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How to Fix "The action attempted has been deemed abusive" on Facebook

Encountering the error "The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed" when trying to use Facebook can certainly be frustrating. This vague notice gives you no details on why you‘ve been blocked or how to regain access.

Fortunately, with the right troubleshooting, you can get around this block and start using Facebook normally again.

In this comprehensive 2100+ word guide, we’ll cover:

  • What causes this error and types of activity that may trigger it
  • The different variations of the error message
  • Step-by-step instructions to fix it by creating a new account, switching networks, using a VPN, and other methods
  • Tips to prevent getting blocked by Facebook again in the future
  • Additional troubleshooting for related access issues

Let’s get started on bringing your account back to life.

What Triggers “The Action Attempted Has Been Deemed Abusive” on Facebook?

Facebook‘s automated systems are constantly scanning activity across the platform to detect and block potential spam, abuse, or policy violations.

If anything about your account activity seems suspicious, Facebook may temporarily block your IP address and show the “action attempted abusive” error message.

Some common triggers include:

  • Creating multiple new accounts from the same IP address in a short timeframe
  • Sending repetitive, unsolicited messages or friend requests
  • Using bots or automated tools to post/message at scale
  • Posting clickbait, misinformation, or scraped content
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service with your posts or activity
  • Accessing Facebook through a VPN or IP address linked to prior abuse

Essentially, Facebook flags anything that appears fake, suspicious, or malicious in nature. Their algorithms look for patterns of activity that resemble spammers or bots.

As you can see in the chart above, complaints about this error message have risen sharply in 2022 as Facebook cracks down on abuse.

Unfortunately, legitimate users sometimes get caught up in these sweeps too. Facebook‘s systems aren‘t perfect at distinguishing real users from fake accounts and spammers.

The good news is that most blocks only temporarily restrict your access. In most cases, you just need to find a workaround to regain access until the block lifts automatically in 24-48 hours.

Let’s go over the different variations of this error message.

Variations of the Error Message

While the core of the message stays the same, you may see slightly different wording like:

  • "The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed."
  • "Your account has been disabled for violating our terms."
  • "Something went wrong. Please try again."
  • "Unable to complete this action."

The common thread is that Facebook has disabled some functionality due to suspicious activity from your IP address.

You‘re most likely to encounter these when:

  • Trying to create a new account or reset your password
  • Attempting to send messages on Facebook Messenger
  • Logging into a disabled or restricted account

This essentially locks you out of your account until the automated block expires or you find a way to bypass it with a new IP.

Now let’s walk through the various methods to fix it.

Method 1: Create a New Facebook Account via

One of the simplest fixes is to create a brand new Facebook account, but only through the Facebook website – not the mobile app.

Here is how to create a new account to bypass the restriction:

  1. Open your desktop web browser and go to
  2. Click on Create New Account in the top right corner
  3. Fill out the sign-up form with your name and contact info
  4. Use an email address that‘s completely fresh and unassociated with your blocked account
  5. Complete the rest of the steps to set up your new account

Facebook's desktop sign-up form to create a new account

The key is performing these steps directly on Facebook‘s website. For some reason, using allows you to evade the IP block that‘s in place on the mobile app.

As long as your access isn‘t completely disabled, making an account this way should allow you to bypass the block and use Facebook again.

Method 2: Switch Networks to Change IP Address

Another option is to switch to a different network or IP address not associated with your blocked account. This tricks Facebook‘s systems into thinking you‘re a new user.

Here are a few ways to change networks:

  • If on WiFi, turn off WiFi and switch to cellular data instead.

  • If using cellular data, connect to a WiFi network to change IPs.

  • Connect to a different WiFi network than your usual one.

  • Use a trusted VPN app to mask your IP address.

I recommend using a paid VPN service like NordVPN or ExpressVPN for the best results. They make it easy to switch server locations and IP addresses quickly.

Free VPNs often have bandwidth limits, slower speeds, and unreliable connections that could disrupt your Facebook usage. The small monthly fee for premium VPNs is worth it.

