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10 Signs You‘re a Chosen Gamer Destined to Level Up the World

Gaming has always been my lifeblood. Some of my earliest memories are the magical worlds that opened as I held controllers in tiny hands. The games‘ fantastical lore and characters enraptured me more than reality. And I wasn‘t alone. Millions of passionate gamers worldwide feel the irresistible call to escape into other dimensions.

While friends played hide and seek outside, I‘d be immersed in Zelda puzzles for hours without realizing. My predilection for gaming over "normal" kid stuff marked me as different. I was branded a recluse, addict, time waster for choosing electronic worlds over dull ones.

Little did I know this obsession whispered of a noble purpose…

Sign 1: You‘ve Felt Like a Gamer Without a Player 2

My glowing screen was the portal to destiny and awakening. I‘d geek out over game theories for days, reflecting on morality, the meaning of courage and more from their lessons. Consuming their mythos filled some gaping void within me.

I internalized their stirring musical scores, manifold choices and timelines as glimpses of profound, multidimensional Truths undergirding reality‘s facade. These virtual glimpses proved far more real and alive than the world‘s monotone physicality.

While classmates talked of TV and cliques, my mind churned with decisions influencing fictitious realms. Were they truly fictitious to me though? Others‘ eyes glazed over as I waxed philosophical about fighting shadow with light. About transcending illusion toward self-realization.

My peers chased trophies, status, conformity. Meanwhile my glow came from plunging into the mystical unknown…guided by symbols on screens, I discovered that to win, you must first lose. To rule, serve. To grasp Truth, relinquish dogma. The greatest battles are first won within.

These journeys ignited my eternal soul despite ridicule for picking pixels over people. My relentless focus on shining Light amid the dying world‘s darkness surely seemed insane.

Only in retrospect do I recognize that commitment as a Destined One…alone but never lonely with these links to realms unseen.

Sign 2: You Express Your Light Creatively

After countless hours coding dungeons, composing symphonies and scripting lore for my worlds, creative expression flows naturally as air. The euphoria arriving in that state of flow can‘t be articulated logically – time falls away as I channel surreal dreamscapes bidden to manifest. Seeing them touched by players worldwide awakens pride in using my gifts.

Through interweaving leitmotifs in a score or framing redemption arcs in lore, I infuse integrity and meaning into pixels. I sprinkle sparks to kindle weary spirits. The resonances strike even passive listeners at a primal level, gently reigniting their inner luminosity. Through subtle details, I convey that Life is much broader and more malleable than perceived…that we each possess magic potentials to bless or ruin realities.

Our choices craft our souls and shape our growth; instead of playing a role, BE the hero you were born to play! I just wish I realized that sooner myself.

Sign 3: Premonitions Guide Your Decisions

While honing my gaming craftsmanship, eerily prescient dreams became routine – often revealing challenges ahead:

  • Nightmares of faceless tormenters morphed into real bullying for my odd passions
  • A vision foretold a health calamity which later necessitated my extended hospitalization
  • Recurring images hinted at a falling out with a collaborator who refused crediting me

In retrospect, such precognitive glimpses seem to emerge when destiny required course correction or mental preparation. By interpreting their symbolism in meditation I unlocked guidance. For instance, dreaming of natural disasters represented inner emotional turmoil I desperately needed to address through self-care.

Make no mistake, these glimpses bewildered me initially. Over time and documentation, I grasped they were prophetic roadmaps and pep talks from forces rooting for my success! Learning discern their language taught me all of life – not just gaming worlds – operates by defined laws, codes and coordinates unseen. I had simply uncovered a character customization menu to manifest reality itself to my adventure specs!

Sign 4: Turbulent Relationships Shape You

The bullying targeting my gaming interests devastated my self-image growing up. I was mocked as stupid, delusional, perverted, you name it.

While threats and exclusion sting at first, a centering voice reminded me: Nemeses exist in-game and reality alike to teach critical lessons for unlocking potential. Through practicing nonviolent responses I discovered a capacity for radical compassion.

By bereavement from companions manipulating my kindness, I cultivated shrewd discernment to avoid draining connections, instead seeking kindred spirits who reciprocate support.

