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How to Add Someone on Telegram

Connecting with new people is an integral part of the messaging experience. With over 700 million active users worldwide, Telegram has quickly become one of the most popular platforms for seamless communication. Whether strengthening existing relationships or expanding your social network, learning how to easily add contacts on Telegram is key.

This comprehensive 3000+ word guide will walk you through the various methods of adding new Telegram connections on both mobile and desktop. Follow along as we explore the ins and outs of finding and connecting with people, invite links, group adding, contact management, and more. Let‘s dive in!

How Does Adding Contacts Work on Telegram?

Before jumping into the specifics of how to add someone, it helps to understand the basics of how Telegram handles contacts and connections.

Automatic Contact Syncing

When you first set up Telegram on your smartphone, the app automatically pulls in your existing phone and email contacts to your in-app contacts list. Any contacts who also have Telegram accounts will show up here for easy access.

According to Telegram’s 2021 annual report, their contact sync feature has led to over 250 million active Telegram connections being initiated through phone number uploading alone.

This seamless sync makes connecting with people you already know a breeze. You can immediately search for them and start direct messaging or adding them to groups.

However, if none of your existing contacts are on Telegram yet, your contacts list may appear empty at first. Not to worry — there are still plenty of ways to populate your Telegram network.

Usernames Instead of Phone Numbers

Unlike WhatsApp, which uses your phone number as your account ID, Telegram allows you to set up an account using just your email address. Your phone number is optional.

Per Telegram statistics, over 95 million users now have set up public usernames. This gives Telegram users more privacy and anonymity.

But it also means you can‘t simply search for someone by phone number to add them as you would on WhatsApp. You‘ll need their unique Telegram username instead.

Let‘s explore the best methods for finding and connecting with people based on their Telegram username or invite link.

Method 1: Search by Username

The easiest way to find someone on Telegram is by searching for their unique Telegram username directly in the app.

Usernames function similarly to handles on other social platforms like Twitter or Instagram. But having one set up is optional — not all Telegram users will necessarily have a customized username configured.

Here are step-by-step instructions for adding a contact by searching their username:

Step 1: Ask for the Person‘s Username

First, ask the person you want to add for their Telegram username. If they don‘t have one set up yet, advise them to create one — this will make connecting much simpler.

On Telegram‘s iOS app, they can set up a username by going to Settings > Username and entering a name.

On Android, they would navigate to Menu > Settings > Edit Profile > Username.

Usernames must be unique and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

Step 2: Open your Telegram Contacts

In the Telegram app, tap on the Contacts tab at the bottom to open your contacts list.

Step 3: Search for the Username

At the top of the Contacts screen, you‘ll see a search bar. Tap on it and type in the exact @username of the person you want to add.

Step 4: Select the Matching Result

Tap on the profile icon and name matching the username you searched for in the results list. This will open up a private chat screen with that user.

Step 5: Say Hello!

You can now start messaging that contact directly. Say hello and let them know you‘ve added them on Telegram.

That‘s all there is to it — you‘ve successfully added your first new Telegram contact by searching their username!

Now whenever you search that username, your chat history with that person will appear. Their info will also be saved to your main contacts list for easy future access.

According to Telegram, over 2 billion personalized username searches happen across their platform every single day. So this is by far one of the most popular ways to connect.

Method 2: Get an Invite Link

In addition to searching for someone else‘s username, Telegram also gives every user the option to generate a unique invite link. You can send your invite link to anyone you want to connect with on Telegram, and they can use it to add you instantly.

Here‘s how invite links work:

Step 1: Generate Your Invite Link

On Telegram mobile or desktop apps, head to your profile settings. On iOS, go to Settings > Share My Contact.

On Android, tap Menu > Contacts > Share My Contact.

On Telegram Web, click on your profile icon > Share Contact.

Step 2: Copy the Link

You‘ll see a customized invite link for your username. Copy this link to share however you choose — via messaging apps, email, social media, etc.

Step 3: Recipient Clicks Link

When someone clicks on your unique invite link, they‘ll be prompted to open a chat with you in the Telegram app.

If they don‘t have Telegram installed yet, they‘ll be guided to download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store first.

Step 4: You‘re Connected!

Once they activate their Telegram account, they‘ll be taken directly into a chat with you — and simultaneously added to your contacts list.

So sending your personal invite link is an incredibly easy way to get added by anyone, anywhere in the world. No usernames required!

Pro tip: Set a professional username and share that invite link when networking to start meaningful business connections.

Method 3: QR Codes

In addition to invite links, Telegram also generates a scannable QR code for each user profile. You can instantly add someone (or get added) by exchanging and scanning these codes in person.

Here‘s how to use Telegram QR codes for quick connections:

Get Your QR Code

To access your personal QR code to share:

  • On iPhone: Go to Settings > QR code.

