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Why You Can‘t Add Posts to Your Instagram Story & How to Fix It

Have you ever tried to add someone‘s Instagram post to your Story only to find the "Add Post to Your Story" option mysteriously missing? You‘re not alone. Many users have been frustrated to discover this handy Instagram feature has disappeared from their accounts.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through exactly why you can‘t add feed posts to your Instagram Stories anymore, along with the top solutions to fix the problem and restore this functionality. I‘ve got you covered whether you‘re on iPhone or Android!

The Short Version

If you don‘t have time to read this entire guide right now, here‘s a quick summary of what to do:

  • Update to the latest version of the Instagram app
  • Scroll down the post sharing menu to find the option buried there
  • Try adding posts from another device where it may still be working
  • Use Instagram‘s new "Reshare" sticker instead to add posts to your Story
  • Ask the original poster to check their sharing settings and enable your resharing
  • Report the issue to Instagram if all else fails

Keep reading for more details on what causes this and how to troubleshoot it once and for all!

Why You Can No Longer Add Posts to Your Instagram Story

Before I dive into the fixes, it‘s helpful to understand the key reasons you may suddenly find yourself unable to add feed posts to your Instagram Story:

Instagram Replaced It with a "Reshare" Sticker

The number one reason you can‘t add posts to your Story anymore is that Instagram has introduced a new “Reshare” sticker as a replacement.

They began testing this sticker in August 2021 in certain countries, and are still slowly rolling it out globally. With the “Reshare” sticker, you can share posts from your feed directly within your Story.

But Instagram had to temporarily disable the original “Add Post to Story” feature for accounts that have access to the new sticker. So if you see the sticker, that’s why the option disappeared from your usual sharing menu.

It’s unclear if the original “Add Post to Story” choice will return after testing, or be permanently replaced by the “Reshare” sticker. But this is the top reason you can no longer add posts to your Story like before.

The Post Owner Disabled Resharing

Another possibility is that the original poster disabled the ability to reshare their posts to Stories.

In their settings, Instagram users can turn off the option for others to share their posts to Stories. This prevents people from taking their content and adding it without permission.

So if the post you want to add was published by someone else, double check that they have post resharing enabled. If they’ve disabled it, the “Add Post to Story” button will vanish.

Bugs and Glitches During App Updates

Finally, Instagram app updates can also cause this feature to disappear unexpectedly. Bugs often get introduced that affect specific accounts and functionality.

For example, some users suddenly lost the ability to add posts to Stories after updating to version 239.1 of the Instagram app last year. Clearly a bug caused the option to vanish in that release.

So while frustrating, it’s usually not your fault if an Instagram update removed the “Add Post to Story” choice due to a technical glitch. Time to troubleshoot!

How to Fix “Add Post to Your Story” Missing on Instagram

If you find yourself without the option to add feed posts to your Instagram Story, try these top solutions to get it back:

Use Instagram’s New “Reshare” Sticker

Since Instagram has introduced the new “Reshare” sticker to eventually replace the “Add Post to Story” feature, check if you can use the sticker instead:

  1. Tap the "+" icon in the top left corner to start a new Story
  2. Select the sticker icon at the top and search for “Reshare”
  3. Choose the “Reshare” sticker and pick a post from your feed to add
  4. Tap “Share” to share the post in your Story via the sticker

If you have access to the “Reshare” sticker, use that for now to share feed posts to your Story while Instagram finishes rolling out its change.

Scroll Down the Post’s Sharing Menu

Don’t just glance at the top of the sharing menu! When you tap the arrow under a post, the “Add Post to Your Story” option sometimes gets pushed further down.

Scroll down the full list of sharing choices, all the way to the bottom, and you may find the missing option buried in the menu. It’s easy to miss if you don‘t scroll down far enough.

Update or Reinstall the Instagram App

Did you recently update your Instagram app? As mentioned earlier, app updates can introduce bugs that remove features like “Add Post to Story.”

