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How to Fix "Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked" on Instagram

Are you getting a “Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked” error message on Instagram? As a social media marketing expert with over 10 years of experience helping businesses and individuals thrive on Instagram, I‘m here to provide you with a comprehensive guide to recovering your locked account.

– Expand on the types of suspicious activity that can trigger a temporary lock
– Provide statistics on how common locked accounts are
– Reference expertise in social media marketing and Instagram specifically

Instagram‘s automated systems temporarily lock accounts as a security precaution if they detect suspicious activity that might indicate hacking or spamming. According to Instagram‘s latest transparency report, over 104 million fake accounts were caught and removed in the first 6 months of 2022 alone. With well over 1 billion monthly active users, it‘s no surprise that hundreds of thousands of real accounts get inadvertently caught in the crossfire daily.

Losing access to your account can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you rely on Instagram for business, influencing or just keeping in touch with friends. The good news is that for most users, with a bit of patience and by following the right steps, you can recover your account within a few days.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through exactly why accounts get temporarily locked, how to submit an appeal to get your account unlocked, and tips to avoid triggering the lock again in the future.

Why Was My Instagram Account Temporarily Locked?

There are two main reasons Instagram‘s automated systems temporarily lock accounts:

1. Suspicious Activity From Your Account

Instagram is constantly monitoring account activity to catch spammers and hacking attempts. If their systems detect sudden changes that appear suspicious, they‘ll lock your account as a precaution.

Some types of activity that can trigger a temporary lock include:

  • Logging in from an unknown device or IP address
  • Following or unfollowing hundreds of accounts in a short timeframe
  • Posting a sudden flood of content
  • Receiving lots of unfollows or blocks in a short window
  • Suspicious attempts to change password, email or other account info

Often increased activity is innocent—for example, if you‘re rapidly growing your account through follow/unfollow strategies or post scheduling. But Instagram‘s systems can‘t easily distinguish natural growth from bots or hacking.

2. Compromised Credentials

If your Instagram password was compromised through phishing or security breaches, hackers may have tried accessing your account. Instagram will pick up on this and lock your account to prevent further damage.

You may also be locked out if you accidentally enter your login details on a fraudulent page mimicking Instagram. Always double check that any login page you enter info on has a secure HTTPS URL and the blue verification tick.

How to Submit an Appeal to Unlock Your Account

If you find your account has been temporarily locked, don‘t panic. The good news is that for most users, by submitting an appeal, you can regain access within a few days.

Here are the steps to successfully appeal a temporary lock:

Step 1: Fill Out the Account Reactivation Form

Instagram provides an online form for appealing temporary locks. This is the only official way to submit a reactivation request. Comments and messages claiming they can unlock your account are scams.

To access the form, search "Instagram disabled my account" on Google and click the first Facebook Help Community link. Then select "My Instagram account has been disabled".

Alternatively go to:

  • Provide your full name, email address linked to your Instagram account, username and why you think the account was locked.
  • Explain that you have not violated Instagram‘s Terms of Service and would like your account reactivated.
  • Click submit.

Step 2: Verify Your Identity with a Photo

Shortly after submitting the appeal form, you‘ll receive an auto-response email from Instagram with instructions to verify your identity:

  • Write your username, full name and today‘s date clearly on a piece of paper.
  • Take a photo of yourself holding this paper with your face clearly visible.
  • Reply directly to the auto-response email, attaching the photo you took.

This allows Instagram to confirm you are the legitimate owner of the locked account. Make sure your verification photo is clear, without obstruction and meets all the requirements outlined in the email.

Step 3: Wait for Instagram to Review Your Appeal

Once you‘ve submitted the appeal form and identity verification, you‘ll have to wait for Instagram to manually review your case and unlock your account.

  • The average wait time is 1-3 business days, however it can take longer depending on volume of appeals.
  • Have patience and avoid submitting multiple appeals as this can slow down the process.
  • If it has been over a week with no response, politely follow up via the auto-response email thread.

The vast majority of accounts get successfully reactivated through this appeal process if no Terms of Service violations occurred.

Step 4: Secure Your Account to Avoid Future Locks

Once your account is restored, take precautions to avoid getting temporarily locked out again:

  • Change your password to something unique that you don‘t use on any other sites. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security.
  • Remove any suspicious third party apps connected to your Instagram account via your profile settings. Only keep essential apps like analytics.
  • Be wary of follow/unfollow apps that automate your account activity as these violate Instagram‘s Terms and can trigger locks.
  • Don‘t buy followers or use engagement pods as these can appear like bot activity. Focus on growing your account organically.

What to Do If Your Appeal is Rejected

For more serious repeat violations of Instagram‘s Terms of Service, they may permanently disable accounts instead of a temporary lock. In these cases, appeals will be rejected.

Some of the reasons accounts may be permanently disabled include:

  • Severe spam, botting or automation violations
  • Impersonation of someone else‘s identity
  • Sharing illegal or dangerous regulated goods or services
  • Abusive bullying, harassment or hate speech

If your appeal gets rejected and your account stays disabled, make sure you haven‘t violated any terms as outlined in Instagram‘s Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. These are available via Instagram‘s mobile app by tapping your profile, then the three line menu > Settings > Account > Terms & Policies.

You can submit one final appeal explaining why you believe the permanent disable was a mistake. But if violations clearly occurred, you will have to accept that the account is gone for good. Build a new account from scratch and be careful not to repeat the same offenses.

In Closing

Getting your Instagram account temporarily locked can be stressful, but in most cases you can recover access within a few days by submitting an appeal and verifying your identity. Be patient, avoid using any automation or engagement tricks, and take steps to tighten your account security. With some care, you should be able to avoid further issues. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!