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How to Add USDT to MetaMask: A Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

As a leading stablecoin with a market cap of over $70 billion, USDT (Tether) has become a popular way for crypto investors and traders to avoid volatility. USDT aims to maintain a 1:1 peg to the US dollar, acting as a blockchain-based version of digital dollars.

MetaMask is one of the most widely used Ethereum and multi-chain wallets, with over 30 million users. It allows you to interact with dApps, DeFi protocols, and Web3 platforms.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll show you step-by-step how to add USDT to MetaMask on the Ethereum blockchain.

Here‘s what I‘ll cover:

  • Overview of Tether (USDT) and MetaMask
  • Step-by-Step Instructions to Add USDT
  • Where to Buy USDT
  • Pros and Cons of Storing USDT on MetaMask
  • Security Tips for MetaMask
  • Alternative USDT Storage Options
  • Conclusion

Let‘s get started!

Overview of Tether (USDT) and MetaMask

First, a quick overview of what USDT and MetaMask are:

What is Tether (USDT)?

  • Launched in 2014, Tether is a stablecoin pegged 1:1 to the US dollar.
  • USDT aims to combine the price stability of fiat currency with the speed and flexibility of cryptocurrency.
  • It‘s one of the most widely used stablecoins with a market cap of over $70 billion as of February 2023.
  • USDT is hosted on multiple blockchains – originally Omni Layer, and now Ethereum, Tron, EOS, Algorand, Solana, Avalanche, and others.
  • The most popular version is ERC-20 USDT on the Ethereum blockchain.

What is MetaMask?

  • MetaMask is one of the leading Ethereum and multi-chain crypto wallets available as a browser extension.
  • It allows users to store, send, receive, and interact with Ethereum-based assets and dApps.
  • MetaMask has over 30 million monthly active users and $3-4 billion in assets stored as of 2022.
  • It provides easy access to Web3 applications and DeFi protocols built on Ethereum and other networks.
  • MetaMask gives users control of their private keys compared to storing assets on exchanges.

Now let‘s look at how to connect USDT with MetaMask by adding USDT to your MetaMask wallet.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Add USDT to MetaMask

Follow these steps to add USDT to MetaMask:

Step 1: Install the MetaMask Browser Extension

First, you need to install the MetaMask browser extension. MetaMask supports Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Brave.

  • Go to
  • Click "Download" and install the MetaMask extension for your browser
  • A MetaMask fox icon will appear on your browser toolbar once added

Step 2: Set Up a New Wallet or Import Existing Wallet

Once installed, you can create a new MetaMask wallet or import an existing one:

To create a new wallet:

  • Click "Create Wallet" in MetaMask
  • Agree to the Terms of Use
  • Create and confirm a strong password
  • You‘ll get a Secret Recovery Phrase – save this offline as it can recover your wallet if needed
  • Confirm your Recovery Phrase
  • Click "All Done"

To import an existing wallet:

  • Click "Import Wallet"
  • Enter your Secret Recovery Phrase
  • Enter your password
  • Click "Unlock"
  • Your existing wallet will then be imported

Step 3: Make Sure You‘re on the Ethereum Mainnet

Since we are adding Ethereum-based USDT, switch to the Ethereum Mainnet:

  • In MetaMask, click the network dropdown (next to your account)
  • Make sure "Ethereum Mainnet" is selected
  • If not, select it from the network list

Step 4: Get the USDT Token Contract Address

As an ERC-20 token, we need USDT‘s smart contract address to add it to MetaMask.

You can find USDT‘s contract address here:

Alternatively, USDT‘s ERC-20 token address is:


Step 5: Click "Import Tokens" in MetaMask

In MetaMask, go to your account icon > "Import Tokens"

Or go to Settings > Tokens > Import Tokens

This will bring up the "Import Tokens" window.

Step 6: Paste the USDT Contract Address

In the "Import Tokens" window:

  • Select "Custom Token"
  • Paste the USDT contract address into the "Token Contract Address" field
  • The other fields should auto-populate
  • Click "Add Custom Token"

Step 7: USDT Will Appear in Your Wallet

Once added, you‘ll now see USDT in your MetaMask wallet under the "Assets" tab.

You can now send, receive, store, and interact with USDT like any other token in your MetaMask wallet.

When sending USDT, make sure to pick USDT from the "Asset" dropdown menu. Then enter the recipient address and amount to transfer.

That‘s it! You‘ve successfully added USDT to MetaMask.

Where to Buy USDT and Deposit into MetaMask

Now that you know how to add USDT to MetaMask, you‘re probably wondering where to actually buy USDT and deposit it.

Here are a few good options to purchase USDT and fund your MetaMask wallet:

Buy on a Centralized Exchange

Popular centralized exchanges that support USDT include:

  • Binance – World‘s largest crypto exchange with high USDT liquidity
  • Coinbase – Reputable United States exchange where you can buy USDT
  • Kraken – Top European exchange with USDT trading pairs
  • KuCoin – Easy credit card purchases of USDT (no KYC under $50k daily)

Once you buy USDT, withdraw it from the exchange to the Ethereum address of your MetaMask wallet.