Try updating Instagram again to see if a newer version resolves the problem. Or uninstall and reinstall the app to refresh it completely. This often clears up glitches that occurred during an update.

Try the Feature on Another Device

Is “Add Post to Story” still working normally when you access your Instagram account on another device, like a friend’s phone? If so, the issue may be isolated to your device.

Try force quitting the Instagram app, toggling your phone off and on, or deleting and re-downloading Instagram. This will fully refresh the cache and data related to your account on that device.

Ask the Post Owner to Enable Resharing

If it’s someone else’s post you want to add to your Story, check that they have post resharing enabled in their settings. Tap their username, the three dots, Settings > Privacy > Story > Allow Resharing to Stories.

Ask them to turn it on so you can share their posts. Once enabled, you should see the “Add Post to Story” option again on their content.

Submit a Bug Report to Instagram

If the “Add Post to Story” choice is still missing after trying the above, report the issue directly to Instagram. From your profile, tap the gear icon > Help > Report a Problem and explain the missing feature.

While not guaranteed to resolve your specific case, reporting bugs helps improve the app and alerts Instagram to fixer widespread issues faster.

Why You Still Can‘t Add Posts to Your Instagram Story

Even after troubleshooting, some users may find they still can‘t add posts to their Instagram Stories. Here are a few possible reasons:

Your Account Lacks Access

The new “Reshare” sticker is slowly rolling out, so you may not have access yet. Instagram appears to be enabling it for certain accounts and locations first before expanding it globally.

Location Restrictions

In some countries, the ability to reshare feed posts to Stories is limited or disabled entirely. Your location settings may restrict you from posting to Stories.

Shadowban or Restriction

If your account is shadowbanned or has restrictions, Instagram may limit your access to sharing features like “Add Post to Story.” Check your account status.

Underage Account

Instagram automatically disables the resharing option for accounts registered as under 18 years old. So if you fall into this age range, you can’t share posts.

If your account falls into one of these categories, unfortunately there’s not much you can do beyond waiting for Instagram to update your access. You may be out of luck until they make changes.

FAQs About the Missing “Add Post to Your Story” Feature

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions around the disappeared “Add Post to Story” option:

Why did Instagram remove “Add Post to Your Story”?

They introduced a new “Reshare” sticker, so they temporarily disabled “Add Post to Story” for accounts that have the sticker during its rollout. It’s unclear if it will return after testing.

How do I re-enable “Add Post to Your Story”?

Go to your profile, Settings > Privacy > Story > Allow Resharing to Stories. Just make sure this is turned on to allow others to share your posts.

Why don‘t I have “Add This to Your Story” even after updating Instagram?

Updating may not bring back the missing option if you don‘t have access to the “Reshare” sticker yet or have account restrictions. Try other troubleshooting tips.

Why can some share posts but I can‘t?

If other accounts you follow can still share to Stories, Instagram may not have rolled the “Reshare” sticker out to you yet, preventing you from adding posts.

Will uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram fix this?

It might! Reinstalling can resolve bugs introduced during app updates that may have removed the “Add Post to Story” feature. Worth a try.

What happens if I report the issue to Instagram?

Reporting issues where features are missing or broken can help Instagram Support investigate potential bugs and problems with the latest versions of the app. So they‘re aware it‘s affecting users.

Key Takeaways

The ability to add Instagram feed posts to your Story can mysteriously disappear, which is frustrating and confusing. But in most cases, it‘s out of your control due to an Instagram rollout or technical glitch.

By updating your app, using Instagram‘s new "Reshare" sticker, and checking post authors‘ settings, you should be able to restore the option to share posts in your Story once again.

If you still can‘t add posts after troubleshooting, be patient as Instagram finishes enabling the feature for all accounts. And consider reporting any bugs you encounter to help improve the platform.

I hope this guide helped explain exactly why you may be missing the "Add Post to Your Story" option and how to get it back! Let me know if you have any other questions.