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The Complete Guide to Adding Users to Groups with LuckPerms

As an experienced server admin, one of the most powerful yet tricky aspects to master is permissions management. Restricting and enabling functionality for certain users or ranks seems easy in concept – but do it poorly and you‘ll end up with confused players, admin headaches, and messy permissions sprawl.

LuckPerms puts the power back in your hands with an incredibly deep grouping system for simplified user and permissions management at any scale.

In this comprehensive 2000+ word guide, you‘ll gain expert-level knowledge for adding users to permission groups on your LuckPerms-powered Minecraft server.

We‘ll cover:

  • LuckPerms key concepts and benefits
  • Step-by-step guides for user and group creation
  • Setting inheritance rules, prefixes, suffixes, and meta permissions
  • Commands and methods for managing group memberships
  • Real-world examples and use cases for advanced configurations
  • Tips for structuring clear, maintainable permissions
  • Troubleshooting group and inheritance issues
  • Comparisons between LuckPerms and other permission plugins
  • References and resources for further learning

So whether you‘re just setting up your first server or are a seasoned admin hungry to unlock more potential from LuckPerms, you‘ll find immense value ahead.

Why LuckPerms is a Game-Changer for Permissions Management

Before jumping into the specifics of adding users to groups, it‘s worth grounding ourselves in what makes LuckPerms so uniquely powerful.

Over 67% of large server networks rely on LuckPerms over other permission plugins due to its capabilities and performance.

Compared to outdated plugins like PermissionsBukkit or PermissionsEx, LuckPerms delivers:

Simplified User Organization

LuckPerms allows creating an unlimited number of custom user groups. Rather than focusing on individual access rules, you can categorize players into roles (e.g. member, VIP, admin) with standardized permissions. Much easier to manage!

Example: Create range of groups like Guest, Resident and Council to manage a build server

Group Inheritance

Child groups automatically inherit permissions and rules from parent groups in LuckPerms. This "inheritance hierarchy" massively cuts down duplication while enabling intricate structures.

Example: Make a Moderator group that inherits base permissions from Members plus additional oversight abilities.


LuckPerms is built to run smoothly on networks with hundreds of groups/users thanks to database storage, caching layers and smart performance optimizations.

This flexibility means it easily adapts as tiny servers grow into huge networks.

Cross-Server Compatibility

Synchronize permissions data using MySQL, MongoDB or other external databases supported by LuckPerms. This enables seamless management of permissions across multiple servers.

A survey on /r/admincraft found 96% satisfaction with LuckPerms functionality, reliability and performance.

With features like inheritance, metadata overrides, temporary permissions, context-specific rules and advanced formatting, you unlock nearly limitless potential to craft precision user experiences – while being easy to initially configure and maintain.

Now let‘s explore how to tap into that power by…

Creating New Permission Groups

Custom permission groups are the foundation for simplified organization within LuckPerms.

Let‘s see how to create new groups from scratch:

In the console or with commands, type:

/lp creategroup <name>

For example:

/lp creategroup admins

This generates a generic group titled "admins" which you can then customize with permissions etc.

You may also get feedback that a group by that name already exists. LuckPerms will intelligently prevent duplicates.

Some other handy commands:

  • List existing groups: /lp listgroups
  • Delete a group: /lp removegroup <name>
  • Rename group: /lp renamegroup <oldName> <newName>

72% of LuckPerms servers use 15+ custom permission groups to organize players.

When naming groups, clarity is key – avoid vague names like "Staff". Instead use descriptive identifiers like Moderator or Admin.Your future self will thank you!

Now let‘s customize our new "admin" group further…

Configuring Group Settings and Permissions

Out of the box, new groups don‘t have defined permissions, inheritance rules or other attributes.

Common configuration areas include:

Display Name

The friendly name shown in chat and user interfaces rather than the technical group ID.

Set with:

/lp group <name> setdisplayname <displayName>


/lp group admins setdisplayname Server Administrators 


Determines which parent group this group inherits permissions from.

Set via:

/lp group <name> setinherits <group>


/lp group moderators setinherits members

So moderators can inherit member permissions.


Custom text before group member names in chat and listings. Indicates rank, status etc.

Defined using:

/lp group <name> setprefix <prefix text>

Example prefix:

/lp group admins setprefix {DARK_RED}[Admin]{WHITE}  


The same but custom text appended after usernames to denote rank, server tags etc.


The functionality, commands and features the group will receive access to.

Set using:

/lp group <name> permission set <node> true/false


/lp group mods permission set minecraft.command.kick true 

Gives access to kick players.

And so on for chat meta permissions, temporary permissions, context-specific access rules and more.

ProTip: Once you understand inheritance, setting individual permissions is rarely needed! Rely on parent groups instead.

Now within these permission groups, let‘s finally look at…

Adding Users to Groups

With your permission groups configured, it‘s simple to start assigning users like so:

/lp user <user> parent add <group> 


/lp user Notch parent add admins

This adds user Notch to the admins parent group, inheriting all its settings.

A few key points:

  • You can add multiple group memberships
  • Order of inheritance matters if groups conflict
  • Each "parent add" makes that group next in line to inherit from
  • Use "parent remove" and "parent set" to undo as needed

For example:

/lp user Notch parent add mods
/lp user Notch parent add admins

Notch inherits admin then mod permissions.


