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5 Steps to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram

Finding out someone has unfollowed you on Instagram can sting. Even if it‘s not your closest friend, it can make you wonder – why did they unfollow me? What did I do?

It‘s natural to feel a bit hurt when you lose followers, especially if you care about your Instagram presence. But there are also healthier mindsets we can strive for when it comes to social media validation.

This guide will walk you through how to see who unfollowed you on Instagram. We‘ll also discuss the psychology behind followers and provide tips for building self-confidence beyond superficial metrics.

What Does It Mean to Be "Unfollowed" on Instagram?

On Instagram, the number of followers you have essentially represents your "friends list." When someone chooses to follow you, your posts and stories show up in their feed. And people you follow, you see their content.

It‘s a simple setup – until someone decides to click that unfollow button.

So what motivates people to unfollow others on Instagram? There can be many reasons:

  • They no longer engage with you or your content
  • They want to prune their feed for specific interests
  • Something you posted bothered them or they disagree with your views
  • The relationship has changed (like an ex or former friend)

Occasional unfollows are normal, especially as people‘s interests and relationships evolve. But it‘s human nature to feel rejected if lots of people hit that unfollow button.

How Do Unfollow Apps Work?

Specialized apps exist to track your Instagram followers over time. They work by syncing with your follower list when you first log in.

Then, the next time you use it, the app compares your current followers against the original list it saved. Anyone missing is revealed to have unfollowed you.

Some popular unfollower tracking apps:

FollowMeter (iOS):

Followers & Unfollowers (Android):

Now let‘s get into the steps to see exactly who unfollowed you on Instagram!

5 Steps to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram

1. Download FollowMeter or Followers & Unfollowers

First, download one of the tracker apps above based on your phone OS – FollowMeter for iPhone, Followers & Unfollowers for Android.

You can find these by searching in the App Store or Google Play Store. Tap install to download the app to your device.

[Photo of app download process]

2. Log In and Connect Your Instagram Account

Open the app and enter your Instagram login credentials when prompted. This allows the app access to pull your followers list.

Be cautious of any app asking for login access. Make sure it‘s a reputable company before handing over your username and password!

[Image depicting logging into an Instagram unfollow app]

3. Run Initial Follower Check

Most unfollow apps give you the option to manually refresh and check for any follower changes. Tap the refresh icon or button in your app:

[Refresh icon button image]

When you first log in, you shouldn‘t see any unfollowers surface. Why? Because the app only stores your current followers list to compare against later.

4. Wait Some Time

Now you play the waiting game! Come back after a few days or weeks and run another follower check. The longer you wait, the more data you‘ll get on any followers who recently unfollowed your account.

Waiting patiently avoids futilely refreshing every 10 minutes. Remember, you can only track unfollows that happen after installing the tracker app.

[Hourglass emoji image indicating waiting]

5. Run Unfollower Check

The magic happens! Tap that refresh icon and watch your unfollowers get revealed. The app cross-references your original follower list with those currently following you.

Anyone who used to follow you but no longer does will appear on this updated list. Then you can gaze wistfully and wonder what changed.

Limitations & Best Practices

Now for some fine print and best practices around using these unfollower tools:

  • You cannot retroactively check for unfollows from before installing the app

  • Take breaks from refreshing to focus on creating great content, not stats

  • Don‘t let unfollowers breed resentment; people‘s interests change

  • Review app permissions carefully before handing over login access

The healthiest mindset? Post quality content you feel proud of sharing. See followers as a nice bonus, but don‘t rely on them solely for confidence.

If you find follower stats becoming an unhealthy obsession, consider taking a social media detox.

Psychology of Followers: Why We Obsess Over Having Them

Beyond the practical steps of tracking unfollowers, what motivates this somewhat odd behavior? Why do followers matter so much?

Humans have a strong innate need for social belonging. On a primal level, being part of a tribe increased our ancestors‘ chance of survival. Quirks of evolution make us crave group inclusion and being valued by our peers.

Social media taps into these needs for connection through validation metrics like followers, shares, and likes. More of them feels like being popular and approved of. But fewer followers or being unfollowed may seem like social rejection, triggering emotional distress.

However, followers are often weak ties at best. And people unfollow others for a wide array of reasons, most having little to do with rejecting you as a person.

By realizing these facts, we can help manage feelings around losing followers. The less power given to these metrics, the less sway they have over our self-worth.

Develop Confidence Beyond Metrics

Rather than overly focusing on superficial follower counts:

Reflect on your core values. What matters to you most? Integrity, creativity, kindness? Living these out builds stability within.

Prioritize personal growth. Challenging yourself through learning and new experiences builds self-confidence from the inside out.

Spend time with those who know and love you. Close relationships provide reflected appraisal of your best qualities.

Building security and self-assurance outside of social media makes the unfollows and unfriending hurt less. Follower count becomes less of a confidence crutch.

So see who unfollowed you out of curiosity. But don‘t let it unravel your self-image. Anchor to your core values, continue growing, and surround yourself with true supporters.

These are what define you – not ephemeral metrics that can change overnight.

I hope this guide serves you well on your social media journey! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.