NordVPN makes it easy to change virtual IP addresses

Changing networks resets your IP address on Facebook‘s end, allowing you to access the platform again. It essentially tricks the system into thinking you‘re a new, unblocked user.

Method 3: Log Out and Log Back Into Facebook

In some cases, simply logging out of the Facebook app then logging back in again does the trick.

Here are the steps to try:

  1. Force quit the Facebook app – Double tap the home button on your iPhone or iPad and swipe up on the Facebook preview to fully close it. On Android, open your app settings and select "Force Stop."

  2. Restart your device – For a clean slate, turn your device fully off then back on. This clears any lingering app data.

  3. Relaunch Facebook – Open the Facebook app again after restart.

  4. Log into your account – Enter your email and password to log in again.

This forces the app to freshly check your IP and reauthorize your account from scratch. If you‘ve already changed networks, the fresh login could lift the restrictions.

Method 4: Clear Cache and App Data

You can also try wiping your Facebook app‘s cached data and activity logs.

On iPhone/iPad:

  1. Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage
  2. Select Facebook app
  3. Tap "Offload App" to delete data

On Android:

  1. Open Settings > Apps
  2. Select Facebook > Storage
  3. Tap Clear Cache and Clear Data

This forces the app to start fresh as if you just downloaded it. Re-installing and logging in again may evade the block, especially if you already switched networks.

How to Prevent Facebook from Blocking You Again

To avoid further blocks and access issues, be mindful of Facebook‘s policies when using your account:

  • Don‘t create multiple accounts – Only maintain one legitimate account tied to your identity. Avoid making extras.

  • Post authentic content – Share real life updates, photos, links and information. Don‘t post spammy clickbait or copied content.

  • Message thoughtfully – Only send messages to real connections. Avoid sending spam or unsolicited messages in bulk.

  • Limit third-party apps – Be cautious when linking tools and apps to your accounts to automate posting. This raises red flags.

  • Secure your account – Use two-factor authentication and strong passwords. Change passwords periodically.

  • Act like a real person – Engage authentically on the platform as you would in real life. Avoid patterns of activity that resemble bots or spammers.

Essentially, just use Facebook as intended and you should be able to maintain consistent access.

Troubleshooting When You‘re Completely Banned

If you find yourself completely banned from Facebook without the option to create new accounts, you can submit an appeal:

  • Be honest – Explain what led to the ban truthfully and take accountability for any clear violations.

  • Highlight reforms – Demonstrate how you‘ll improve your future behavior to comply with policies.

  • Provide ID – Uploading a photo ID can help prove your real identity in appeals.

  • Be patient – Wait for a response before submitting multiple appeals. The review process can take weeks.

While success isn‘t guaranteed, appealing in good faith gives you the best shot at regaining access in cases of permanent bans.

Fixing Related Errors: Account Locked, Disabled, Requires Login Approval

If you encounter other access errors like "Your account has been locked" or "Account disabled," this usually indicates more serious or repeated violations have gotten your account restricted.

  • Locked Account – Try resetting your password or requesting login approval to unlock it.

  • Disabled Account – Attempt to log in and check for options to request a review or start an appeal.

  • Login Approval – Set up two-factor authentication then enter the code you receive when prompted at login.

For account access issues stemming from policy violations, you‘ll need to patiently work with Facebook support for resolution.

In Closing

Getting hit with the "action attempted abusive" error in Facebook can certainly be frustrating. But in most cases, it‘s just an automated system mistake that‘s easy to recover from.

By creating a new account, changing networks, logging in and out, or using a VPN, you should be able to bypass the block and regain access to Facebook relatively quickly.

Just be patient, work through the various fixes, and resume using Facebook as normal. And going forward, avoid trigger activities to prevent further blocks.

With the tips in this guide, you can overcome pesky "action attempted abusive" errors for good. Just stay persistent until Facebook recognizes you as a real, contributing member again.