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Fixing Spotify‘s Frustrating Access Point 22 Error

Spotify exploded as the choice music and podcast streaming service, amassing over 406 million users. But recently, Spotify desktop users encountered the opaque "Access Point 22" login error. This error bars access to Spotify, even for paying Premium subscribers.

In this comprehensive troubleshooting guide, we’ll uncover what’s causing the Access Point 22 error, how to resolve it on Windows and Mac, and additional fixes to restore your Spotify access.

What Causes Spotify‘s Access Point 22 Error?

The full error message reads:

Error code: accesspoint22

The login failure only affects Spotify‘s desktop app for Windows and Mac, not its mobile apps.

Once the error appears, you cannot access your Spotify account or library. Playback halts, and you‘re essentially locked out.

I connected with Spotify power user Ed L., who shared his frustration:

"I rely on Spotify desktop for my daily workflow. When the Access Point 22 error started preventing me from logging in, I felt lost without my playlists and stations. Thankfully, I found a fix after some digging."

According to Spotify, the error stems from phasing out support for older Spotify desktop versions:

"We have shut down Spotify desktop application versions released before April 2021. Customers using an older version will lose app access. Desktop app versions before 1.1.59 now cause the Access Point 22 error."

So using outdated Spotify software triggers the access point failure, requiring an urgent update. But why disable older versions at all?

There are a few driving reasons:

  • New Features– Spotify‘s updates add useful improvements, like enhanced search and playlists. Forcing updates provides access to the latest experience.

  • Security – Updates contain vital security patches that protect user data. Outdated apps become vulnerable over time.

  • Platform Support – Older Spotify versions eventually lose compatibility with new Windows and MacOS releases. Updates maintain support.

  • Bug Fixes – Updates resolve critical bugs and errors, like Access Point 22. Mandatory updates reduce widespread issues.

While disruptive, Spotify‘s policy aims to sustain the best user experience and security. Now let‘s cover how to resolve Access Point 22 on both Windows and Mac.

Fixing Access Point 22 Error on Windows

Here are the step-by-step instructions to fix Access Point 22 on Windows:

  1. Close Spotify desktop if it‘s open.

  2. Open the Start menu and click "Settings".

  3. Select Apps > Apps & Features.

  4. Find and select Spotify in the app list.

  5. Click the three dots next to Spotify, then select Uninstall.

  6. Confirm the Spotify uninstall.

  7. Download the latest Spotify installer from Spotify‘s website.

  8. Run through the installation, then sign into your Spotify account.

Uninstalling and reinstalling forces an update to the newest Spotify release, resolving the access point error.

For an even simpler fix, install Spotify through the Microsoft Store app instead. The Microsoft Store automatically maintains app updates, ensuring you always have the latest Spotify version.

To install via Microsoft Store:

  1. Open Microsoft Store on your Windows desktop.
  2. Search "Spotify" and select the app.
  3. Click "Get" to install it directly through the store.
  4. Once installed, open Spotify and log into your account.

Fixing Access Point 22 on Mac

Here is how to resolve the Access Point 22 error on Mac:

  1. Open Finder and navigate to Applications.
  2. Locate and select the Spotify app.
  3. Drag the Spotify icon into the Trash to delete it.
  4. Empty Trash to fully remove the outdated Spotify version.
  5. Download the newest Spotify installer from Spotify‘s website.
  6. Install Spotify via the downloaded package.
  7. Open Spotify and sign in to your Spotify account.

The reinstall processes installs the latest Spotify release with fixes for the access point bug.

Use Spotify‘s Web Player as a Temporary Fix

If you can‘t immediately uninstall and reinstall the desktop app, Spotify‘s web player provides a handy workaround.

The web player at lets you stream music and podcasts directly in your browser. While not having the desktop app‘s full capabilities, it enables temporary access until you can fully fix Access Point 22.

Why a Forced App Update?

Some users may be frustrated that Spotify restricts older software versions. Why is updating so critical for access?

There are three core reasons Spotify aggressively pushes desktop updates:

1. New Features and Improvements

Spotify‘s updates bring useful upgrades like:

  • Enhanced search and custom playlists
  • Personalized song and artist radio stations
  • Refined interfaces and design layouts
  • Integration with other services like Discord

Forcing updates provides access to the latest Spotify experience and features.

2. Critical Security Patches

Updating ensures users have vital security fixes and improvements:

  • Bug patches and vulnerability closures
  • Strengthened data encryption
  • Hardening against malware and hacking

Outdated Spotify apps become increasingly insecure over time without updates.

3. Platform Support

Newer Spotify versions maintain compatibility as Windows and MacOS releases evolve:

  • Updates keep pace with Microsoft and Apple’s operating systems
  • Prevents breakage as OS APIs and frameworks change
  • Averts conflicts with updated graphics, audio, and OS components

Updating prevents usage issues as desktop platforms advance.

While disruptive, mandated updating aims to sustain Spotify‘s efficacy, security, and stability. But when updates break Spotify functionality, specialized fixes are required.

Advanced Troubleshooting for Spotify Access Point Errors

For most users, fully uninstalling and reinstalling the Spotify desktop app will resolve Access Point 22 errors.

But in rarer cases, users may encounter trouble updating and need to try alternative solutions:

Update Operating Systems

Ensure Windows, macOS, drivers, and firmware are fully updated before modifying Spotify. Updated environments maximize Spotify compatibility and stability.

Temporarily Disable Security Software

Antivirus, firewalls, VPNs, and security tools can occasionally block Spotify, even after reinstalling. Selectively disabling protections during troubleshooting helps isolate potential conflicts.

Change Networks

Switch between WiFi and wired connections when feasible. Rare network conflicts can interfere with Spotify‘s connectivity.

Use a Different Computer

See if the error persists on different machines. This helps determine whether the issue stems from Spotify or the local computer environment.

Contact Spotify Support

If problems continue despite reinstalling Spotify and troubleshooting, initiate a support ticket with Spotify at Detail your tailored symptoms and troubleshooting steps. Their technical team may uncover additional solutions or escalate difficult app issues.

While frustrating, most Access Point 22 errors can be resolved with persistence. But with Spotify‘s updating model, it‘s best to stay on top of upgrades going forward.

Key Takeaways on Fixing Spotify‘s Access Point 22 Error

Here are the critical lessons for resolving and avoiding Spotify‘s infuriating Access Point 22 error:

  • The error stems from unsupported old Spotify desktop versions – update to the latest version

  • Uninstall and reinstall Spotify on Windows and Mac to force an update

  • Alternatively, install Spotify through the Microsoft Store app on Windows

  • Use Spotify‘s web player as a temporary workaround

  • Fully update your operating system and drivers for maximum compatibility

  • Disable security tools if they conflict with an updated Spotify app

  • Change networks or computers to isolate the error‘s cause

  • Contact Spotify support if you exhaust troubleshooting options

Though disruptive, mandated Spotify updates aim to provide the most secure and feature-filled listening experience. Stay proactive with upgrading to avoid losing access to your Spotify library.

I hope this guide has helped you regain access after Spotify‘s opaque Access Point 22 error. Let me know if you have any other questions!