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Achieving Hunter Eyes Naturally: Facial Exercises & Techniques

Hunter eyes have become the most coveted eye shape in recent years, especially among men seeking to boost their attractiveness. Characterized by a hooded, almond-like appearance with a subtle downward tilt at the outer corners, hunter eyes create an illusion of mystery, leadership ability, and trustworthiness. While genetics play a key role in facial anatomy, certain natural methods can help you achieve a more hunter-like eye appearance.

What Makes Hunter Eyes Appealing

Research in social psychology and mate selection has consistently shown that both men and women perceive hunter eyes as more dominant, masculine, and attractive [1]. Evolutionary psychologists partly attribute this to resemblance to facial features found in high testosterone individuals, signalling health, vigor and leadership capacity [2].

Beyond intrinsic appeal, the media has also amplified the desirability of hunter eyes through depiction of male heroes and heartthrobs with this eye shape. The structured, hooded brow has become visual shorthand for the mysterious, ultra-masculine leading man.

Key Anatomical Factors

So what makes hunter eyes distinct from more ordinary "prey" eyes anatomically? Several subtle aspects of bone and tissue structure around the eyes confer the hunter eye signature look:

Maxilla Position: Hunter eyes are associated with a more forward grown maxilla (upper jaw), conferring better support and definition of the eye region [3]. Those with underdeveloped or recessed maxilla often have a "tired" eye appearance.

Canthal Tilt: Hunter eyes typically display a minor downward slant of the eye corners (lateral canthus) of around 5 degrees, while prey eyes may tilt slightly upwards [4].

Brow Ridge Prominence: A subtle protrusion of the brow ridge, casting a partial shadow over the eyes, adds depth and mystique to hunter eyes.

Compact Orbital Shape: Hunter eyes sit within rectangular, compact orbital sockets compared to the rounder shape of prey eyes. This amplifies hoodedness.

Thin Eyelid Skin: Thinner, elastic eyelid skin that easily hoods over the eye also facilitates the almond hunter eye shape.

Lifestyle Changes for Natural Enhancement

While dramatic alterations to facial structure aren‘t feasible without surgery, less invasive techniques can promote subtle "hunterfication" of eyes step-by-step over months and years:

Improve Tongue Posture with Mewing

Mewing is a technique developed by Dr. Mike Mew emphasising proper resting tongue posture pressed up against the palate [5]. Rather than letting your tongue sag downwards, actively training it to press upward puts therapeutic pressure on the maxilla that can gradually spur small degrees of forward growth even in adults. This enhancement of midfacial support bestows some subtle hunter eye shaping effects.

Chew Gum or Tougher Foods

Chewing tougher gum or snack foods like beef jerky requires significant force from the masseter muscle along the jaw, activating bone growth factors in that region. Over years, a visibly widened and squared jawline emerges, complementing the hunter eye aesthetic [6]. For optimal results, begin a daily chewing regimen early in adolescence when bone plasticity is highest.

Relax Facial Expressions

Learning to control your facial muscles takes practice, but a persistently raised brow or wide-eyed look precludes development of hooded hunter eyes. Make a conscious effort to relax the brows, widen the eyelids, and let gravity gently pull excess upper eyelid skin over your pupils. The right expressions mould elastic eyelid tissue into that ideal hooded shape. Subtly pull at the side of your eyes to stretch the eyelids and build elasticity.

Cosmetic Procedures for Hunter Eyes

For those unmoved by gradual natural enhancement techniques, a range of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures promise more radical hunter eye modification potential.

Canthoplasty Surgery: By cutting and restitching the outer eye corners, surgeons can alter canthal tilt to achieve the desired subtle hunter eye downward slant [7].

Lower Blepharoplasty: Removing fat and excess skin from under the eyes sharpens definition of the eye region for a less "sleepy" appearance [8].

Brow Ridge Fillers: Fillers or fat grafted along the brow bone mimic the prominent protruding ridge helping shade hunter eyes [9].

Eyebag Removal: Removing undereye bags via lower blepharoplasty or filler injection restores smooth support around the orbital rims for alert hunter eyes.

Each eye-enhancing procedure carries risks like infection, nerve damage, and unsatisfactory results. Furthermore, while such interventions may confer an artificial hunter eye-esque aesthetic, observers may yet detect an uncanny, surgically-altered look.

Conclusion: Work With Your Natural Foundation

Achieving true hunter eyes requires congruence between multiple anatomical traits in precise proportions suited to your existing facial geometry. While cosmetic interventions may artificially mimic parts of the idealized look, the most sustainable approach works holistically with each individual’s natural foundations.

Techniques like mewing and chewing can spur incremental development of a facial landscape more conducing to emergent hunter eyes. Relaxed, hooded expressions can then make optimal use of new brow and eyelid elasticity. Practice visualizing your optimal facial structure, and let that self-concept guide gradual aligned enhancement toward your ideal expression of dominance, vigour and allure.


[1] Foo, Y.Z. et al. 2021. What do women want? Modeling facial attractiveness and desirability in men. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

[2] Lefevre, C.E. et al. 2013. Telling facial metrics: facial width is associated with testosterone levels in men. Evolution and Human Behavior.

[3] Mew, J. 2010. Posture, facial structure and the tongue. Journal of General Orthodontics.

[4] Yin, R. et al. 2020. Anthropometric analysis of the ideal male Asian eyelid. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

[5] Singh, G.D. and Levy-Bercowski, D. 2009. Posture and the upper quarter. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry.

[6] Alves, N. et al. 2020. Chewing hard gum: The solution for a stronger masseter muscle? The Physician and Sports Medicine.

[7] Patel, M.P. et al. 2019. Cosmetic canthoplasty. Seminars in Ophthalmology.

[8] Tamburino, S. et al. 2020. Surgical anatomy of lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Aesthetic Surgery Journal.

[9] Mashiko, T. et al. 2020. The ideal male brow ridge: An internet survey. Aesthetic Surgery Journal.