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Unearthing Every Sneaky Odin‘s Raven in God of War Ragnarök: A Master Guide

Cleverly hidden throughout the Nine Realms, Odin‘s Ravens serve as the Allfather‘s watchful eyes and ears in God of War Ragnarök. As Kratos and Atreus quest to prevent Ragnarök, destroying these mystical birds will reap useful rewards and prevent Odin from spying on their journey. Locating each of the 48 furtive ravens is no simple task, demanding fortune favors the bold. Arm yourself with this master guide, and plucking every last raven will be a feat worthy of the legends.

Why Find Odin‘s Ravens?

Before we embark on the hunt, why expend the effort tracking down Odin’s elusive flock? Here are the tangible rewards:

Armor Sets – Destroying 6, 12, and 18 ravens grants you access to chests containing the Hunter, Berserker, and Huginn sets.

Runic Attacks – At milestones of 28, 38, and 48 ravens, you can unlock chests bestowing powerful new runic attacks for the Blades of Chaos and Leviathan Axe.

XP Boosts – Every raven killed awards XP to boost Kratos‘ abilities. Based on an average of 100 XP per raven, finding all 48 nets around 4,800 XP total.

Beyond tangible rewards, finding all 48 ravens also holds personal value for our brooding protagonists. Kratos surely relishes depriving Odin of any means to monitor his actions. Plus, the completionist in every gamer seeks to discover all secrets the realms have to offer!

Ravens Destroyed Reward Unlocked
6 Eye of the Winged Chosen Armor
12 Heart of the Kraken Armor
18 Huginn Armor
28 Leviathan Axe Heavy Runic Attack
38 Blades of Chaos Heavy Runic Attack
48 All Odin‘s Ravens destroyed!

Now let‘s delve into how you can efficiently hunt down these feathered spies.

Locating and Destroying Odin‘s Ravens

Odin’s Ravens mainly dwell in hard-to-reach places like perilous mountain peaks, hidden chambers, and broken architecture. Luckily, a blend of vigilant observation, keen hearing, and tracking artifacts can pinpoint their nesting spots.

Visual Cues

Keen eyesight is a hunter’s greatest asset. Watch for raven silhouettes perched on branches, poles, and scaffolding. Their black-feathered bodies sharply contrast against light backgrounds. Also glance upwards frequently – their elevated vantage points mean ravens are often spotted overhead.

Audio Cues

Odin’s Ravens announce their presence with distinctive cawing sounds. Heed any mischievous caws and investigate the source. While subtle, associating this sound with a lurking raven will attune your senses.

Raven perched on a snowy mountain peak

An Odin‘s Raven spotted on a precarious perch

Highlighting Artifacts

Certain artifacts brightly highlight ravens to make them obvious even from afar. The Eye of the Outer Realm is one such artifact that illuminates ravens with a glowing orange aura. Equipping it will make scouring an area much quicker.

Throwable Axe

The Leviathan Axe‘s ranged throwing capability is invaluable for distant ravens. Upon noticing one perched far away, immediately hurl your axe before it takes flight. Retrieving the axe afterwards can be tedious, so skills likeaxe recall help.

Interaction Prompts

When close enough to a hidden raven, white interaction text appears indicating you can destroy it. This prompt confirms you’re within attacking range, so activate it quickly.

With these cues, ravens can still slip by unnoticed. Completing side quests in each region often leads you near additional ones, so revisit previous areas frequently. Also, some ravens only appear after certain milestones. Ultimately, online guides provide ideal support for stubborn, hidden ravens.

Hunting Strategies and Tips

Beyond cues for locating ravens, certain strategies and skills can expedite eliminating entire flocks:

  • Scan high positions first – Check rooftops, trees, and cliffs before ground level areas. Their vantage points mean ravens are more often elevated.

  • Use Odin’s Eye frequently – This highlights interactable world elements, including distant ravens. Tag any spotted so they remain highlighted.

  • Equip raven enhancing gear – Talismans like the Mark of the Raven increase your detection radius.

  • Upgrade Raven Distraction – This distracts ravens allowing for an easy axe hit. Its extended duration and radius boosts this effect.

  • Return to previous areas – Some ravens won’t spawn until completing later quests. Revisit earlier spots.

  • Purchase raven maps – Merchants sell maps directly revealing raven locations to save time.

  • Co-op with a friend – Having a partner widens your search area and splitting up can cover more ground.

Realm Raven Hotspots
Midgard Legendary chests, Nornir chests, Brother‘s Stash
Svartalfheim The Applecore, Alberich Island
Alfheim The Strond, The Barrens
Vanaheim The Plains, The Sinkholes
Muspelheim Surtr’s Hidden Trials
Niflheim Ivaldi’s Workshop

With these advanced strategies, finding all 48 of Odin’s elusive ravens will be a rewarding journey instead of a fool‘s errand. Now set forth across the realms and deprive the Allfather of his watchful flock for good!

Step-By-Step: Obtaining The Abandoned Village Raven

Of the 48 total ravens, one particularly tricky bird dwells in a hidden nook of The Abandoned Village in Vanaheim. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough for acquiring this sneaky spy:

Reach The Abandoned Village

First, progress through the main story until you complete the "Creatures of Prophecy" quest. This unlocks access to The Abandoned Village location in North Western Vanaheim.

Enter the Great Hall

Upon entering The Abandoned Village, head right towards the large brick building known as the Great Hall.

Chase the Thief

Once inside, a short cutscene begins a chase after a fleeing thief. Dash as quickly as possible through the crumbling halls to catch up.

Defeat the Einherjar

After the chase, you will emerge outside to find yourself surrounded by Einherjar enemies. Equip your Blades of Chaos and quickly eliminate them with heavy runic attacks and combos.

Grapple to the Pole

With all enemies defeated, move left to find a cracked section of the brick wall exposing wooden beams. Grapple up this wall to reach the overhead wooden pole.

Look Left to the Tree

While hanging from the pole, look left towards the edge of the gaping hole in the building. You should spot the telltale silhouette of a raven tucked within the hollow trunk of a nearby dead tree.

Throw Your Axe

Line up your aim and lock onto the raven, then throw your Leviathan Axe directly at it to destroy the pesky spy once and for all!

After eliminating this particularly hidden raven, a Health Stone will emerge from its corpse. Be sure to collect the stone before proceeding, replenishing any health lost in the chase and battle. One down, 47 ravens to go!

The Thrill of The Hunt

And with that, you now possess the knowledge needed to track down each of Odin’s elusive ravens scattered throughout the realms. These sneaky spies have nowhere left to hide. Each raven destroyed brings you one step closer towards earning all the armor sets and powerful runic attacks on offer.

Your journey will span picturesque alpine forests in Midgard, to the fiery pits of Muspelheim, to the dark cavernous mines of Svartalfheim. Along the way, stay vigilant in your observation and methodical in your hunting approach. Soon that 48 raven milestone will be within your grasp.

Of course, the true reward lies not in the loot you accumulate, but the stories you collect exploring every hidden corner that the Nine Realms conceal. Let the thrill of the hunt – and allure of 100% completion – drive you forth!