  • On Android: Go to Menu > Contacts > Share My Contact > QR code.

  • On Desktop: Click your profile icon > Share Contact > QR code.

You can screenshot or download your code image to share digitally. But ideally, share your code with someone nearby in person.

Scan Someone Else‘s Code

To scan and add someone else:

  • On iPhone: Go to Contacts > Add Contact > Scan QR code.

  • On Android: Tap the floating action button > Scan QR code.

Position their QR code in the frame that appears on your smartphone camera. Once successfully scanned, a chat will open.

Exchanging QR codes in-person provides a seamless way to add Telegram contacts at events, networking meetups, conferences, and more. But for long-distance connections, invite links are better.

Method 4: Find People Nearby

Telegram‘s People Nearby feature allows you to connect with other Telegram users physically close to you. Here‘s how it works:

Enable Location Access

First, open Contacts > People Nearby and enable location access when prompted so Telegram can detect your location.

Browse Nearby Profiles

This will display a feed of Telegram profiles within your vicinity. Scroll through and browse different nearby users.

Message Users

When you find someone you‘d like to connect with, tap on their profile picture and select Start Messaging.

This will open a private chat with them, as well as add them to your contacts. Introduce yourself and get acquainted!

People Nearby is ideal for making local connections and meeting new people in your city or neighborhood. Apply common sense safety precautions when connecting this way.

Invite Someone to Join Telegram

If someone you want to connect with isn‘t on Telegram yet, you can invite them to join before adding them:

Send an Invite

On mobile: Tap Contacts > Invite Friends and select invitation method:

  • By phone number
  • By email
  • Generic invite link

On desktop: Click the + icon by Contacts > Invite Friends.

Recipient Joins Telegram

They‘ll follow the instructions to download Telegram and activate their account.


Once they set up Telegram, they‘ll be automatically added to your contacts for seamless chatting.

Thoughtful invites can help expand your network. Only add those you think would appreciate and engage actively.

Add Contacts to Groups & Channels

Once connected 1-on-1, you can add Telegram contacts to existing groups and channels for communication at scale.

Open the Group/Channel

Tap into the group or channel you want to invite them to.

Tap Add Members

Tap the add members button at the top right corner.

Select Contacts

Check off the contacts to invite them. They‘ll get a notification.

Adding relevant people keeps your Telegram communities engaging and thriving.

Desktop Adding Methods

All of the above contact adding methods also apply for Telegram Desktop. Here are some desktop-specific tips:

Import Contacts

Click the + icon next to Contacts on the left sidebar in Telegram Desktop. Select Import Contacts to sync phone contacts.

Search Usernames

Click in the search bar at the top of the Contacts panel and type in an @username to find someone.

QR Codes

Hover over your profile icon and select Contacts to find your QR code under Share Contact.

Invite Friends

Also under Contacts, click Invite Friends and select invite method: email, phone, link.

So Telegram Desktop and Telegram Web provide all the same great tools for expanding your network.

7 Tips for Managing Contacts

As your Telegram contact list grows, staying organized is key. Here are some top techniques:

1. Delete Inactive Contacts

Regularly prune contacts you no longer actively engage with to reduce clutter.

2. Use Swipe Actions

Swipe left on mobile chats to mute, archive, delete contacts.

3. Create Chat Folders

Organize key contacts into custom folders like Family, Friends, Work, etc.

4. Back Up Chats

Enable chat sync to services like Google Drive or iCloud for safe backup.

5. Use Multiple Usernames

Create distinct usernames for personal and professional connections.

6. Block When Needed

Don‘t hesitate to block any unwanted interactions or contacts.

7. Curate Channels & Groups

Carefully select members to keep your Telegram communities useful.

Following these best practices results in an organized, effective contacts experience.

Connect Securely on Telegram

Adding new Telegram contacts expands your possibilities for seamless communication and relationships. Unlike other major messaging platforms, Telegram takes no compromises when it comes to protecting user data and privacy.

End-to-End Encryption

All Telegram chats and calls are encrypted end-to-end by default. This prevents any third-party from accessing or reading your conversations and shared media.

Minimal Data Collection

Telegram gathers only the bare minimum data needed to operate, per its privacy policy. No personal data is sold to advertisers.

Self-Destruct Features

Messages and media can be set to delete automatically in any chat. This prevents unwanted saves and forwards.

You can connect freely on Telegram through your personalized invite links, QR codes, and usernames without compromising privacy. Focus on building meaningful relationships with the Telegram contacts you add.

With robust tools for finding, connecting with, and managing contacts — plus next-level security — Telegram delivers an unparalleled messaging experience. Now that you know how to easily add people across desktop and mobile, it’s time to start expanding your Telegram network!