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How to Acquire a Diricawl with the Nab-Sack in Hogwarts Legacy

As an avid gamer and magical creature enthusiast with over 200 hours played in Hogwarts Legacy so far, I‘ve developed proven techniques for tracking and capturing even the most elusive beasts roaming the highlands. The swift-footed Diricawl is among the trickiest to pin down, but with proper preparation and strategic use of the vital Nab-Sack tool, you too can acquire this remarkable teleporting bird.

The Mysterious Diricawl

According to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Diricawls originate from the island Mauritius but have been sighted throughout the highlands of Scotland and Ireland as well. These plump, fluffy-feathered birds possess the extraordinary ability to vanish at will and reappear elsewhere as a means of escaping danger.

Diricawl Abilities

  • Vanish in a puff of feathers when frightened
  • Reappear up to 100 miles away
  • Leave behind a few feathers as trace of prior location

Why Catch a Diricawl?

  • Harvest feathers for potions like Polyjuice Potion
  • Use vanished carcasses as meat
  • Register new entry in your Beastiary collection

How The Nab-Sack Tool Works

Before you have any hope of catching a speedy teleporting Diricawl, you‘ll first need to equip yourself with a critical tool – the Nab-Sack. Available at the Gear Shop in Hogsmeade, this enchanted burlap sack costs 50 Galleons but enables magical beast capture.

Nab-Sack Features

  • Lightweight cloth construction
  • Can snare creatures up to 500lb capacity
  • Mystically binds creature inside once captured

Beasts Safe to Capture

  • Diricawls
  • Fire Crabs
  • Fwoopers
  • Giant Purple Toads
  • Graphorns
  • Hippogriffs
  • Nifflers

Riskier Beasts

Proceed carefully with beasts like Graphorns and Runespoors that may destroy your sack upon capture.

Step-By-Step Guide to Catching a Diricawl

Follow these instructions to successfully acquire a Diricawl using your Nab-Sack:

Gear Up!

Before embarking on your creature hunt, I recommend equipping the following items and abilities:

  • Nab-Sack – Essential for capture
  • Disillusionment Charm – Blends you into environments
  • Accio – Summons feathers/tracks to you
  • Revelio – Reveals hidden creatures
  • Depulso – Banishes Diricawls back if they flee

Identify Diricawl Territory

Use your map to locate remote habitats like the West Highland Way or Hebridean Black Dragon Reserve where Diricawls dwell. Search open meadows and lochs dotted with shrubs where they nest.

Prime Diricawl Spots

Location Terrain
West Highland Way Highland meadows, marshes
Hebridean Black Reserve Moorland, lochs
Overland South Rolling plain grasslands

Track Down Diricawls

Once in prime habitat, keep your eyes peeled for traces of Diricawls like shed feathers, 3-toed tracks, or flickering invisibility revealing their presence. Use Revelio and Accio to help manifest clues leading to their hidden nests.

Stake Out The Nest

Upon discovering a nest, don‘t rush in! Set up in a hidden spot 30-40 yards away and observe first. Patiently watch the nest until you spot your fuzzy target.

Capture The Diricawl!

When the Diricawl appears, equip your Nab-Sack and slowly approach, freezing if they show signs of alarm. Once within 20 yards, quickly swing your sack over them before they flee! If done right, you‘ll see the sack shake with your secured prize!

Register Your New Beast

Head to the Beastiary to register your newly acquired Diricawl for rewards like creature harvests. Don‘t forgot to pluck any valuable feathers for potion-making while you‘re there!

Feather Statistics

Diricawl feathers fetched 2 Sickles each at the Hogsmeade shops during my gameplay. With a 500 feather capacity per bird in your stash, that‘s 10 Galleons worth from a single Diricawl!


It takes proper preparation, tracking skills, swift reflexes and a bit of luck, but with practice nearly any witch or wizard can capture a Diricawl with an ordinary Nab-Sack! Just don‘t hesitate once the fluffy bird is in sight!

Now get out there and start catching magical beasts! Please share any of your own fantastical creature capturing tales. Happy hunting!