For example, on Binance:

  • Go to your USDT Wallet > Withdrawal > Enter Amount > Paste your MetaMask ETH address > Submit

This will withdraw USDT directly as an ERC-20 token to your wallet.

Use a Decentralized Exchange

Decentralized exchanges like Uniswap allow you to swap tokens directly from your MetaMask wallet.

You can exchange ETH for USDT with minimal fees and without needing an account.

For example, on Uniswap:

  • Connect your MetaMask wallet
  • Select "Swap"
  • Choose ETH as the "From" token and USDT as the "To" token
  • Enter the amount of ETH you want to swap
  • Click "Swap" and confirm the transaction in MetaMask
  • Your swapped USDT will appear directly in your wallet

This provides a simple way to get USDT into MetaMask through swapping.

Buy with Direct Fiat On-Ramps

Services like Transak allow you to directly buy crypto into your MetaMask wallet using a credit/debit card.

You can use a fiat on-ramp like Transak to:

  • Connect your MetaMask wallet
  • Enter your amount in USD/EUR/other fiat currency
  • Complete KYC verification
  • Transak will withdraw USDT to your wallet

This provides an easy fiat to crypto gateway directly into MetaMask.

Pros and Cons of Storing USDT on MetaMask

Is MetaMask a good place to keep your USDT holdings? Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Pros of Holding USDT on MetaMask:

  • You fully control your private keys, unlike on exchanges
  • Easy and quick access to transfer and interact with dApps
  • Simple onboarding – no separate account needed beyond MetaMask
  • Allows use of USDT across various Ethereum DeFi apps
  • No risk of exchange hacks, exit scams or account freezes

Cons of Holding USDT on MetaMask:

  • No insurance if you lose your seed phrase
  • Potential phishing/malware risk if you enter seed words on a bad website
  • Lack of staking returns or interest accounts to earn yield
  • Need backup for seed phrase in case browser data is lost
  • Additional hardware wallet recommended for large amounts

On balance, MetaMask does provide moderately safe and convenient access to your USDT holdings versus an exchange. But traditional precautions for crypto wallets apply.

Security Tips for Keeping USDT Safe on MetaMask

Here are some tips for keeping your USDT secure on MetaMask:

  • Guard your seed phrase: Your seed phrase can fully restore your wallet – treat it like cash. Never enter it on a website or give it to anyone. Store it offline on paper or encryption-protected devices.

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Add 2FA to your MetaMask account. This adds a second layer of security beyond just your password.

  • Use a hardware wallet for large amounts: For significant USDT holdings, use a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor combined with MetaMask for enhanced security.

  • Be vigilant of phishing: Beware fake MetaMask sites trying to steal your seed phrase or crypto. Double check URLs and MetaMask‘s browser extension name.

  • Backup your wallet: Ensure you have a backup of your seed phrase and wallet in case you lose access to the browser or device where MetaMask is installed.

  • Don‘t overshare account details: Never publicly reveal your full wallet address. Be careful of airdrops or offers asking for your address – they could drain your funds.

Following basic security best practices will go a long way in keeping your USDT safe on MetaMask.

Alternative Options for Storing USDT

While MetaMask provides good accessibility, here are a few other options for storing your USDT:

  • Hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor offer robust security through offline private key storage. You can use them in conjunction with MetaMask.

  • Centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Binance make it easy to trade your USDT into other assets. However, exchanges carry risks of outages, loss of assets, etc.

  • DeFi protocols like Aave allow you to deposit USDT and earn interest, while retaining control through MetaMask. Rates vary based on market conditions.

  • Custodial accounts like Nexo or BlockFi let you earn interest on USDT up to 10%, if you‘re willing to relinquish control to a third-party custodian.

  • Offline paper wallets are extremely secure against cyber threats, but retrieving your funds requires manual wallet restoration.

Evaluate your priorities between usability, security, earning yield, and other factors to pick the USDT storage method that‘s right for your needs.


Adding USDT to your MetaMask wallet is straightforward:

  1. Install MetaMask browser extension
  2. Set up a wallet
  3. Switch network to Ethereum Mainnet
  4. Get USDT token contract address
  5. Click "Import Tokens" in MetaMask
  6. Paste USDT address
  7. USDT will now show in your wallet

You can buy USDT on centralized exchanges, swap on DEXs like Uniswap, or use fiat on-ramps to fund your MetaMask account with USDT.

While MetaMask offers usability and security, also consider hardware wallets or earning interest through DeFi or CeFi platforms.

Use security best practices like guarding your seed phrase, enabling 2FA, and backing up your account.

I hope this comprehensive, step-by-step guide has provided you with clarity on how to add USDT to MetaMask and safely manage your holdings! Let me know if you have any other questions.