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How to Add Music to Your Facebook Post

The Power of Music in Social Media Marketing

Music is taking social media engagement to new heights. Studies show that posts with music see significantly higher engagement rates across platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

According to Socialinsider, adding music to Facebook videos increases comments by 66% and shares by 161%. This powerful medium stimulates emotions and connections that text and imagery alone cannot.

As a social media marketer, incorporating music into your Facebook content is a major opportunity to captivate audiences. But it must be done thoughtfully to truly complement the visuals rather than compete with them.

This comprehensive guide will teach you how to seamlessly add music to your Facebook posts using native editing tools. Let‘s dive in!

Benefits of Adding Music to Your Facebook Posts

Before jumping into the steps, let‘s explore some of the key benefits music can bring to your Facebook content:

  • Conveys brand personality – Choose music that aligns with your brand identity to express your style and values. Upbeat pop music for a fun, youthful vibe or classical tracks for sophistication.

  • Engages users – Posts with music garner more comments and shares. Music‘s ability to spark emotions makes users more likely to interact.

  • Sets the tone – Use music to emphasize the feeling you want to create, whether happy and optimistic or somber and dramatic.

  • Enhances videos – The right soundtrack makes videos much more immersive. Short clips of songs work best.

  • Adds creativity – Music allows you to showcase creative expression that text and images alone lack.

  • Boosts memorability – Hooks and melodies make your posts more memorable so users revisit them.

Clearly, music is an impactful supplement to visual content. Now let‘s look at how to add it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Music to Facebook Posts

Adding music to a Facebook post using native tools is quick and easy. Just follow these steps:

1. Create a Facebook Post

  • Open the Facebook app and tap the "What‘s on your mind" text box at the top to access the post composer.

  • You can create a text-only update or tap the Photo/Video icon to add visual media.

2. Select a Photo or Video

  • Tapping the Photo/Video icon will open your camera roll to browse albums.

  • Choose an existing photo or video you want to add music to.

  • Enable Facebook access to your device‘s media folders in Settings to ensure seamless selection.

3. Tap "Edit"

  • After picking a photo/video, tap the "Edit" button to open editing tools.

  • The editing screen lets you customize media with filters, text, stickers and more.

4. Tap the Music Icon

  • In editing view, tap the music icon (musical note symbol) at the top.

  • This opens the music menu where you can browse and select songs.

5. Select a Song

  • Scroll through Facebook‘s recommendations based on your tastes.

  • Search for specific songs or artists using the search bar.

  • Tap mood/activity categories like Chill, Motivation, Party, etc.

  • Tap a song to add it to your post. Listen to previews to ensure fit.

6. Post Photo or Video

  • The selected song‘s lyrics will appear as a sticker. Tap to edit font, color or size.

  • Switch the sticker to show song and artist name only if preferred.

  • Preview how the music sounds before posting. Adjust volume if needed.

  • Tap "Done" then "Post" when ready to publish.

Pro Tips for Adding Music to Facebook Posts

Follow these expert tips for seamlessly integrating music into your Facebook visual posts:

Pick Strategic Song Lengths – For video posts, use 15-30 second song clips. Full songs work better with photo posts.

Balance Music Volume – Music should complement the visuals, not overpower them. Adjust volume for ideal balance.

Use Instrumentals Wisely – Sometimes just a tune without lyrics is better for focusing attention on the visuals.

Support Brand Identity – Select music genres/moods that align with your brand personality and audience.

Secure Rights Responsibly – Use Rights Manager to legally clear music. Avoid unauthorized use that risks copyright issues.

Preview Quality – Ensure crisp, high-quality audio that won‘t detract from the experience.

Customizing Your Music Stickers with Creativity

Don‘t settle for the default music sticker design that Facebook provides. Get creative with fonts, colors and placement to make yours stand out:

  • Change the font style and size of the lyrics. Try different colors too.

  • Switch the sticker to just show song and artist if lyrics are distracting.

  • Resize the sticker to be more proportional to your image size and layout.

  • Reposition the sticker to a spot on your image that doesn‘t compete with key elements.

  • Hide the sticker altogether for a clean, fuss-free presentation focused solely on the visuals.

Don‘t be afraid to experiment until you land on what optimizes the post design.

Troubleshooting Common Music Issues

If you run into any hiccups adding music, here are some fixes:

  • Music unavailable? The feature may not have rolled out fully in your region yet. Edit outside Facebook first.

  • Songs blocked? Music labels can block certain songs. Use alternative versions that aren‘t blocked.

  • Copyright claim? Only use songs you have license rights for. Facebook Rights Manager simplifies licensing.

  • Volume uneven? Balance audio levels using an external editing app before uploading.

Take Your Facebook Posts to the Next Level with Music

Adding music elevates Facebook posts beyond static images and video alone. Follow this guide to seamlessly incorporate music using native editing tools.

Be intentional about choosing songs that support your brand identity and content tone. Take advantage of music‘s ability to spark emotion and engagement.

Let your audience experience your Facebook posts on a whole new level by complementing your visual content with the richness of music.