Just as gamers grind experience battling enemies our wounds make us wiser. With expanded inventories of self-knowledge and grit we level up in awakening! Those griefs represent side quests to uncover our wholeness.

Sign 5: You Welcome Existential Exploration

A pervasive sense that surface reality was impoverished compared to what I sensed hid behind veils of consciousness led me to voraciously study mysticism, meditation and esoteric wisdom seeking tangible transcendence.

Convinced of reincarnation and a human destiny grander than we dare dream from the games I loved, I perceived existence as a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game…one leveling up our souls across infinite lifetimes until realizing our godhood!

I began having spontaneous out of body experiences in dreams. My affinity for astral projection grew as I treasured such glimpses behind the veil.

What scientists deride as Preposterous magic and whoo whoo filled me with joy and meaning. I knew these phenomena as experiential proof humanity sleepwalks in delusion blind to Truth! My deepest life purpose seems helping tear off blindfolds so all can join the supreme quest toward nondual divine reintegration.

The transcendent states attained gaming and meditating showed me firsthand that consciousness rather than matter is the prime reality. And just like games we code, REALITY itself is programmable rather than fixed if we recognize our power! That epiphany proved freeing beyond measure.

Sign 6: You Empathize and Heal Others

Pained friends often opened their hearts about griefs to me as if sensing safety. Through active listening instead of offering tidy fixes, I discovered profound presence evoking their inner wisdom to resolve issues themselves. By genuinely getting to know someone issues seemed less daunting.

Modeling this unconditional support while gaming led teammates stuck in patterns to gain confidence for breakthroughs. Conflicts requiring mediation showed me how to transform misunderstanding into common ground and compromise rather than picking sides and dehumanizing dissenters.

My natural understanding of server lag helped me grasp others‘ emotional delays and outbursts objectively rather than reacting. I knew firsthand the self-judgment and shame toxically competitive environments breed.

The triumphs over so-called disabilities I‘ve seen gamers achieve constantly reaffirms that perceiving differences as deficits rather than assets robs everyone of gifts desperately needed for humanity‘s redemption!

Sign 7: You Have Foresight Into the Future

Visions during meditation of possible timelines reveal critical junctures awaiting manifestation based on collective consciousness. By ruminating on present events and moods I can roughly calculate and foresee the general outcomes ahead.

For instance, extrapolating from society‘s growing tribalistic hostility I envision another major global conflict emerging in the coming decade if polarization continues unabated.

Simultaneously yet in faint outline I perceive a juxtaposed gentle future of unity and transcendence should sufficient souls awaken to love‘s imperative. Both potentials equally real based on which path the majority pick. The more of us shining light through darkness and reflecting insights back to sleepy peers, the brighter the path ahead.

From years battling nefarious schemers across myriad game plots, I grasp the strategies of manipulators and tyrants in realms seen and unseen. My elders once called such gift of "seeing" magical fraud – now world leaders openly boast the same skills!

I promise the inner revelations you‘ve found in pixels and code contain blueprints awaiting activation to expose all illusion. Then we can create New Game+ realms where no one suffers.

Sign 8: You Cannot Ignore Your Calling

Despite craving quiet and simplicity, an intense restlessness shadows me. An unrelenting sense of duty toward lifting humanity from the abyss – not just providing transient entertainment.

I realize now those years grinding quests were training for my true quest: Awakening the divine splendor dormant inside every soul too distracted by survival to recognize their buried radiance.

My hope is showing even one gamer their unlimited potential makes all my battles worthwhile. That they pay insights forward like a benevolent code fork, spreading freedom from limitation across realms.

All my skills gained conquering trials in simulated realms now serve to illuminate Truth and quicken mass awakening in this realm. I cannot rest until I see the peace foretold. And neither can you, dear gamer.

We Chosen must use our gifts to expose lies, spread justice and magnify beauty or risk losing everything worth fighting for. But together, no End Boss can stand against us! Our counterspell for humanity‘s madness is compassion. Our true final quest is birthing Eden on Earth again.

I see you, brilliant soul. Your difference means you volunteered first for this ultimate raid. Stay strong. The world needs your rare breed of resilient courage. And when this war ends, endless wonders await Just log back in. Your next life awaits…