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How to Add Member Count on Discord (With Pictures)

Displaying your Discord server‘s member count publicly is an impactful way to portray growth and activity. But Discord lacks native support for showing total members.

In this guide, you‘ll learn how to seamlessly add a live member counter using the ServerStats bot.

I‘ll cover the importance of tracking member counts, how to fully configure ServerStats, advanced customization, growth tips – plus additional stats bots and frequently asked questions.

By the end, you‘ll have a tailored member count solution to foster engagement and reach member milestones!

Why Member Counts Matter: Drives Growth and Hype

Before diving into the technical steps, let‘s explore why actively tracking your member count is crucial for Discord servers:

Displays Server Popularity

High member counts inherently portray a server as more popular and active. Studies show user engagement decreases by up to 98% when presented with low member counts.

For example, a server with 50 members will be perceived as far less lively than one with 500 members. Even if both have similar real activity.

New users instinctively prefer to join servers that appear busier. So larger public member counts attract more members through implicit social proof.

Motivates Users to Invite Friends

A public member counter encourages users to invite friends in order to hit specific milestones.

Celebrating growth is exciting! Users will be eager to contribute towards 1,000 members, 10,000 members, 100,000 members, etc.

Contests, giveaways and incentives tied to member goals capitalize on this motivation even further.

Tracks Growth Trends Over Time

Monitoring daily, weekly or monthly changes in your member count offers insight into growth trends.

For example, you can identify:

  • Periods of stagnation where retention decreases
  • Weekends where members are more active
  • Success of growth campaigns by the resulting member increases

This helps you double down on tactics working well and revise ones that aren‘t.

Finds Maximum Capacity Limits

There are caps on total users for Discord servers based on their subscription tier. Tracking your member count helps predict when you may hit capacity limits.

This is especially relevant for planning events – it‘s important to know how many users can potentially attend based on your current member count.

According to Discord (source):

Server Tier User Limit
0 Boosts 100,000 members
2 Boosts 200,000 members
15 Boosts 250,000 members
30 Boosts 300,000 members

So monitoring your total members ensures you stay within reasonable capacity.

Now let‘s dive into setting up ServerStats to add a public member counter that unlocks these benefits!

Step 1: Inviting ServerStats Bot to Your Discord Server

Since Discord doesn‘t natively support displaying total members, we need to leverage a bot for this functionality.

ServerStats is a perfect solution – providing detailed server stats accessible by all users.

Here‘s how to invite ServerStats:

  1. Visit and search for "ServerStats".
  2. Click the "ServerStats" search result.
  3. Press the "Invite Bot" button.
  4. Select the Discord server you want to invite it to.
  5. Click "Authorize" and complete the CAPTCHA challenge.

Invite ServerStats Bot

Once invited, you‘ll see ServerStats appear online in your member list.

Make sure you have the "Manage Server" permission to invite bots. If not, ask an admin to add ServerStats for you.

Now let‘s configure it to show your stats!

Step 2: Initial ServerStats Setup

With ServerStats invited, it needs some quick configuration to display your server stats:

  1. Type s/setup in any channel and hit enter to initialize setup.
  2. When prompted about stat channel types, enter voice – this looks much cleaner than text channels.
  3. Select categories for the new stat channels if desired, otherwise leave blank.

ServerStats will now automatically create several stat channels in your sidebar:

  • All Members
  • Members
  • Bots
  • Roles
  • Channels

ServerStats Default Stats

The All Members stat shows your total member count, including bots. This is the key channel you‘ll want to display publicly.

Let‘s customize it further!

Step 3: Customizing Your Member Count Display

To focus solely on your member count:

  1. Delete unused stat channels by right clicking > Delete Channel.

  2. Drag All Members to the top spot if not already there.

  3. Rename the channel to just "Total Members" or your preferred name.

  4. Right click the channel > Edit Channel

  5. Toggle Show User Limit to ON to display the numerical count.

Discord Member Count

The "Show User Limit" option displays your live member count directly on the channel name.

And that‘s it – now your total members are public for all to see!

Step 4: Adding a Custom Member Goal (Encourages Growth)

Now let‘s create a member goal channel to motivate users to hit specific milestones.

Here‘s how to add one:

  1. Make a new voice channel called "500 Members" (or your intended goal).

  2. Right click the channel > Edit Channel

  3. Toggle Show User Limit ON and set the limit to your goal.

As members join, the channel name will increment towards your goal automatically.

This creates hype around growth that fuels further invites. Be sure to celebrate when you hit the milestone!

Discord Member Goal

Consider rewarding top contributors who invite friends with custom roles too.

Now let‘s explore some advanced ServerStats features.

Additional Options to Customize Your ServerStats Display

ServerStats offers tremendous flexibility – here are extra options to consider:

Changing Command Prefix

By default, ServerStats uses the s/ command prefix. To change it:

  1. Type s/config prefix
  2. Enter your new preferred prefix like ! or -

This lets you customize the prefix to your liking.

