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How to "Take Pictures of 4 Different Animals Found in Sumeru" in Genshin Impact

From luscious rainforests to arid deserts, the new Sumeru region in Genshin Impact overflows with exotic creatures both magical and mundane. One particular quest challenges travellers to track down and photograph 4 elusive animals scattered across diverse habitats.

As a Genshin Impact lore aficionado and aspiring wildlife photographer, I‘ve studied these species in their natural dwellings, discovering optimal strategies for capturing that perfect shot.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll gain rare insights into the ecology of each unique animal along with pro photography tips tailored to their behaviors and environments. Let‘s dig into divine details on locating and safely approaching these skittish subjects!

Overview Map of All 4 Animal Locations

Before setting out to track obscure fauna, familiarize yourself with Sumeru‘s sprawling geography using this annotated map:

Sumeru Animal Location Map

Now let‘s explore foolproof tactics for photographing each individual creature based on their traits and territories.

1. The Shaggy Stumpter Beast of Devantaka Mountain

Lumbering through ancient forests, the Shaggy Stumpter Beast resembles a miniature wooly mammoth coated in long fur with short tusks. These gentle herbivores inhabit wooded foothills and grasslands surrounding Devantaka Mountain‘s higher peaks.

Best Times to Photograph: Early dawn and dusk when more active while grazing.

Ideal Weather Conditions: Overcast or foggy days show off lush fur texture.

Stealth Strategy: Circle downwind then carefully approach behind dense ferns.

Suggested Kamera Settings: Wide angle, fast shutter speed, continuous shooting mode.

Picture Perfect Poses

  • Foraging side profile with tusks visible
  • Front view mid-walk highlighting fur and face
  • Group shots of multiple beasts demonstrating social dynamics

2. The Rishboland Tiger Along Rivers and Ponds

Sleek yet formidable apex predator of Sumeru’s lowland regions, the Rishboland Tiger’s fiery pelt camouflages perfectly amongst autumnal foliage. With lightning reflexes and keen senses, capturing these elusive big cats pushes photographic skills to the limits while requiring utmost respect for their space.

Best Times to Photograph: Dawn or dusk during peak activity periods while drinking and hunting.

Ideal Weather Conditions: Cool, calm weather when tigers more readily emerge from dense thickets.

Stealth Strategy: Silently paddle a safe distance upstream then drift down photographing from a concealed boat blind.

Suggested Kamera Settings: Telephoto zoom lens, sport mode for speed, manual focus on eyes.

Picture Perfect Poses:

  • Pouncing or chasing prey demonstrating explosive power
  • Swimming across rivers and wetlands
  • Intimate portraits with green eye closeups

Mastering Quest Completion

As you traverse Sumeru‘s majestic yet untamed landscape in search of rare creatures, tread lightly and practice ethical principles in your approach. Earn the privilege of witnessing beings untouched by human development. Successfully capturing diverse wildlife also reaps Mora, materials, and reputation rewards to aid your adventures!

Now that you’ve gained insider knowledge and pro tips for locating each obscure animal, confidently venture out and return with spectacular, one-of-a-kind memories. For additional help deciphering Sumeru’s secrets, explore my Genshin Impact blog and YouTube channel.