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How to Acquire All Three Combat Plants and Use Them Simultaneously in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy offers players an immersive open world experience filled with magical beasts, customization options, potion making and spell casting. As a Hogwarts student, you can acquire special combat plants that provide unique abilities in battles against dangerous foes. This comprehensive guide will walk you through acquiring all three combat plants – Chinese Chomping Cabbage, Mandrake and Venomous Tentacula – and using them simultaneously for maximum effect.

Origins and Background of the Combat Plants

Before we dive into acquisition and usage, let‘s briefly explore the origins and background of each plant to better understand their capabilities.

The Chinese Chomping Cabbage

The Chinese Chomping Cabbage is a magical variant of the mundane cabbage plant. It was first cultivated in the medieval era by Chinese herbologists experimenting with enchantments. When thrown at a target, the enchanted cabbage sprouts jagged teeth and bites down aggressively.

Image: Chinese Chomping Cabbage lunging at an enemy

The chomping cabbage is valued for its tenacity and relentless damage over time. Once latched on, it is near impossible to remove without magic.

The Mandrake

Mandrakes are ancient plants with a cries capable of knocking out or even killing those who hear it. Their roots resemble humans, which contributed to their magical mystique. Mandrakes were first documented by the Greek herbalist Dioscorides, but have been used in European and Middle Eastern potion-making for centuries.

Image: Mandrake root

In Hogwarts Legacy, the mandrake‘s cry can stun and disorient groups of foes, opening opportunities for unchecked attacks. Upgraded mandrakes learn to focus their cries, knocking out weak targets instantly.

The Venomous Tentacula

The Venomous Tentacula is a dangerous magical plant with spiky vines that try to grab living prey. It secretes venom capable of injuring or even killing wizards. The plant was invented by wizard naturalist Phyllida Spore in the late 18th century and remains rare to this day.

Image: A Venomous Tentacula snaring its prey

In combat, the Venomous Tentacula can bind enemies in poisonous vines while dealing accumulating toxic damage. More vines means more targets held at mercy.

Now that we‘ve covered some key background, let‘s examine how to acquire each plant and wield them effectively in battle.

Comparison of Combat Plants and Their Utility

While all three plants have unique mechanics, some are better suited to different combat scenarios:

  • The Chinese Chomping Cabbage is ideal for high single target damage against elite foes. Once latched on, it can shred enemies with prolonged aggressive bites.

  • The Mandrake excels at crowd control thanks to its wide area scream attack. By disorienting groups, it lets you control the flow of battle.

  • The Venomous Tentacula is perfect for hindering enemies while dealing ongoing damage over time through its constricting toxic vines.

Here‘s a quick comparison table highlighting the key attributes of each plant:

Plant Damage Type Targets Effects Strengths Weaknesses
Chinese Chomping Cabbage Physical Single Bleed, Tenacity Sustained single target damage Low area damage
Mandrake Sonic Area Stun, Disorientation Crowd control Short stun duration
Venomous Tentacula Poison Area Damage over time, Restraint Constant toxic damage, target restraint Low single target damage

As shown above, each plant has strengths and weakness that make them suitable for different encounters. Choosing the right plant or combination comes down to adapting to the battle conditions. Their powers combined enable you to succeed in any situation!

Exact Locations to Find the Combat Plants

While the plants are sold at Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade, they can also be found growing in specific locations around Hogwarts Valley if you want to collect them yourself. Here are the exact spots:

Chinese Chomping Cabbage

Chinese Chomping Cabbages can be found growing near water sources around Hogwarts Valley, specifically:

  • Along the riverbanks north of Lower Hogsfield
  • Around the rocky pools by the Eroded Isle in the southwest
  • In gardens and vegetable patches on family farms


Mandrake plants can be found in these underground locations:

  • Inside caves beneath Hogwarts Valley including Cave of Trials and Cave Under the Castle
  • In the greenhouse cellar accessed from the Forbidden Forest
  • Buried in cemeteries like the one in North Ford Bog

Venomous Tentacula

The elusive Venomous Tentacula grows in these dangerous areas:

  • The southeastern Macusa Excavation Site surrounded by venomous magical snails
  • The Forbidden Forest, but beware of its aggressive acromantula guardians
  • Inside deep dungeons filled with deadly plant guardians

Once you unlock Accio, you can summon plants to your position from a distance which is safer than venturing into high level enemy dens.

Step-By-Step Guide to Acquiring All Plants from Merchant

Follow these detailed steps to purchase all three plants from Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade:

Step 1) Fast travel to Hogsmeade

You can fast travel to Hogsmeade at any time by opening your map, selecting the Hogsmeade icon, and choosing "Travel Here".

Image: Fast traveling to Hogsmeade

Apparate just outside The Three Broomsticks.

Step 2) Locate Dogweed and Deathcap

From the Three Broomsticks entrance, take a right down High Street. Follow this road as it curves left. Dogweed and Deathcap will be on your right side.

