockchain allows assets like XRP to be "wrapped" into tokens that MetaMask can interact with.

By adding BSC to MetaMask and importing XRP as a token, you get the best of both worlds – managing XRP from your MetaMask wallet.

Now let‘s get into the steps for adding XRP.


To complete this guide and add XRP to MetaMask, you‘ll need:

  • MetaMask Wallet – Install the MetaMask browser extension or mobile app if you haven‘t already. I recommend the browser extension for easy access.

  • XRP – You‘ll need some XRP purchased from an exchange like Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, etc. Make sure you withdraw it to a wallet you control, not just the exchange wallet.

  • Basic Crypto Knowledge – You should know how to navigate MetaMask and cryptocurrency exchanges comfortably. If you‘re new, spend some time learning the basics before proceeding.

Once you‘ve got those covered, you‘re ready to add XRP to MetaMask!

Step 1: Add Binance Smart Chain Network

The first step is adding the Binance Smart Chain network to MetaMask.

This allows MetaMask to interact with BSC where the "wrapped" version of XRP resides.

Here‘s how to add Binance Smart Chain:

  1. Open the MetaMask browser extension and log into your wallet if you haven‘t already. Make sure you‘re on the correct wallet!

  2. Click on the network dropdown in the top right corner.

  3. Select "Add Network" from the dropdown menu.

  4. On the "Add Network" page, enter the following details:

  5. Once all details are entered correctly, click "Save".

You should now see "Smart Chain" added to your network list!

But don‘t just take my word for it – always verify any network details yourself through official sources like Binance‘s documentation.

With Binance Smart Chain added, we can now import XRP.

Step 2: Copy XRP Contract Address

In order to add XRP as custom token, you‘ll need its contract address. This serves as like a digital passport proving the validity of the token.

Here‘s how to find and copy XRP‘s contract address:

  1. Go to XRP‘s page on CoinMarketCap.

  2. Scroll down to the "Contracts" section.

  3. Copy the contract address by clicking the copy icon.

  4. Save this address somewhere convenient – you‘ll need it very soon.

Got the contract address ready? Now we can import XRP into MetaMask.

Step 3: Import XRP as Custom Token

With Binance Smart Chain added to MetaMask and XRP‘s contract address copied, it‘s time to import XRP.

Follow these steps:

  1. Confirm you‘re on the Smart Chain network in MetaMask.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the assets page and click "Import Tokens."

  3. In the "Token Contract Address" field, paste the XRP contract address you copied earlier.

  4. The "Token Symbol" and "Decimals of Precision" fields should auto-populate. If not, enter:

    • Token Symbol: XRP
    • Decimals of Precision: 18
  5. Once all the details are filled in, click "Add Custom Token."

  6. Done! You should now see XRP successfully added to your MetaMask assets.

With XRP imported, you‘re ready to start using it in MetaMask!

Step 4: Send, Receive, and Monitor XRP

Now that XRP is in your MetaMask wallet, you can:

  • Send XRP to other addresses by clicking on XRP, selecting "Send", and entering the recipient‘s details.

  • Receive XRP by providing your XRP address copied from MetaMask to the sender.

  • Monitor your balance in real-time right next to your other tokens and assets.

To ensure your activity is on the right network, remember to confirm Smart Chain is selected whenever interacting with XRP.

You‘ll also need a small amount of BNB for gas fees when sending tokens on Binance Smart Chain. Gas is typically less than $0.05.

And that‘s really all there is to it! With those four steps, you can now use MetaMask as your XRP wallet.

Common Questions

Here are answers to some common questions when using MetaMask as an XRP holder:

Why can‘t I see my XRP balance in MetaMask?

If your XRP balance isn‘t showing, make sure you‘re on the Smart Chain network. XRP won‘t be visible unless you‘ve switched from the default Ethereum Mainnet.

Is this the official MetaMask integration for XRP?

No, this is not an official feature – MetaMask doesn‘t natively support XRP yet. But this BSC method has been tested and confirmed to work well.

Is my XRP as secure as storing it somewhere else?

Storing XRP via Binance Smart Chain carries the same risks as other storage options. As long as you take precautions like guarding your secret phrase, your XRP should remain secure.

Can I stake my XRP directly in MetaMask?

Unfortunately, staking XRP inside MetaMask isn‘t possible. You‘d need to use a service designed specifically for XRP staking.

Why do I need BNB for gas fees?

You need a small BNB balance to cover gas when sending tokens on Binance Smart Chain. This is how the underlying technology verifies transactions.

Tips for Managing XRP in MetaMask

Based on my experience in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, here are some tips for managing XRP in MetaMask:

  • Double check addresses when sending to avoid errors. Ethereum and XRP addresses are different formats.

  • Back up your secret phrase somewhere safe in case you need to restore your wallet. Never share this phrase!

  • Enable address whitelisting for an extra layer of security from unauthorized sends.

  • Use a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor for large XRP balances to keep the majority offline.

  • Stay up to date on MetaMask‘s new features and networks in case XRP integration changes.

  • Confirm transaction details on BscScan explorer before accepting to avoid getting scammed.

Following these tips will help keep your XRP holdings safe and accessible with MetaMask‘s convenience.


While MetaMask doesn‘t yet natively support the XRP Ledger, storing, sending, and receiving XRP is absolutely possible today.

By adding Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask and importing XRP as a custom token, you can manage your XRP right next to your other cryptocurrency holdings.

This provides a seamless experience for both Ethereum and XRP holders who want the flexibility of using both blockchain networks.

And as blockchain bridges and integrations continue improving, expect the process of using XRP in MetaMask to get even smoother over time.

But for now, following this guide will get you up and running with XRP in MetaMask quickly and easily.

So give it a try today if you haven‘t already – combining the convenience of MetaMask with the speed and scalability of the XRP Ledger!