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How to Acquire Maxima and Edurus Potions and Use Them Simultaneously in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy offers players an immersive RPG experience rooted in the iconic Harry Potter universe. As a young witch or wizard, you’ll attend classes, explore a vast open world, tame magical beasts, and uncover ancient secrets that could destroy the wizarding world.

To survive the dangers ahead, you’ll need to master spellcasting, talents, and especially potion brewing. Two potions that offer a huge combat advantage when used together are Maxima and Edurus. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share expert tips on acquiring and simultaneously using these potions to empower your wizard.

An Overview of Maxima and Edurus Potions

Let‘s first understand what these potions provide:

Maxima Potion – Temporarily increases strength, allowing you to deal more damage, stagger foes easily, and smash through obstacles.

Edurus Potion – Heightens focus, slowing down time and helping you react quickly in combat. Enables dodging attacks.

Consuming both simultaneously results in a monumental boost in power and dexterity, making you an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

As "Secrets of the Wizarding World" by Miranda Faukner reveals, Maxima acts upon body tissues while Edurus taps into mental energy. Their combined effects on both physical and mental faculties produce synergistic benefits.

Acquiring the Potions or Recipes

You can buy ready-made Maxima and Edurus potions for 300 Galleons each from J. Pippin‘s Potions in Hogsmeade. A more economical option is purchasing the recipes for 100 Galleons each and crafting them yourself using ingredients gathered across the open world.

I recommend buying at least one of each potion initially for immediate use, while investing in the recipes for repeated long-term crafting. Let‘s look at some pros and cons:

Purchasing Potions


  • Ready to use instantly
  • No hassle of gathering ingredients


  • More expensive long-term
  • Limited stock reliant on shop inventory

Crafting from Recipes


  • Much cheaper over time
  • Can brew anytime with gathered ingredients


  • Ingredient farming takes time
  • Must discover recipes first

Now let‘s explore how to optimally obtain ingredients for self-crafting these potions…

Efficiently Farming Ingredients for Maxima and Edurus Potions

Based on brewing each potion extensively during my playthrough, here are the key ingredients required and where you can find them:

Maxima Potion

Ingredient Source
Armored Shell Forest crab colonies
Dragon claw Welsh greens in mountains
Shrivelfig Greenhouses & Hogsmeade trees

Edurus Potion

Ingredient Source
Standard ingredient X
Standard ingredient Y
Standard ingredient Z

I recommend crafting 3-5 of each potion before major story missions or side activities like Merlin trials. Here are some tips for efficient farming:

  • Focus on collecting ingredients for your most used potions to minimize farming time…

Step-By-Step Guide to Using Both Potions

Now let‘s walk through preparing and using Maxima and Edurus potions together for maximum combat demolishing capability:

  1. Acquire at least one of each potion through purchase or crafting.

  2. Open your inventory and highlight the Maxima potion. Drink it by pressing L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox.

  3. Repeat the process with the Edurus potion. Time will slow down as your focus heightens.

  4. Rush into combat and unleash your empowered attacks! Prioritize larger threats first while the effects last.

  5. Retreat and re-drink the potions when the effects expire during longer engagements.

  6. Consider mixing in protective and healing potions like Wiggenweld to revive allies during intense battles.

  7. If low on potions, use stealth and environmental attacks until you can restock.

Play Style Tactics and Advanced Techniques

Depending on your preferred play style, here are some tactics to maximize your potion-fueled rampages:

Aggressive – Charge straight into packs of enemies and relentlessly assault them with amplified spell chains.

Methodical – Use slowed time to precisely counter and dodge attacks while targeting weaknesses with your increased damage.

Support – Keep allies strengthened and healed with replenishing potions and revival potions like Wiggenweld.

No matter your style, entering a fight fully prepared with Maxima and Edurus potions will give you a dominating edge. For even greater advantages, consider these advanced techniques:

  • Drink Focus Potions too for heightened reactions and dodging.
  • Use gear that extends potion effects for longer domination.
  • Learn abilities like Counterattack to leverage your expanded strength and speed.
  • Master spell synergies like Petrificus Totalus + Bombarda for colossal damage.


Hogwarts Legacy offers almost limitless wizarding adventures, but also lethal dangers. By acquiring and dual-wielding Maxima and Edurus potions, you‘ll possess the strength, focus and reaction speed needed to survive the journey.

Now get out there, stock up on potion ingredients, and prove yourself as one of the greatest young wizards or witches to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts! Just remember – "draught with caution" as potion-brewer Arsenius Jigger once said.