Image: Arriving at Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade

Look for the sign with a dogweed and tentacula plant.

Step 3) Speak with Beatrice Green

Enter the shop and walk up to the shopkeeper, Beatrice Green. Interact with her to open the shop menu.

Image: Shopkeeper Beatrice Green

Skip the small talk and let‘s get right to business!

Step 4) Purchase the Chinese Chomping Cabbage

Select the "Combat Plants" category from the shop menu. Purchase 1x Chinese Chomping Cabbage for 100 galleons.

Image: Purchasing the Chinese Chomping Cabbage

Your first deadly plant is now ready for battle!

Step 5) Purchase the Mandrake

Still in the Combat Plants category, purchase 1x Mandrake plant for 150 galleons.

Image: Buying the Mandrake

Time to make some enemies deaf!

Step 6) Buy the Venomous Tentacula

Lastly, purchase 1x Venomous Tentacula for 250 galleons.

Image: Obtaining the Venomous Tentacula

With all 3 plants acquired, you‘ll be a force to be reckoned with!

Step 7) Equip the Plants

Open your inventory and equip each plant to the consumables hotbar for easy access in battles. They‘ll regenerate over time after use.

And that covers obtaining all three plants from Dogweed and Deathcap! Now let‘s examine optimal tactics for using them together in combat.

Mastering Synergistic Combat Tactics and Upgrades

Simply having all three plants isn‘t enough – you need to learn how to combine their powers synergistically to maximize combat prowess:

Immobilize Enemies with the Tentacula First

Start most encounters by throwing the Venomous Tentacula at the center of enemy groups. The expanding vines will ensnare multiple foes, immobilizing them while also dealing toxic damage over time.

Follow Up with the Mandrake‘s Cry

With enemies already hindered by the Tentacula, hit them with the Mandrake‘s disorienting scream. The confusion will stack with the restraint effect, buying you even more time to attack unchecked.

Focus Down Key Targets with the Chomping Cabbage

While groups are incapacitated, hurl the Chinese Chomping Cabbage at priority single targets for intense biting damage. The cabbage is great for focusing down elite enemies.

Weave in Spells Between Each Plant Use

Don‘t just rely on plants alone. Weave offensive spells like Confringo and Bombarda in between each plant use. This combines physical, sonic, poison, and raw magical damage for maximum devastation.

Know Each Plant‘s Recharge Time

Memorize each plant‘s recharge time and stagger their use accordingly. The Chomping Cabbage takes the longest to reset at 45 seconds, so use it sparingly. The Mandrake and Tentacula recharge faster at 30 seconds and 20 seconds respectively.

Upgrade For Greater Potency

As you level up, invest talent points into upgrading each plant‘s potency and effects. This includes enhancing the Mandrake‘s scream radius, the Tentacula‘s vine spread, and the Chomping Cabbage‘s bite damage.

By mastering the combo timing and upgrading plants wisely, you‘ll have no trouble defeating groups of varied enemies. These strategies take practice, but the investment is well worth it!

Advanced Care and Cultivation of Plants

While plants regenerate on their own, you can further enhance their growth and effectiveness with careful cultivation between battles:

Fertilize Soil with Dragon Dung

Use Dragon Dung as fertilizer – it stimulates rapid plant growth and potency. Hagrid may provide dung access if you help him with groundskeeping tasks.

Water Liberally with Invigoration Draughts

Watering plants with Invigoration Draughts made from knotgrass, lacewings, and doxy eggs will accelerate their health regeneration.

Plant High Quality Seeds

Upgrade to enhanced Giant Chinese Chomping Cabbage, Screeching Mandrake, and Devil‘s Snare seeds via Herbology studies for even more formidable plants.

Trim Regularly For Optimal Health

Use secateurs to trim dead leaves and stems as needed to maintain the plant‘s vigor. But be careful of the Venomous Tentacula!

Providing attentive care ensures your plants are healthy and combat-ready at all times. Further mastery tips are waiting at the Herbology classroom!

In Summary

And there you have it – a complete guide to acquiring all three combat plants and wielding them effectively together against the many threats of Hogwarts Legacy. Here are some key takeaways:

  • The Chinese Chomping Cabbage, Mandrake, and Venomous Tentacula all have unique combat utilities – know when to use each one.

  • Purchase the plants from Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade, or locate them growing in the valleys and forests around Hogwarts.

  • Combine the Tentacula‘s immobilization, the Mandrake‘s disorientation, and the Cabbage‘s focused damage for plant synergy.

  • Weave in spells between plants and upgrade each plant‘s potency for maximum devastation.

  • Give your plants attentive care via fertilization, watering, high quality seeds, and regular trimming.

Follow this guide, and you‘ll have mastered one of the most powerful combat tools available to Hogwarts Legacy players. Soon you‘ll be able to defeat any challenger with your arsenal of weaponized plants!