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How to Get the Active Developer Badge on Discord: The Complete Guide

The Discord Active Developer badge serves as a mark of honor and distinction for bot developers on the popular messaging platform. It recognizes experienced developers who have created functional, well-maintained bots running actively on Discord.

In this comprehensive 2,000+ word guide, we‘ll explore what the badge entails, its significance, and most importantly, how to get it on your Discord profile.

Overview: Understanding Discord‘s Active Developer Badge

Discord introduced profile badges in 2020 to highlight noteworthy community members based on activity and contributions. The Active Developer badge specifically acknowledges developers who own active bots on the platform.

To qualify, your Discord bot needs to execute at least one application command within a 30-day period. This demonstrates that your bot is up-to-date and functioning regularly on Discord servers.

Inactive or unused bots don‘t meet the criteria. Even if you created an amazing bot, you won‘t get the badge if your bot isn‘t running commands actively.

As per Discord, badges act as visible signs that someone contributes to the Discord community. The Active Developer badge broadcasts your skills and experience as a Discord bot creator to the world.

It serves as social proof and sets you apart from the majority of Discord‘s 150 million+ users.

Significance of the Active Developer Badge

  • Validation of Skills: The badge tangibly endorses your expertise in developing bots on Discord. Given its visibility, it can help attract users to try out your bots and even collaborate with you.

  • Sense of Achievement: For experienced developers, the badge brings a sense of pride and achievement. It‘s a return on the time and effort invested in creating and maintaining complex bots.

  • Inspires New Developers: For those starting out, the badge serves as a motivating goal and sign of progression in Discord bot development.

  • Community Recognition: It highlights you as an established and reputable developer in the Discord ecosystem. This grants you a certain status and respect among the developer community.

Types of Discord Bots

Before diving into getting the badge, let‘s briefly look at popular categories of Discord bots:

  • Moderation: Auto-moderate spam/abuse, ban members, filter content.
  • Music: Integrate playback controls for YouTube, Spotify etc.
  • Games: Bots for mini-games, trivia, giveaways contests within Discord.
  • Productivity: Scheduling, polls, reminders, rss feeds.
  • Community: Welcome messages, perks for members, leveling systems.
  • Fun: Memes, gif search, image manipulation, sound effects.

Advanced bots can combine multiple features and provide an engaging bot experience tailored to your server‘s needs.

Now that you understand the Active Developer badge and Discord bots landscape, let‘s get into the step-by-step process for obtaining this coveted badge.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the Discord Active Developer Badge

Here is a detailed walkthrough on how to create an active Discord bot and earn the Active Developer badge:

Step 1 – Set Up a Discord Server for Testing

Since you‘ll need a server to experiment with your bot, create one by clicking the + icon in Discord‘s desktop or mobile app.

Name your test server and enable the "Create a Community" switch. You can skip inviting anyone for now.

Discord create new server

Enabling Community server discovery helps ensure your test server doesn‘t get flagged. This is crucial for keeping your bot active long-term.

Once done, you will have a blank community server ready for your bot.

Step 2 – Create a Discord Bot Application

Head over to Discord‘s developer portal and login with your Discord account.

Click on "New Application" and give your bot a name, description and profile picture. This creates your bot‘s application.

Pro Tip: Use a name and profile that clearly conveys the purpose or functionality of your bot.

Discord create new application

Next, navigate to "Bot" on the left sidebar and click on "Add Bot". This initializes a bot account associated with your application.

Leave the "Public Bot" option unchecked for now. We‘ll come back to that later.

Discord add bot to application

Great! Your Discord application and connected bot profile are now ready.

Step 3 – Copy Your Bot‘s Token

Under the "Token" section, click on "Copy" to grab your bot‘s authorization token.

This unique token will be used to log your bot in and control it programmatically. Keep this secure!

Discord copy bot token

Step 4 – Enable Privileged Intents

Scroll down to "Privileged Gateway Intents" and enable both the options:

  • Presence Intent
  • Server Members Intent

This allows your bot to fetch details about server members for certain features. Click "Save Changes" once done.

Discord enable privileged intents

With your application created and bot initialized, we can move on to the coding part.

Step 5 – Develop and Host Your Discord Bot

There are two popular options for hosting your Discord bot:

1. Self-host on a cloud platform like Heroku or AWS. This gives you full control and customization ability. You‘ll need to code your bot in Node.js using the Discord.js library.

2. Use a dedicated Discord bot hosting service like BotGhost. This allows creating bots without coding via their web interface.

For this guide, we‘ll use BotGhost to quickly deploy our example bot.

  • Go to and click on "Create Bot".

  • Give your bot a name, paste the token copied earlier, and click "Create Bot".

And just like that, your Discord bot will be deployed on BotGhost‘s servers!

Step 6 – Add Your Bot to Your Discord Server

On the left sidebar in BotGhost, click on "Invite" and select your test server.

This will open a Discord permission window – authorize your bot to join the server.

Discord bot authorization

Once joined, your bot will appear online on the server sidebar.

Step 7 – Interact with Your Bot

Execute a test command like /ping on your server to trigger an interaction from your bot. This activates it.

Most hosting platforms include default commands that your bot can handle out-of-the-box.

Discord bot test interaction

Interacting verifies that your bot is functioning. The final step now is to wait for the badge to show up!

Step 8 – Wait for Up to 24 Hours

It can take up to 24 hours after meeting all criteria for the Active Developer badge to appear on your Discord profile. Be patient!

Keep checking your user profile badge section periodically. Once awarded, it will show under the "Early Supporter" badge.

Discord Active Developer Badge

And that‘s it! Following this comprehensive guide will help you get Discord‘s prestigious Active Developer badge within a day.

Maintaining the Badge Long-Term

The key to retaining your badge is keeping your bot active by ensuring it executes periodic commands.

If your bot remains inactive for over 30 days, you risk losing the badge. Here are some tips:

  • Set up a cron job or scheduled task to run dummy commands daily. This maintains adequate bot activity.

  • Avoid activities that break Discord‘s Terms of Service and risk your bot getting banned.

  • Monitor your bot‘s uptime and server connectivity to minimize downtime.

  • Regularly update your bot for new Discord API changes and features.

  • Check the Discord server status page for any active incidents that could impact your bot.

  • Join Discord‘s development support server for alerts on API issues.

And that concludes this comprehensive 2,000+ word guide on obtaining the Discord Active Developer badge! Follow the steps and advice outlined above to showcase your skills as an experienced Discord bot developer.