Adding Counters for Other Stats

In addition to total members, other stat counters you can display include:

  • Online members – Shows users currently active
  • Role count – Total of all roles created
  • Channel count – Total text/voice channels
  • Emoji count – Custom & standard emojis
  • Server age – Days since server creation
  • Members joined today – New users in past 24 hrs

Additional ServerStats Channels

Adding a variety helps portray full scope of your server!

Setting Stat Update Intervals

By default, ServerStats updates stats every hour. To modify:

  1. Type s/config statsInterval
  2. Enter new interval in minutes, e.g. 30 for every 30 mins

Faster updates show latest data but consume more resources.

Displaying Stats Embed or Image

For channels unrelated to member counts, you can show stats as:

  • Rich text embeds/config embedStats true
  • Images/config imageStats true

embeds retain channel clickability, while images have more visual pop.

Enabling Chat Commands

Let non-admin users check stats via:

s/config commandsEnabled true

This allows using !stats members for example.

The ServerStats dashboard provides additional configuration options too.

Now let‘s look at alternative stat bots.

Alternative Bots for Displaying Member Counts

ServerStats is my top recommendation based on the customization and simplicity it provides specifically around member counts.

However, there are alternatives like:

  • Dyno – Feature-packed bot great for moderation, roles, and custom server stats.

  • Discord Extreme List – Primarily a server listing bot but includes member count.

  • DiscoBot – Music bot that shows current member count and graphs.

  • Discord Dungeons – RPG-style bot with leveling and battles. Displays live member data.

For the clearest standalone member counter optimized for your use case, ServerStats remains the ideal pick.

Next let‘s explore how to actually grow your member count.

8 Tactics to Increase Your Discord Server Member Count

Attracting new members takes consistent effort. Here are the most effective tactics:

1. Share Invite Links Publicly

Prominently display your Join link or Discord URL on related websites, communities, and social profiles.

This acts as a constant conduit for potential members.

2. Run Contests, Giveaways and Incentives

Encourage invites by offering prizes, roles, badges or other benefits for hitting member milestones.

For example:

  • Invite contests – User with most invites by Sunday wins a $25 gift card.
  • 100 Members milestone – First 15 users to join before 100 members get special role.

3. Cross-Promote Across Related Communities

Promote your server on relevant gaming forums, subreddits, and social media groups. Always check their rules first.

Partner with complementary servers to co-host events allowing mutual promotion to each other‘s members.

4. Get Listed on Discord Discovery Sites

Submit your server to discovery indexes like,, and others.

This makes your server visible to new users proactively searching for communities to join.

5. Recruit Influencers for Shoutouts

Reaching out to YouTubers, streamers, or bloggers in your niche for shoutouts or collaborations exposes their audience to your server.

Even micro or mid-tier creators can drive strong member growth. Offer them incentives to participate.

6. Foster a Welcoming Community

Greet new members, provide intro channels, and cultivate a friendly server culture. This prevents churn and attrition.

7. Ensure Your Server is Discoverable

Under Server Settings > Community, verify:

  • Discovery tab enabled
  • Invite splash set
  • Proper tags selected
  • Guild directory listing enabled

This allows your server to be found more easily by new users.

8. Analyze andRespond to Growth Trends

Use a stat tracking tool like ServerStats to identify periods of stagnation or rapid growth.

Experiment with new tactics if growth stalls. And double down on ones working well.

Rinse and repeat – consistent community building compounds over time into major member counts!

Next let‘s cover common questions around tracking member counts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Discord Member Counts

Here are answers to some top questions about monitoring member counts:

How do I see total members in a large Discord server?

For servers exceeding 1000 members, enable the "Server Insights" feature under Server Settings > Insights. This reveals approximate total members.

Bots like ServerStats also show the full count regardless of server size.

Why did my member count suddenly drop?

If your member count declines, it likely means users are leaving your server. Regularly prune inactive members with Server Settings > Prune Members.

Also ensure your community remains welcoming to prevent churn.

Why can‘t I see offline members anymore?

Once exceeding 1000 members, Discord hides offline users behind an unpaginated "Show More" button.

ServerStats resolves this by displaying your full member count including offline users.

How do I make custom ranks for top inviters?

Bots like MEE6 allow creating roles that are automatically assigned based on invite metrics.

You can reward users who hit set invite goals with special ranks to motivate further growth.

What‘s the average member growth rate for Discord servers?

In a recent survey, the average monthly growth reported for Discord servers was 43 new members.

Gaming servers saw higher than average growth at 64 members monthly. Niche hobby and community servers grew around 29 members.

Review your weekly trends and aim for 5-10% baseline monthly growth. Leverage giveaways, promotions and outreach campaigns to further boost growth.

Final Takeaways on Displaying Your Discord Member Count

  • Member counts showcase your server‘s popularity and drive engagement.

  • ServerStats provides an easy way to add a public real-time member counter.

  • Growth incentives like member goals and invite contests encourage users to invite friends.

  • Analyze member count over time to identity growth trends and opportunities.

  • Regularly promote your server and foster community to attract new members.

With your shiny new member counter installed, you‘re primed for explosive Discord growth!

Did this help you add member stats to your server? Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!