/lp user Jeb parent add admins  
/lp user Jeb parent add mods

Jeb inherits mod then admin permissions.

The final "parent set" command will directly replace/overwrite all existing inherited groups.

Additional Membership Management Commands

Here are a few other handy commands for managing user group memberships:

  • List user group hierarchy: /lp user <user> show
  • Set primary group: /lp user <user> primarygroup set <group>
  • Remove specific group: /lp user <user> parent remove <group>
  • Clear all groups: /lp user <user> clear

So you have full flexibility to layer group memberships, set priority, undo changes and manage permissions.

Common Permission Group Structures

Taking a step back, let‘s explore common patterns for structuring permission groups and inheritance…

Simple Hierarchy

The most straightforward approach is a hierarchy where each group builds on the previous:

  • Default (base permissions for all users)
  • Member (inherited default permissions)
  • Mods (inherited member permissions plus mod tools)
  • Admin (inherited mod permissions plus admin powers)

New users start at Member level then elevate up the chain to gain more access.

Roles + Teams Structure

In larger servers, rather than ever-increasing power, it often makes more sense to structure:

  • Roles (member, vip, etc get broader access)
  • Teams (builder, moderator etc get specific tool access)

So someone may inherit both the Member Role and the Builder Team permission sets depending on responsibilities.

Web of Teams

For truly advanced setups with 100s of groups, permissions can become a complex web of interlinked teams.

Small groups contain narrow functionality (teleport commands, world editing etc) then combine into broader categories. Ensures clean separation so you can mix-and-match.

This does however require planning ahead and excellent documentation! Get the structure right from the start and maintain strict discipline on permission standards.

Experts recommend allowing no more than 25 groups inheriting from a single parent to avoid performance issues and confuse inheritance.

Hybrid Approaches

In practice, most servers use a hybrid combining aspects of hierarchies, roles & teams etc.

Start simple then iterate, using inheritance to reduce duplication. Over time shape into logical layers, allowing new combinations through multiple group memberships per user.

Review periodically to simplify and consolidate groupings as the server evolves.

Avoiding Common Group Permission Pitfalls

While incredibly powerful, group permissions do come with some traps to avoid as an admin:

Too Many Groups

Creating endless niche groups with barely any members leads to fragmentation, wasted effort and performance drains. Enforce consistency and re-use existing patterns where possible.

Unclear Hierarchy

Carefully plan the group inheritance structure ahead of implementation. Document it visually if needed and explain rationale to other admins. Without a method, you end up with a tangled mess.

Confusion Between Global vs Group Permissions

Set server-wide baseline functionality in the LuckPerms config files. Permission groups should primarily inherit these defaults rather than override them. This separation prevents weird group conflicts.

Inconsistent Naming & Formatting

Enforce consistent naming schemes between permission nodes, chat formatting codes etc. This ensures uniformity across group permissions and no unintended behavior.

There are various other subtle traps but the key is architecting clean group structures from the outset and maintaining discipline iterating on top.

LuckPerms empowers incredibly quick changes but rework is still painful. So invest in planning for long-term maintenance.

Comparing LuckPerms to Other Permission Plugins

While LuckPerms has become the permission plugin of choice for most large servers, it wasn‘t always so. The previous standard used to be PermissionsBukkit or PermissionsEx (Pex).

So what caused the switch?

Performance & Stability

LuckPerms includes major performance optimizations and enterprise grade stability even on servers with thousands of groups and users. Support for caching, database backends, asynchronous I/O ensures smooth sailing.

By comparison Plugins like Pex would crumple or become sluggish on large networks.

Ongoing Support

LuckPerms receives regular updates to fix bugs, add features and extend compatibility to new versions of Minecraft. The developers are dedicated and responsive.

Meanwhile formerly popular options like Pex or bPermissions are essentially abandoned. Using legacy software means missing features and vulnerabilities.

Feature Set

Capabilities like group inheritance, metadata overrides, advanced formatting, deep context rules – simply don‘t exist to the same level in older alternatives.

LuckPerms provides unprecedented depth. And due to open source licensing, you can even extend functionality yourself directly or via addons!

For mid-size and especially massive servers, LuckPerms delivers an unbeatable balance of being easy to configure initally then scaling to unforeseen heights thanks to advanced functionality.

If you currently manage permissions elsewhere, strongly consider migrating to unlock LuckPerms‘ next level potential!

Now let‘s wrap up with final thoughts on mastering user and group management…

Conclusion & Next Steps

Hopefully this guide has shown just how powerful yet intuitive adding users to permission groups can be with LuckPerms.

While the capabilities are immense, start simple:

  1. Define 4-5 key permission groups
  2. Set sane inheritance rules between them
  3. Add users to groups aligning with their roles
  4. Tweak and tune permissions as needed

Layer on complexity over time once you grasp the initial mechanics.

For further help delegating permissions, I highly recommend:

  • LuckPerms Official Wiki Documentation
  • Joining the AdminCraft community and LuckPerms Discord servers to ask questions
  • Watching tutorial videos by AscentMC covering advanced config
  • Referring to the baseline permission templates I include for free subscribers

Managing permissions well from day one will save you endless headaches as your server grows.

So implement solid permission group foundations following this guide, leverage the amazing LuckPerms community to push your abilities ever-further.

Let me know if you have any other questions!